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中风病 Stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-13 13:39:04


中风病 Stroke英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation of the Application Rule to the Degassing inStroke;论解毒法在中风病中的应用

2.Clinical study of super crush-run Tongxinluo capsule on treatment of stroke;超微粉碎工艺通心络胶囊治疗中风病的临床研究

3.Evaluation of the correlation of the Han nationality and Uigur nationality patients between the different types of the traditional Chinese medicine and CT features of stroke;汉、维吾尔族中风病辨证分型与脑CT表现的关系


1.Preliminary study on pathogenesis changes of acute ischemic stroke缺血性中风病急性期的病机演变初探

2.Epidemiology with Standardization Clinical Research of Stroke流行病学与中风病的临床规范化研究

3.From the Disease Treatment Rulesofapoplexy to Look at Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine NeiFeng the Pathogenesis Theory Deficiency;从中风病病机证治规律看《中医基础理论》“内风”病机学说的缺失

4.To Discuss the Thought of Preventing and Treating Stroke in Accordance with the Theory of Following the Prognosis of a Diseas从中医“治未病”思想探讨中风病防治思路

5.The Study of TCM Integrated Scheme in Treating Acute Period of Stroke;中风病急性期中医综合治疗方案研究

6.Historical Review and Thought about The Treatment of Stroke Based on The Theory of External Wind从外风论治中风病的历史考察及其思考

7.The Suitability of Cerabral Synrome of Nao-Xue Differentiation for Apoplexy;脑血辨证脑病证候对中风病的适用性研究

8.A Study on Xu-Shi Pathogenesis and Calculated Diagnostics for Qixu Syndrome of Stroke Disease;中风病虚实病机及其气虚证辨证量化研究

9.On the Theory From the Network"s Disease Treating Patients After a Stroke in Blood Disorder从络病理论探析中风病后血瘀证的辨治

10.He"s now fully recovered from his stroke.他现已从中风病完全康复了.

11.What kind of alterations is often found in the tongue of stroke patients?中风病人的舌常发生什么样的变化?

12.Deviation of the tongue and the stiffness of the tongue, both are frequently seen in stroke patients.舌歪和舌隆,两者常见于中风病人。

13.The History Using and Clinical Investigation of Membranous Milk Vetch in Apoplexia;中风病用黄芪的历史、现状与临床调查

14.Analysis of Syndrome Differentiation of Treating Stroke by Eight Extra Channels;奇经八脉治疗中风病的辩证思路分析

15.China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases中国麻风皮肤病杂志

16.Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease as well as a diabetes.肥胖还会增加中风、心脏疾病和糖尿病的发病率。

parison Pathogeny and Pathogenesis of Hemorrhagic Stroke and Ischemic Stroke;出血性中风与缺血性中风的病因及发病的对比研究

18.Distinction and Correlation Between Transient Ischemic Attack and Diseases in TCM Including Stroke Precursor Slight Stroke短暂性脑缺血与微风 小中风等疾病的关系



1.Characteristic of He Meng Yao s discussing and treating Apoplexy;何梦瑶论治中风病的特色

2.The Clinical Observation on the Applicaton of TCM Rehabilitation Care on Patients with Apoplexy in Acute Stage;中风病急性期中医康复的研究

3.Investigation into the Dynamic Evolvement Process of the Body State Before the Outbreak of Apoplexy;中风病发病前机体状态的动态演化过程研究


1.Curative effect of TCM rehabilitation plan on 440 cases ofapoplexia;中风病中医康复方案临床验证440例效果分析

2.The History Using and Clinical Investigation of Membranous Milk Vetch in Apoplexia;中风病用黄芪的历史、现状与临床调查

3.The mututal actions of the factors above,played an important role during the course of attack ofapoplexia.论述了营卫失调与血管内皮损伤、感染及免疫损伤的关系,以及上述因素在中风病发病中的作用和病理机制,指出调和营卫对中风病早期防治有重要的意义,是不可忽视的治法和途径之一。

4)stroke origin中风发病

5)"Feng/wind" disease中医风病

1.By comparing the AR clinical manifestation characteristic with trditional Chinese medicine(TCM) "Feng/wind" induced disease characteristic and the"Feng/wind" disease clinical manifestation characteristic,we can know that AR should belong to the"Feng/wind" disease category of TCM.对比AR的临床表现特点和中医风邪致病特点及风病临床表现特点,可以看出AR应属中医风病范畴。

6)stroke ward中风病房

1.Under the training program for specialized nurses, the author has received two months\" clinical training as an intern in thestroke ward in HK Caritas Medical Center and experienced the uniqueness of the nursing mode for stroke patients for the acute, rehabilitation and community follow-up periods.笔者通过参加专科护士培训赴香港明爱医院中风病房进行了2个月的临床实习,感受到香港明爱医院对中风病人在急性期、康复期及返社区跟进期的护理模式颇具特色。


