2000字范文 > 财政权 Financial power英语短句 例句大全

财政权 Financial power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-21 00:00:47


财政权 Financial power英语短句 例句大全

财政权,Financial power

1)Financial power财政权

1.The financial power is one of the most important and fundamental power, no matter from the angle of practice or theory, the financial and financial power play a very important role in social and economical exercise of a country.财政权也是国家最重要、最基础的权力之一,无论从实际还是从理论角度来看,财政权在一国的政治、经济和社会生活中都扮演着十分重要的角色。

2.As a hot topic in the law circle, Putting financial power into constitution is considered a breach to establish constitutional government.这是因为,权利和权力之间的宪政逻辑从没有像今天这样在当下中国得到如此具体、清晰的展现,具体来说,不论是在私有财产权与国家财政权的“两权”之间,还是本文所提出的私有财产权→国民财政权→国家财政权→政府财政权之间的“四权”之间,其中的宪政逻辑都为我们活生生地勾勒了一条清晰的、可欲的权利与权力之间的宪政路径。


1.As a sovereign financial power, Civil financial power gives an expression to the principle of people"s sovereignty.国民财政权作为主权权利的财政权,是人民主权原则的具体体现。

2.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析

3.On Strengthening Financial Supervision and Legislation of People s Congress in China;论加强人大财政立法权和财政监督权

4.The Correlation Analysis between Fiscal Decentralization and County-rural Financial Difficulty;财政分权与县乡财政困难的相关分析

5.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率

6.Money,Taxes,and Federal Transfer in an Endogenous Growth Model with Multiple Levels of Government;财政分权框架下的财政政策和货币政策

7.Legalization of the Financial Transfer Payment System among the Power of Revenue,Financial Resources and Government;财权、财力与政府间财政转移支付的法治化

8.Fiscal Decentralization and Growth:Second Generation Theory of Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权与经济增长:第二代财政分权理论

9.an administrative organ is considered to have infringed upon other rights of the person and of property认为行政机关侵犯其他人身权、财产权

10.Did Fiscal Decentralization Reform Improve Local Fiscal Incentives?;财政分权改革提高了地方财政激励强度吗?

11.The Discussion of the Function in Rational Fiscal Decentralization to Solve the County or Village-town Fiscal Difficulties;论财政合理分权在县乡财政解困中的作用

12.A Research on Financial Decentralization and Financial Administrative System of Compulsory Education;财政分权与义务教育财政管理体制问题探析

13.The Expansion of Informal Fiscal Revenue and Consequences in Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权中非正式财政收入的膨胀及后果

14.The Research on the Local Fiscal Expenditure Structure Characteristics Based on the Chinese Style Decentralization中国式财政分权下地方财政支出偏好特征研究

15.The Public Finance Reform in China from the Perspective of Fiscal Decentralization财政分权视角下的我国公共财政体制改革

16.Fiscal Decentralization and the Cyclical Behavior of Local Fiscal Expenditure:1979-财政分权和地方财政支出的周期性行为:1979—

17.Centralization and Decentralization: Analysis of the Evolution of Financial System Guided by Central Government;集权与分权:基于中央政府的财政体制变迁分析

18.From "Setting Free the Right and Making the Benefit" to the" Public Finance";从“放权让利”到“公共财政”——中国财税改革30年


fiscal decentralization财政分权

1.Excessivefiscal decentralization of extra-budgetary and its adverse effect on China s economic growth;“预算外”财政分权过度及其对我国经济增长的不良影响

2.Fiscal Decentralization and Economic growth in China:A New Hypothesis and Time Series Test;建国后中国财政分权对经济增长的影响:一个假说及检验

3.Mechanism of impacts offiscal decentralization on economic growth: Theoretical exploration and empirical analysis;财政分权对经济增长的作用机制:理论探讨与实证分析

3)Fiscal Centralization财政集权

4)fiscal prerogatives财政特权

1.Based on feudal system,the kings as highest lord in medieval England enioved a series offiscal prerogatives,including imposing taxes on county farm,gracious aid,relief,wardship and marriage,the Royal Forests,wnich brought a Vast amount of revenue for the kings.在中世纪英国,根据封君封臣制度,作为全国最高封建主的国王享有一系列财政特权,包括郡包租、特别协助金、继承金、监护权和婚姻权、王室森林区收入等,它们每年都为国王带来大量的收入。

5)financial discretion财政权限

1.For promoting the process of financial democratization,we must further enhance financial transparency,optimize public opinion expression mechanism on finance,persist in financial management in accordance with the law,strengthen financial supervision,reasonably restrict thefinancial discretion of the government,and reasonably define thefinancial discretion of the local government at all levels.要推进财政的民主化,必须进一步增强财政的透明度,完善财政的民意表达机制,坚持依法理财、强化财政监督,合理限制国家财政权,合理界定各级政府财政权限。

6)financial autonomy财政自治权

1.Thefinancial autonomy is a very important right in the local economy in minority autonomous regions.民族自治地方财政自治权是民族自治地方经济自治权中一项重要的权利,民族自治地方财政自治权的实现是保障民族自治地方各项建设事业顺利发展的必要保障。

2.Evolution of Chinese national financial system reveals that in reforming financial system,financial autonomy was not put much emphasis on,which was caused by a series of false understandings.财政自治权应该受到尊重和保障。


