2000字范文 > 历史形态演进 evolution of historical form英语短句 例句大全

历史形态演进 evolution of historical form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-31 01:50:27


历史形态演进 evolution of historical form英语短句 例句大全

历史形态演进,evolution of historical form

1)evolution of historical form历史形态演进


1.On the Essence and Yardstick of Civilization and the Evolutionary Logic of Its Historical Forms论文明的本质、尺度及其历史形态演进的逻辑

2.From "Tradition" to "Modern": Historical Evolution of Sinology;从“传统”到“现代”:汉学形态的历史演进

3.The form and the historical evolution of the subject of novels of script for story-telling;话本小说“题目”的形式及其历史演进

4.The Feature of Development and the Preservation of Historic Morphology of Yinchuan Historic City;银川古城历史形态的演变特点及保护对策

5.Analyzing the Change of Female Bathing Cloth Form in History and its Development Trend in the Future;女性泳装的历史形态演变及其发展趋势分析

6.Research on the Evolution of Technology Innovation and Turning of Ecologicalization;技术创新的历史演进及其生态化转向研究

7.The structural form of the preludes of Huaben and its historical evolution;话本小说“篇首”的结构形式及其历史演进

8.Analysis of Historic Process that Social Morphology Category of Marx Takes Shape;试析马克思社会形态范畴形成的历史进程

9.RESEARCH OF THE CHANGE ?OF THE FORM OF RIVER COASTAL PORT CITIES ?--A Case Study of Ningbo City河口港城市形态演变的分析研究——兼论宁波城市形态的历史演变及发展

10.Television oral account of history: its new shape;电视口述历史节目:口述历史新形态

11.The historical debate over the relationship between ideology and realism in foreign policy enjoys a well-trodden path.在对外政策中,关于意识形态与务实主义关系的历史争论不断上演。

12.Research for Configuration Evolvement of Historial Block s Expandable Relation with City Planning;历史街区空间形态演化对城市规划的拓展性关系研究

13.The Significance of World Outlook of Practice from the Historical Evolution and Formation of Materialism;从唯物主义历史形态的演变看实践的世界观意义

14.Theoretical Analysis on the Effects of Industry Production and it s Evolution on the International Metropolitan Form;工业生产及其历史演变对国际都市形态影响的理论分析

15.About the Historical Evolve of Homocentralism--And My Viewpoints of Current Ecosystem Crisis;人类中心主义的历史演进——兼谈对当前生态危机的看法

16.The historical succession of ecological intelligent in enterprise management and its elemental structure model;生态智慧在企业经营中的历史演进及其要素结构模型

17.A Rhetoric Research on the Structure and Historical Evolution of Vernacular Novel;话本小说“头回”的结构形式及其历史演进的修辞学研究

18.The Historical Background and the Historical Evolution of "Three Red Flags"“三面红旗”形成的历史背景及历史演变探析


Historical Evolution历史演进

1.TheHistorical Evolution of the Soil Desertification in the Middle and Northern Areas of Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region;试论宁夏中北部土地沙化的历史演进

2.The historical evolution of American magazines under impact of new media;美国杂志在新媒介冲击下的历史演进过程

3.On theHistorical Evolution and Philosophical Basis of CPC s Development;论中国共产党发展观的历史演进及哲学基础

3)historical development历史演进

1.A Critical Account of Historical Development and Activities of National Modern Drama School;国立剧专的历史演进与活动述评


1.On theevolution of human resources motivation in enterprises and its enlightenment;论企业人力资源激励的历史演进及其启示

2.The essay focuses on tracking down the history of tenure in the American higher education by classifying it into four stages: the emergence of tenure, the establishment of tenure, the uneven development of tenure and the revolution of tenure.本文对美国高校终身教授制度发展的历史进程进行了梳理,将美国高校终身教授制度的演进历史划分为制度的初期发展、确立、曲折发展和改革等四个阶段,藉此说明终身教授制度的历史演进与美国高等教育自身的发展、美国大学教授协会的不懈努力以及美国社会、经济和文化密切相关。

5)the method of historical evolution历史演进法

6)history form历史形态


《博物馆的演进与现代管理方法之研讨》博物馆学专著。陈国宁著。台北文史哲出版社1978年 6月出版。全书分为上下篇。上篇"博物馆的历史演进",共 8章,按几个阶段论述博物馆的产生、发展情况和特点,展望了博物馆的未来。该篇资料丰富,对美国博物馆的历史介绍尤为详尽。下篇"现代博物馆管理方法之研讨",共8章。除第一章专对台湾博物馆发展现状进行评述外,其余 7章包括征集方式、文物保存、展览、博物馆的研究与教育、观众、博物馆建筑设计、博物馆的组织与行政人员等,介绍了欧美博物馆的作业方式与技术,简明具体,重点突出。全书附有照片 100余幅,每章之后均有注释,书后另附有中文、英文、日文和朝鲜文的主要参考文献。
