2000字范文 > 财权划分 financial power division英语短句 例句大全

财权划分 financial power division英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-24 06:00:45


财权划分 financial power division英语短句 例句大全

财权划分,financial power division

1)financial power division财权划分

1.This paper analyzed the major factors about the choice of groupfinancial power division systems and its selection model,explored the power division of group financial management models in state-owned investment company and analyzed several common used financial management patterns in state-owned .本文分析了集团化财权划分体制的选择与选择集团化财务管理模式需考虑的主要因素,探讨了国有投资公司集团化财务管理模式中权限的划分,并对国有企业集团财务管理的几种常见模式进行了分析。


1.The Central Point of Finance Management is a Finance Control System with the Financial Power Divide and Balance;财务治理实质是一种财权划分与制衡的财务管理体制

2.On the division of administrative rights and financial power among governments of different levels in the provision of urban public goods;城市公共品供给中各级政府事权与财权的划分

3.The Partition of the Supply of Public Goods and the Financial and Property Rights公共品供给与政府间财权和事权的划分

4.The buying characteristics and finance plan of the firm in the age of a shareholder right separate后股权分置时代的公司并购特点及财务筹划

pared with the modern civil law system that divides property rights between jus in rem and aes suum, the right of“ye”seems more inclusive.与现代民法将财产权划分为物权和债权的体系相比较,业权似乎具有更大的包容性。

parative Analysis on Duty Division and Public Expenditure Structure in Developed Countries;西方发达国家事权划分与财政支出结构的比较分析

7.International Comparative Analysis on Responsibilities Division within Governments and Fiscal Expenditure Structures;多级政府间事权划分与财政支出职能结构的国际比较分析

8.An International Comparison of Division of Taxing Powers of Property Tax and Its Implications for China;财产税税权划分国际比较及对中国物业税的的启示

9.The Broad Definition of the Function of the Government and Division of Intergovernmental Rights and Responsibilities in Chinese Public Finance;我国公共财政框架下政府职能的界定与事权划分

10.marked off the limits of our property.划分我们财产的界限

11.The Correlation Analysis between Fiscal Decentralization and County-rural Financial Difficulty;财政分权与县乡财政困难的相关分析

12.Fiscal Decentralization and Growth:Second Generation Theory of Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权与经济增长:第二代财政分权理论

13.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率

14.Financial Administration:An Economic Analysis of its Central and Decentral Authority;财务治理:集权与分权的经济学分析

15.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析

16.Details of movements in share capital and the employee share option scheme of the Company are set out in Notes 21 and 22, respectively, to the accompanying financial statements.本公司股本及雇员购股权计划之详情分别载于随附之财务报表附注21及22。

17.An Analysis of The Division System about Property of Real Right and Obligatory Right in the Modern Civil Law;现代民法“物权—债权”财产区分体制评析

18.On the Centralization and Decentralization of the Financial Management of the Group Company;试论集团公司财务管理的集权与分权


financial resources division财力划分

1.to now, the system offinancial resources division between the central and the local governments has been changed many times.建国50多年来,我国政府间财力划分制度随着财政体制的变迁经历了多次变动。

3)fiscal decentralization财政分权

1.Excessivefiscal decentralization of extra-budgetary and its adverse effect on China s economic growth;“预算外”财政分权过度及其对我国经济增长的不良影响

2.Fiscal Decentralization and Economic growth in China:A New Hypothesis and Time Series Test;建国后中国财政分权对经济增长的影响:一个假说及检验

3.Mechanism of impacts offiscal decentralization on economic growth: Theoretical exploration and empirical analysis;财政分权对经济增长的作用机制:理论探讨与实证分析

4)distribution of financial power财权分配

1.Thedistribution of financial power contains two aspects: inter-governmental decentralization and intra-governmental separation.财权分配是财政法的核心问题。

5)tax right division税权划分

1.So this paper focuses on researching the boundery oftax right division.运用税制优化的内涵、目标理论对税权划分的优化提出要求,并运用博弈分析方法确定了税权划分的理论依据,弄清我国税权划分中存在的问题,进而对中央与地方税权关系的优化进行博弈分析,同时对优化我国中央与地方税权关系划分提出对策建议。

6)power division权力划分


