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财权 Financial rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 22:34:05


财权 Financial rights英语短句 例句大全

财权,Financial rights

1)Financial rights财权

1.Research on the Theories and Practical Problems of the Financial Rights Allocation in Board of Directors;董事会财权配置理论及其现实问题研究

2.Book "An Evaluation on Financial Rights Theory" comments Financial Theory s research paradigm,relation between financial rights and property rights of legal persons,financial rights entity and financial entity,and financial rights district by way of property rights theory and laws theory.《对财权理论的一个评价》一文运用产权经济学和法学理论对财权理论的研究范式、财权与法人财产权关系、财权主体与财务主体及"财权"范畴的科学性提出了自己的观点,但该文对产权理论和法学理论的理解和应用均出现了偏差,加之未能从整体上全面把握财权理论的精髓,所谓的"评价"出现了错误。

3.Either from the perspective of revenue sharing theory,or from imbalance development of regional economy,we all need to build a corresponding institution of transfer payment that can realize the correlation of responsibility and financial rights,promote the reconciliation of economy among regions,provide equal public services.无论是从分税制理论角度看,还是从我国区域经济非均衡发展实践角度看,均迫切需要建立相应的转移支付制度,以达到各级财政事权与财权匹配统一、促进各地区经济的协调发展、提供均等化的公共服务能力的总体目标。


1.condemn by attainder.被剥夺财权或者公民权。

2.The Development Route of Chinese Institutional Finance--An Analysis from the Perspective of Financial Rights,Bodies of Financial Rights,and Financial Governance财权、财权主体与财务治理:我国制度财务学发展的逻辑主线

3.Property Ownership and Related Property Rights财产所有权和与财产所有权有关的财产权

4.lien and hypothecation财产的留置权及抵押权

parative research on juridical person property right and trust estate right;法人财产权与信托财产权的比较研究

6.On Strengthening Financial Supervision and Legislation of People s Congress in China;论加强人大财政立法权和财政监督权

7.As a sovereign financial power, Civil financial power gives an expression to the principle of people"s sovereignty.国民财政权作为主权权利的财政权,是人民主权原则的具体体现。

8.privilege or right that goes with the ownership of property附属于财产所有权的特权或权利

9.right of angary中立国财产征用权; 征发权; 非常征用权

10.his property rights pertaining to copyright and patent rights;and公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;

11.(6) his property rights pertaining to copyright and patent rights; and(六)公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;

12.The term "copyright" shall include the following personal rights and property rights:著作权包括下列人身权和财产权:

13.From "Privilege" to "Property Right": A Perspective of the Origin of Patent Right从“特权”到“财产权”:专利权之起源探微

14.3. A burning desire for fame, power, or financial gain, MONEY三、想得到名望权势、财富。

15.Collatio bonorum emancipati脱离父权人的财产合算

16.financial claim金融债权,财务索赔

17.transfers with retained life estate保留生前权益财产转让

18.dispute concerning property ownership关于财产所有权的争议


financial power财权

1.An Objective View on the Degree of Financial Power Centralization of the Central Government in China;客观认识我国的中央政府财权集中度

2.On the division of administrative rights andfinancial power among governments of different levels in the provision of urban public goods;城市公共品供给中各级政府事权与财权的划分

3.In the current financial system reform,the routine power andfinancial power should be properly unified,as demanded by the principle of the unification of responsibility,power,benefit,and efficiency,the decentralization offinancial power,and in line with the implementation of the function of civil government.在中国的财政体制体改革中,事权与财权应该适度统一,这是责权利效相统一原则的要求,是财政适度分权的要求,也是保障地方政府有效履行公共服务职能的要求。


1.Traditional arrangement offinancial-right relies on the logic of "Capital Hires Labor" and shows the value orientation of shareholder primacy.传统财权配置以“资本雇佣劳动”逻辑为依托,体现的是“股东至上”的价值导向。

4)property right财权

1.But in our country, People s understandings onproperty right are even one-sided and superficial for a long time.财权是现代企业财务治理结构与财务理论体系的核心概念。

5)financial right财权

1.The anal ysis of the data from 163 valid questionnaires indicates that there exists a negative correlation between the configuration offinancial right and the configuration of operating right inside the enterprise.根据163份有效问卷的数据分析表明,企业内部的财权配置与经营权配置之间存在负相关关系,企业规模和财务状况对财权配置有系统性影响,企业规模越大越倾向于分权,企业财务状况越好越倾向于分权。

2.The traditional configuration theory offinancial right configures thefinancial right to the general meeting of shareholders,directorate,manager and the board of supervisors,without taking creditors into configuration,which is one of reasons why their rights are very often impinged on.传统财权配置理论将公司财权配置于股东(大)会、董事会、经理和监事会,并未将债权人纳入公司财权配置的范畴,这是债权人权益屡遭侵犯的原因之一。

3.Although there is a close relationship betweenfinancial right and property right, in fact they belong to two different levels.财权与产权关系紧密,但两者应该属于两个不同的层次。

6)financing rights财权

1.Based on brief review on the main views about theory of financing body,a new conception of “entity offinancing rights” is derived from the conception offinancing rights.在财权的观念基础上创新地提出“财权主体”的概念,并与“财权”概念一道作为分析工具,对财务主体与财权主体的关系、财权主体与财务治理主体的关系进行详尽的分析,进而对财务主体的一元性与多元性问题以及财务分层理论作了有益的创新性探讨。


