2000字范文 > 共殊关系 Similarity and difference relation英语短句 例句大全

共殊关系 Similarity and difference relation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 03:17:08


共殊关系 Similarity and difference relation英语短句 例句大全

共殊关系,Similarity and difference relation

1)Similarity and difference relation共殊关系

2)Special Relationship特殊关系

1.British-American "Special Relationship" since the Suez Canal War;苏伊士运河战争后英美“特殊关系”的变化

2.128,130,297 belong to the typical le-gal items legal overlap of law and regulations criminal s special relationship,but if according to the principle that the special law excel the normal law to manage,will lead the application of three imputation illogicality.刑法分则第128、130、297条的关系属于典型的法条竞合犯中的特殊关系,但是,如果完全按照特别法优于普通法的原则处理的话,将导致三个罪名的适用明显不合理。

3.Inthe final analysis, it is all because the Macmillan government, in the process of changing the European policy, tried to take ac-count of the previous interests --guarding of the interests of the British Commonwealth and saving "the special relationship"between the Great Britain and the United States.英国首次申请加入欧共体之所以受挫,是由于麦克米伦政府在对欧政策发生转折的过程中,仍然兼顾既往的利益关系——对英联邦利益的维护和挽救英美“特殊关系”的努力,这些都极大地束缚了英国迈向欧共体的步伐,并且最终构成了戴高乐对英国申请加入欧共体严正否决的理由。


1.UK-USA Special Relationship and Canadian-American Special Relationship;英美特殊关系与美加特殊关系之比较

2.having been taken into a specific relationship.被带入一种特殊关系的。

3.The Characteristics of Anglo-American Special Relationship (1991-);冷战后英美“特殊关系”的特点(1991-)

4.Moving away from “Special Relationship” toward “Normal Relationship”: Evolution of the US-EU Relations since the Second World War;从“特殊关系”走向“正常关系”——战后美欧关系纵论

5.Great Britain: the Change of Its Special Relations with the US since President Clinton Came to Power克林顿当政后英美“特殊关系”的变化

6.The First Anglo-American Nuclear Collaboration-Try to Discuss Anglo-American Special Relationship;从英美第一次核合作看英美特殊关系

7.British-American Special Relationship-A Study of the Case of India Problem in 1942;从1942年印度问题看英美特殊关系

8.Look at British-American "Special Relationship" from the Suez Canal Case;从苏伊士运河事件看英美“特殊关系”

9.The Establishment of a Special Canadian-American Relation andthe Rising of Canada;加美特殊关系的建立与加拿大的崛起

10.UK-U.S.A Special Relationship: Culture Background and Historical Development;英美特殊关系:文化基础与历史演变

11.The Peculiar Relations between the "Modelling after Deceased King" Thought and Zhou Dynasty“法先王”思想与周代的特殊关系考

12.Nazi"s Massacre on Jews and the Special Relationship between Germany and Israel纳粹屠犹与西德和以色列的特殊关系

13.Had an in with the authorities.与当局有特殊的关系

14.I stood to him in a special relation.我和他有特殊的关系。

15.On reflections of Special Contradiction of Moral Relationship;关于道德关系的特殊矛盾问题的思考

16.On the Particularity of the Relationship between Teacher and Student in Learners Guidance Group;导学群服务体系中师生关系的特殊性

17.He said he had a strong pull with(on)the manager他说他同经理有特殊的关系。

18.Britain has a unique relationship with the USA.英国与美国之间的关系很特殊.


Special Relationship特殊关系

1.British-American "Special Relationship" since the Suez Canal War;苏伊士运河战争后英美“特殊关系”的变化

2.128,130,297 belong to the typical le-gal items legal overlap of law and regulations criminal s special relationship,but if according to the principle that the special law excel the normal law to manage,will lead the application of three imputation illogicality.刑法分则第128、130、297条的关系属于典型的法条竞合犯中的特殊关系,但是,如果完全按照特别法优于普通法的原则处理的话,将导致三个罪名的适用明显不合理。

3.Inthe final analysis, it is all because the Macmillan government, in the process of changing the European policy, tried to take ac-count of the previous interests --guarding of the interests of the British Commonwealth and saving "the special relationship"between the Great Britain and the United States.英国首次申请加入欧共体之所以受挫,是由于麦克米伦政府在对欧政策发生转折的过程中,仍然兼顾既往的利益关系——对英联邦利益的维护和挽救英美“特殊关系”的努力,这些都极大地束缚了英国迈向欧共体的步伐,并且最终构成了戴高乐对英国申请加入欧共体严正否决的理由。

3)special relations特殊关系

1.On Special Relations Between India and the Soviet Union in the Nehru Era;略论尼赫鲁时期的印苏特殊关系

2.Based on that, thespecial relations between Canada and the United States gradually came into being.加美特殊关系由此建立。

4)special relation matrix特殊关系矩阵

5)special labor relations特殊劳动关系

6)Sino-U.S.special relationship中美特殊关系


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
