2000字范文 > 审计精神文化 Audit spiritual culture英语短句 例句大全

审计精神文化 Audit spiritual culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-01 21:58:17


审计精神文化 Audit spiritual culture英语短句 例句大全

审计精神文化,Audit spiritual culture

1)Audit spiritual culture审计精神文化

1.Audit spiritual culture is the core content of the audit culture,plays a leading role in the audit culture system.审计精神文化是审计文化的核心内容,在审计文化体系中起着主导性的作用,而审计精神又是审计精神文化的核心,它为审计组织和审计人员提供了精神支柱和前进的动力。

2)Audit spirit审计精神

1.Audit spiritual culture is the core content of the audit culture,plays a leading role in the audit culture system.审计精神文化是审计文化的核心内容,在审计文化体系中起着主导性的作用,而审计精神又是审计精神文化的核心,它为审计组织和审计人员提供了精神支柱和前进的动力。

3)aesthetic spirit in the Chinese culture中华审美文化精神


1.The implication of utterances in the Chinese classical poetry and the aesthetic spirit of integration of heaven and man in the Chinese culture;中国古典诗歌话语蕴藉与“天人合一”的中华审美文化精神

2.Tradition of “Nurturing of Humanities” and Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Aesthetics;“人文化成”传统与中华审美人文精神

3.Discussion on Zong Baihua s Aesthetic Exploration to Chinese Cultural Spirit;论宗白华对中国文化精神的美学探索

4.On the Aesthetics of the Construct of “Humanistic Spirit” of Chinese Traditional Culture;论中国传统文化“人文精神”建构的审美取向

5.The Cultural Spirit and Aesthetic Connotation of Chinese Paper-cut;论中国剪纸艺术的文化精神与审美内涵

6.Zizai and Beauty--On the Spirit of Freedom in the Context of Chinese Traditional Culture and its Aesthetic Implications;“自在”与美——论中国传统文化语境中的自由精神及其审美意义

7.From Cultural Enlightenment to Cultural Construction--On Aesthetic Spirit of Harmonious Reading in New Curriculum Chinese从文化启蒙到文化建构——论语文阅读的审美精神

8."Poetic Perception" and "Poetic Rationality"“诗化的感性”与“诗化的理性”——中国审美精神的诗性文化阐释

9.On the Emergence of Secular Aesthetic Culture in the Middle and Latter Half of the Ming Dynasty and the Transmutation of Intellectuals Mainstream Spirit;论明中后期世俗审美文化的兴起与文人主体精神的嬗变

10.Harmony,Neutrality and Impartiality--Again on the Spirit of Harmony in Traditional Chinese Culture and Its Aesthetic Characteristics;和·中和·中——再论中国传统文化的和谐精神及其审美特征

11.Ancient Myth:the Origin of Chinese National Culture Spirit上古神话:中华民族文化精神的渊源

12.On the Humanity in the Cultural Meta of the Chinese Nationality;试论中华民族文化元典中的人文精神

13.On the Culture of Chinese Dionysus;试论中国的酒神文化精神——兼论魏晋士风及对当代审美精神发展的反思

14.The Spiritual Approvals and Aesthetic Trend of Traditional Culture in Shen Congwen s Works;沈从文对传统文化的精神体认与审美趋向

15.The Aesthetic Characteristics of the Traditional Chinese Clothing Culture论中华民族传统服饰文化的审美特质

16.The Two Spirits and the Construction of the Contemporary Chinese Spiritual Culture两种精神与建构中华民族当代精神文化的思考

17.A Methodological Reflection on the Study of Chinese Cultural and National Spirits中华文化精神和民族精神研究的方法论反思

18.The integration of cultural spirit and poetic aesthesis;文化精神与审美诗性的集成——意境范畴再探


Audit spirit审计精神

1.Audit spiritual culture is the core content of the audit culture,plays a leading role in the audit culture system.审计精神文化是审计文化的核心内容,在审计文化体系中起着主导性的作用,而审计精神又是审计精神文化的核心,它为审计组织和审计人员提供了精神支柱和前进的动力。

3)aesthetic spirit in the Chinese culture中华审美文化精神

4)spiritual culture精神文化

1.On thespiritual culture of the Chinese nation under the globalization impact;浅谈全球化冲击下的中华民族精神文化

2.The Two Spirits and the Construction of the Contemporary Chinese Spiritual Culture;两种精神与建构中华民族当代精神文化的思考

3.Through special investigation into thespiritual culture building of hospitals with trusteeship system in Wuxi, the paper analyzed the changes in the values,spirits .通过对无锡市托管制医院精神文化建设的专题调查,分析了托管制医院在新的体制、机制改革后医院和医务人员 价值观、医院精神、医院哲学、医院氛围等方面的变化、特点和规律。

5)spirit culture精神文化

1.Along with the reform of medical system carried out gradually,the intension and extension ofspirit culture construction becomes enrich and expanding gradually,and the function that pushing hospital to develop is also increasingly standing out.医院精神文化建设是医院文化建设的核心内容,也是推动医院可持续发展的强大动力。

2.With regard to the present situation of Dengfeng city,how to conform,extend the historical deposition of physical andspirit culture is discussed in this paper from an angle of dual protection of urban physical andspirit culture.针对名城登封的现状,从城市物质文化和精神文化双重保护的角度,探讨如何整合、延续城市物质文化和精神文化的历史积淀,做好名城登封的保护。

3.Spirit culture of library consists of image and morality,etc.图书馆文化包括物质文化、制度文化、精神文化和信息文化。

6)cultural spirit文化精神

1.Application of Culture in Its Historical and Realistic Situations: Series of Surveys (I) Vicissitudes of Literary Themes and Cultural Spirits at the Turning of Qin and Han Dynasties;文化在历史与现实中应用的现象研究(一)——秦汉之际文学主题与文化精神的变迁

2.The integration ofcultural spirit and poetic aesthesis;文化精神与审美诗性的集成——意境范畴再探

3.The relationship of two great immigrations of Chongqing in the20th century between Chongqingcultural spirit;略论20世纪重庆的两次移民与重庆文化精神


