2000字范文 > 精神文化消费 spiritual and cultural consumption英语短句 例句大全

精神文化消费 spiritual and cultural consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-29 15:51:15


精神文化消费 spiritual and cultural consumption英语短句 例句大全

精神文化消费,spiritual and cultural consumption

1)spiritual and cultural consumption精神文化消费

1.This paper analyzes the current situation forspiritual and cultural consumption,and puts forward the ideas to improve thespiritual and cultural consumption in rural areas.发展我国农村精神文化消费是提高我国农民思想道德和科学文化素质、建设社会主义新农村的根本途径。

2.It is critical to increase the percentage in peoplespiritual and cultural consumption and enhance people consumption in culture taste to a high level in residence areas.分析我国居民精神文化消费面临的问题,并提出了促进我国居民精神文化消费发展的宏观引导对策。

3.The influence of mass media onspiritual and cultural consumption of rural audience was analyzed through the description of the media possessionship, media contact behavior andspiritual and cultural consumption, and so on.本研究采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,对湖北省仙桃市挖口村进行了调查和访问,通过对农村受众媒介拥有情况、媒介接触行为以及精神文化消费等方面情况的描述,分析了大众传媒对农村受众精神文化消费的影响,并对大众传媒如何促进农村受众精神文化消费提出了相关建议。


1.The Effect of Mass Media on Spiritual and Cultural Consumption of Rural Audience;大众传媒对农村受众精神文化消费的影响

2.The Current Situation of Spirit and Cultural Consumption and its Improving Ways in Chinese Rural Areas;我国农村精神文化消费的现状及改进思路

3.The Situation of the College Students Intellectual Cultural Consumption and its Guidance;当代大学生精神文化消费状况及其教育引导

4.Interpretation of Interaction Between Spiritual Culture Consumption and Sports;精神文化消费与竞技运动互动联系之解读

5.The Ideology Study on the Culture Consume of Modern Youth当代青年精神文化消费的意识形态视阈研究

6.The Destruction and Construction of Humanism Spirit in the Consumerism Culture Context;消费文化语境下人文精神的解构与建构

7.The Guidance of National Ball Spirit of the Cultural Orientation on Table Tennis"s Consumer Market国球精神文化取向对乒乓球消费市场的引导

8.Settles on from Western Middle Class Expense Cultyre Vicissitude Producing the Evolution of Main Body Spirit;从西方中产阶级的消费文化变迁看中产主体精神的演变

9.On the Philosophical Spirit of Media Culture--the Contemporary Media as the Conception Disseminator in Consumer Society媒介文化的精神哲学——作为消费社会观念撒播者的当代传媒

10.Spiritual Absence of Consumers and Reconstruction of Public Reason--On the Relational Investigation between Consumer Society and Mass Culture;消费大众的精神空场与公共理性的重建——关于消费社会与大众文化的一个关联性考察

11.On Culture Consumption and Consumption Culture of China;我国文化消费与消费文化研究之概观

12.Consumption Culture--The Consumption Culture of W Hotel,South Korea消费文化——韩国W饭店中的消费文化

13.The Poetic Orientation of Subjective Spirit in the Context of Consumerism and the "Terrorization" of Public Verbal Behavior;消费化语境下主体精神的诗化与公众言语行为的“恐怖主义化”

14.On the Postmodern Culture "Deconstructing" the Critical Spirit of Faculty;后现代文化对大学教师批判精神的“消解”

15.〗On the spiritual consumptions by Marxism;马克思主义关于精神消费的几个问题

16.Its main feature is consumption conception.消费文化的主要形态为消费观念。

17.Advertisement & Symbolic Consumption in the Scope of Consumption Culture;论消费文化视野下的广告与符号消费

18.Healthy Consumption:Rethinking Modern Sports Consumption;健康消费:当代体育消费文化的反思


consuming doctrine消费精神

3)spiritual consumption精神消费

1.Marx held thatspiritual consumption itself had become a tool of the ruling class and a means for them to carry out their ideology.马克思认为,精神消费活动本身成为统治阶级进行阶级统治的一种工具,成为统治阶级贯彻其意识形态的手段。

4)consumption culture消费文化

1.Effects of the Companion Pictorial s Advertisements on the Shanghai s Consumption Culture in the period of the Republic of China;从《良友》画报广告看其对上海消费文化空间的意义生产

2.Symbolic Nature and Aesthetic Pursuit of Consumption Culture;消费文化的符号本质与审美追求

5)Consumer culture消费文化

1.A review on the relationship between consumer culture and biographical research;图像、媒介与娱乐——消费文化与传记研究

2.The Consumer Culture Theory of Social-anthropology-oriented;寻找物品的社会意义关于消费文化的理论研究

3.Research on Jiangnan City Daily in Context of Consumer Culture;消费文化下的《江南都市报》研究

6)consuming culture消费文化

1.Analysis ofconsuming culture and suburbanlization of residence浅议消费文化与住宅郊区化

2.From the perspective ofconsuming culture, the paper describes the humanization, ecological, and cultural-based and diversified characteristics the residential indoor environmental design manifested under the influence of theconsuming culture.文章从消费文化的视角出发,描述了在消费文化影响下家居环境设计表现出的人性化、生态化、文化化、多元化等特点。

3.The thriving ofconsuming culture influences a lot visual culture.电影"奇观化"首先得益于消费文化语境的孕育。


