2000字范文 > 文化教育消费 Cultural and educational consumption英语短句 例句大全

文化教育消费 Cultural and educational consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 06:33:54


文化教育消费 Cultural and educational consumption英语短句 例句大全

文化教育消费,Cultural and educational consumption

1)Cultural and educational consumption文化教育消费

1.Cultural and educational consumption is a higher level structure of consumption,It is contributing to the type of development and the type of consumer enjoyment.文化教育消费是消费结构较高层次的消费,是属于发展型、享受型的消费。


1.The Study on the Relationship of Cultural and Educational Consumption and Industrial Structure Optimization文化教育消费与产业结构优化的关系研究

2.University Students Situation Analysis of Consumer Culture and the Education Strategy大学生消费文化状况分析及教育策略

3.Healthy Consumption:Rethinking Modern Sports Consumption;健康消费:当代体育消费文化的反思

4.University Students Consumption Culture in the Vision of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育视域中的大学生消费文化研究

5.The Situation of the College Students Intellectual Cultural Consumption and its Guidance;当代大学生精神文化消费状况及其教育引导

6.Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对

7.On the consumption culture s negative influence on adolescencevalue and educational countermeasures;论消费文化对青少年价值观的消极影响及其教育对策

8.Research on the Sports Star and Consumption Cultural Function in Viewpoint of Consumption Economy;消费经济视觉中的体育明星及消费文化功能

9.Research on Leisure Sports Consumption under the Perspective of Commonage Consumption Culture;论大众消费文化视野下的休闲体育消费

10.Expanding and Strengthening Sports Media,Boosting Sports Culture Consumption;做大做强体育传媒 推进体育文化消费

11.On the Industrialization of Education;从教育消费观的消极影响论教育应该产业化

12.On the Statement of "Culture and Education Are the Primary Consumption" in the Course of Economic Globalization;试论经济全球化发展中的“文化教育是第一消费力”

13.Investigation into the TV Culture Consumption Attitude of the High School Students from Zhangdian, Zibo and the Countermeasures of Education;淄博市张店区中学生电视文化消费态度调查及教育对策

14.On the Power Relationship and Consumerism Culture in Higher Education of Australia;澳大利亚高等教育的权力关系与大学的消费主义文化

15.Expenditures on Elegant and Vulgar Cultures and the Structure of the Human Quality--An Informal Talk on Quality Education;雅俗文化消费与人的素质建构——素质教育漫谈之二

16.On the Features of the Educational Consumption and the Policy Guidance Optimizing Education Consumption;试论我国教育消费的特点及优化教育消费的政策导向

17.Consumer spending on sports, fitness, culture and entertainment increased considerably.体育健身和文化娱乐消费明显增多。

18.Consumption Culture:Promote the Impetus of the Brand of Sports Product;消费文化:提升体育产品品牌的着力点


sports culture consumption体育文化消费

1.Due to the progressing of mass media techniques,sports culture consumption has become more and more important.随着我国经济的发展 ,人民生活水平的提高 ,文化消费是已经成为当前大众消费的重要方面 ,由于大众传媒技术发展 ,体育文化消费的地位日益凸显。

3)sports expense culture体育消费文化

1.Thesports expense culture is the important content in sports culture.体育消费文化是体育文化的重要内容,大学生是体育消费的生力军,引领了整个社会体育消费的潮流,具有鲜明的特点和代表性,通过分析大学生体育消费文化的外在表现形式、内涵、特征和价值,为高校体育工作更结合大学生的实际需要,进一步推动高校体育产业的发展提供了新思路。

4)education consumption教育消费

1.An analysis on highereducation consumption of the low-income group;我国低收入群体高等教育消费现状分析

2.Economic analysis on parents" option foreducation consumption家长对教育消费选择的经济分析

3.Goodeducation consumption,which is regarded as one of the characteristics of a well-off society,can not only speed up higher education reform and development,but also improve higher education quality.良好的教育消费是小康社会的表征之一。

5)educational consumption教育消费

1.An Empirical Study on Educational Consumption Satisfaction Degree for College Students;高校学生教育消费满意度实证研究

2.The paper explains the innovation of higher vocational students demand ineducational consumption,analyzes the detailed contents of those students demand ineducational consumption and provides some suggestions to solve insufficient problems to the students demand.阐明了高职学生教育消费需求的涵义,分析了高职学生教育消费需求的具体内容,并就当前我国高职院校应对学生教育消费需求的不足提出了几点建议。

3.Under this social background, we try to reveal educational justice problem and social justice problem through analyzing theeducational consumption disparity between different families.在我国转型时期社会分化加剧以及国家对教育收费制度改革的社会背景下,不同阶层家庭在教育消费上表现出结构性差异,其背后反映的是教育公平以及社会公平问题。

6)consumption education消费教育

1.The paper is an initial discussion on the roles of the government as night-keeper, enterprise as economic person and non-profit orgnazation as welfare person inconsumption education.消费教育是一项全社会的系统工程,政府、企业、非营利组织三大组织都能在消费教育中发挥重要作用。

2.So if we pay close attention to students’ development in an all-round way and the cultivation of their living abilities, we should takeconsumption education seriously.消费教育是生活教育,也是素质教育的重要组成部分,关注消费教育也就是关注学生的全面发展和生活能力培养。

3.The improvement of the life quality of rural residents must be firmly based on the further development of rural economy, theconsumption education that helps rural residents to develop correct and reasonable consumption concept and mode and .为提高农村居民生活质量,必须有农村经济的进一步发展为之奠定坚实的基础,更有赖于通过消费教育引导农村居民确立科学的消费观念、消费方式,鼓励农村居民适度消费。


跨文化消费者分析跨文化消费者分析cross-cultural consumer analysis跨文化消费者分析(cr。55一eulturalc。n-Sumer analysis)确定两个或多个国家消费者相似或差异程度的分析。通过这种分析,经营者可以充分了解各国消费者在心理、社会、文化及环境特性方面的差异,从而对所介入的每 4个国家制定有效的销售策略。可见,进行这种分析的主要目的就是使跨国经营者适应所介入国家的文化,使产品的包装设计、商标命名等适合于目标市场的信仰、价值观和习俗。(张玉峰撰马谋超审)
