2000字范文 > 消费与消费文化 consumption and consumer culture英语短句 例句大全

消费与消费文化 consumption and consumer culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-04 14:49:18


消费与消费文化 consumption and consumer culture英语短句 例句大全

消费与消费文化,consumption and consumer culture

1)consumption and consumer culture消费与消费文化

1.The author, by using his case studied in Belize, illustrates that research ofconsumption and consumer culture are a fundamental part of economic and ecological anthropology.作者运用他在伯利兹的田野工作的实例来揭示消费与消费文化研究在经济与生态人类学研究中的基础作用。


1.On Culture Consumption and Consumption Culture of China;我国文化消费与消费文化研究之概观

2.Advertisement & Symbolic Consumption in the Scope of Consumption Culture;论消费文化视野下的广告与符号消费

3.Research on cross-cultural advertising and the culture of consumption in the era of global consumption;论全球性消费时代的跨文化广告与消费文化

4.Consumer Culture and Fashion Consumption--From the "Consumer Society" by Jean Baudrillard;消费文化与时尚消费——从让·波德里亚的《消费社会》说起

5.Cultural Consumption and Symbols Consumption of Cultural and Leisure Industry;农家乐休闲产业中的文化消费与符号消费

6.Consumption Culture--The Consumption Culture of W Hotel,South Korea消费文化——韩国W饭店中的消费文化

7.Its main feature is consumption conception.消费文化的主要形态为消费观念。

8.Healthy Consumption:Rethinking Modern Sports Consumption;健康消费:当代体育消费文化的反思

9.A Case Study of Cultural Industry and Cultural Consumption in Shaanxi Province;陕西文化产业与文化消费的实证分析

10.Fromm’s theory of consumption dissimilation vs. leisure sports consumption;弗洛姆的消费异化论与休闲体育消费

11.Discuss the Relationship between the Individuality Consume and the Marketing Culture of Enterprise;论个性化消费与企业营销文化的关系

12.A review on the relationship between consumer culture and biographical research;图像、媒介与娱乐——消费文化与传记研究

13.On Socil Classfication of the Petty Bourgeoisie and Bobo文化消费与符号消费——小资与布波的社会分层研究

14.Consumer Culture and Theodore Dreiser s Early Writing;消费文化与西奥多·德莱塞的早期创作

15.The Landscape Evolution of Contemporary Chinese Metropolis and Consumer Culture;中国当代都市景观的变迁与消费文化

16.Consumption Society 、Popular Culture and Force of the Media;消费社会、流行文化与媒介影响力分析

17.Secularization of Literature and the Aesthetic Outlet in the Era of Consumption;文学的世俗化与消费时代的审美出路

18.Influence of "acculturation from Korea" on the consumption culture identity of the Korean minority;“韩流”现象与朝鲜族消费文化认同


dissimilation consumption异化消费

1.He criticized the phenomenon of capitalistic "dissimilation consumption",advocated to build "stable economy" mode to get rid of eco-crisis,and combined North America Populism with Marxism to seek socialistic revolutionary route.他批判了资本主义"异化消费"现象,主张建立"稳态经济"模式摆脱生态危机,并把北美的民粹主义与马克思主义结合起来寻求社会主义革命道路。

3)consumption culture消费文化

1.Effects of the Companion Pictorial s Advertisements on the Shanghai s Consumption Culture in the period of the Republic of China;从《良友》画报广告看其对上海消费文化空间的意义生产

2.Symbolic Nature and Aesthetic Pursuit of Consumption Culture;消费文化的符号本质与审美追求

4)Consumer culture消费文化

1.A review on the relationship between consumer culture and biographical research;图像、媒介与娱乐——消费文化与传记研究

2.The Consumer Culture Theory of Social-anthropology-oriented;寻找物品的社会意义关于消费文化的理论研究

3.Research on Jiangnan City Daily in Context of Consumer Culture;消费文化下的《江南都市报》研究

5)consuming culture消费文化

1.Analysis ofconsuming culture and suburbanlization of residence浅议消费文化与住宅郊区化

2.From the perspective ofconsuming culture, the paper describes the humanization, ecological, and cultural-based and diversified characteristics the residential indoor environmental design manifested under the influence of theconsuming culture.文章从消费文化的视角出发,描述了在消费文化影响下家居环境设计表现出的人性化、生态化、文化化、多元化等特点。

3.The thriving ofconsuming culture influences a lot visual culture.电影"奇观化"首先得益于消费文化语境的孕育。

6)consumption optimization消费优化


