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演生 evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-10 04:41:54


演生 evolution英语短句 例句大全



bining image,implying artistic conception,integrating emotion,profound and novel logic etc,these are the basic characteristic of Tong poetry logicevolution.立象尽意、即物寓理,思与境偕、理融无迹,辞以情发、理偕情行,理虽直陈、语短意新等形态特征,彰显出唐诗在古代诗歌理思演生上的经典性、样本性的意义。

2)Primary succession原生演替

1.The ecosystem development on the tailings wastelands is a primary succession,which provides a good opportunity for understanding the changes of soil microbial communities during the primary ecosystem succession.尾矿废弃地是一种人为的裸地,其自然生态恢复过程表现为典型的生态系统原生演替过程。

2.The primary succession has taken place at the debris flow fan in the Huangbenliu Gully on the east slope of Gongga Mountain.泥石流迹地形成植被原生演替系列。

3)ecological evolution生态演变

1.Around the proper objective and scale of the ecological environment and the core task of the reasonable utilization of water resources,the paper studiesecological evolution and ecological water demand of Ningxia using the techniques o.以适宜的生态目标与生态建设规模为目标,以水资源合理利用为核心,利用遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)等技术,研究了宁夏绿洲的生态演变和生态需水问题。


1.Analysis of the Evolving Feature of Landscape Ecology Related to Land Reclamation in Shenzhen深圳市土地开发和景观生态演变特征分析

2.Conceptual Models of Ecological Environment Evolution in Tarim River Basin塔里木河流域生态环境演变概念模型

3.Research for the Evolvement and Repair Programming of the Wetland;山东省湿地演变与生态修复规划研究

4.A Study on Evolution of the Ecological Environmental Education in Elementary Chinese Textbooks;我国小学语文生态环境教育演变研究

5.The Land Ecology Evlution and the Analysis of Regional Land Dispostion;土地生态的演变与区域土地配置分析

6.The Evolution of Political Ecology and Literary Style in the Late Chin Dynasty金代后期政治生态与文学风格的演变

7.Responds to climate warming for the evolution of ecological security based on the Pressure –Status–Response model基于PSR的生态安全演变对气候变暖的响应

8.Response of Ecological Security Evolution to Climatic Warming in Nanning City Based on Ecological Footprint基于生态足迹的南宁市生态安全演变对气候变暖的响应

9.Evolution Processes and Stages of the Ecological Environment in the Arid Areas in Northwest China during the Historical Periods;历史时期西北干旱区生态环境演变过程和演变阶段


11.Coupling Relationship between Hydrological Processes and Eco-environment Evolvement流域水文过程与生态环境演变的耦合关系

12.Tendency Research of Ecological Environment and Climate Change in Recent 100 Years in Source Regions of Yangtse River, Yellow River and Lantsang River近100年江河源区生态环境与气候演变趋势研究

13.The Evolution of Urban Landscape Pattern and Its Impact on Ecological Security in Shanghai;上海城市景观格局演变及其生态安全影响研究

14.The Trend of Water Environment Changes and Ecological Security in the Huaihe River Basin;沿淮城市水环境演变与水生态安全的研究

15.Evolution of Cultural Ecology and Development of Chinese Reportage in the Twentieth Century;文化生态演化与百年中国报告文学流变

16.Study on the Evolution of River Bed Scour and Siltation in the Reservoirs of Rubber Dams in Chan-Ba Ecological District;浐灞河生态区橡胶坝库区泥沙冲淤演变研究

17.Habitat Characteristics as Determined by Available Nitrogen in Forest Soils of Temperate Zone;温带森林土壤有效态氮营养生境演变特征

18.Research on Eco-environmental Evolvement in Source Regions of Yangtse River, Yellow River, Lantsang River and Its Regional Variation Rule;江河源区生态环境演变及其区域分异规律研究


Primary succession原生演替

1.The ecosystem development on the tailings wastelands is a primary succession,which provides a good opportunity for understanding the changes of soil microbial communities during the primary ecosystem succession.尾矿废弃地是一种人为的裸地,其自然生态恢复过程表现为典型的生态系统原生演替过程。

2.The primary succession has taken place at the debris flow fan in the Huangbenliu Gully on the east slope of Gongga Mountain.泥石流迹地形成植被原生演替系列。

3)ecological evolution生态演变

1.Around the proper objective and scale of the ecological environment and the core task of the reasonable utilization of water resources,the paper studiesecological evolution and ecological water demand of Ningxia using the techniques o.以适宜的生态目标与生态建设规模为目标,以水资源合理利用为核心,利用遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)等技术,研究了宁夏绿洲的生态演变和生态需水问题。

4)ecological succession生态演替

1.A continuous-flow fermentation reactor in bench scale was used to study the structure and dominant composition, as well asecological succession of climax community restricted by factors such as pH, ORP.通过产酸发酵反应器的动态试验 ,考察生态因子 (pH、ORP)等制约的不同发酵类型顶极群落的结构、优势种群的组成和生态演替的规律 ,阐明不同发酵类型代谢及其顶极群落的典型特征 ,揭示产酸发酵过程中顶极群落内平衡与反馈调节的生理代谢机制 ,并以 pH值、ORP来表征生态演替过程中优势种群的生态位

2.Vegetation is an important biological factor in theecological succession of wetland, and the main factor affecting the carbon storage and carbon fixation in wetland ecosystem.处于潮滩湿地演替中后期的芦苇群落比处在生态演替早期的海三棱藨草群落具有更强的固碳能力,芦苇群落和海三棱藨草群落的年固碳能力分别为(1。

3.carefully analyzed the effect and eco-destroying of the open pit coal mines on the exploited area, and put forward the land redaimation practice,which applied theecological succession principle to guide the open pit coal mines.本文在认真分析研究国内外露天煤矿土地复垦的理论技术和工程实践的基础上,以生态学、采矿学、土壤学、农林学、水土保持、环境工程等学科的理论为指导,详细分析了露天煤炭开采对区域环境的影响及其生态破坏,提出了应用生态演替原理来指导露天煤矿的土地复垦实践。

5)crystallization growth演化生长

6)secondary succession次生演替

1.Dynamics of forest community structure and complexity in the process ofsecondary succession in bedrock area of West Shanxi Province;晋西土石山区森林次生演替过程中群落结构及复杂性

2.Relationships between soil fertility andsecondary succession of plant community in Jinyun Mountain.;山地土壤肥力与植物群落次生演替关系研究

3.Secondary succession characteristics of vegetations on reclaimed land inside Chongming wetland seawall.;崇明东滩围垦堤内植被快速次生演替特征


