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缺血中风 Ischemic Stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-04 07:53:56


缺血中风 Ischemic Stroke英语短句 例句大全

缺血中风,Ischemic Stroke

1)Ischemic Stroke缺血中风

1.Elementary Study on the Characteristics of AcuteIschemic Stroke TCM Syndrome Types Differentiated from Yin-syndrome and Yang-syndrome;缺血中风急性期阴阳类证辨证证型特点初步探讨

2.Objective: To research clinical effect of combined treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in ischemic stroke.目的:为研究缺血中风中医综合治疗提供一定的依据。

3.To briefly relate treatment for ischemic stroke by stages.简述中风病分期论治,阐发中风病"本虚"的病机,详述周仕明教授应用扶正法分期论治缺血中风病的经验,并介绍分期治则治法和验方三参地芪汤及其加减。


1.The Effect Evaluation of a Clinical Pathway for Ischemic Stroke of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;广东省中医院缺血中风临床路径实施效果评价

2.The study focused on two kinds of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic.研究针对两种中风:出血性和缺血性。

3.During follow-up, there were472 incident ischemic strokes.在随访中,472人发生了缺血性中风。

4.pcDNA-NGIs Vaccination Enhancing Rehibilitation for Ischemic Stroke;pcDNA-NGIs免疫促进缺血性中风康复

5.A Randomized Controlled Study on Ischemic Stroke Treated with Nape Acupuncture;项针治疗缺血性中风的随机对照研究

6.Effects of Zhongfeng Capsule on the Experimental Cerebral Ischemia Injury in Rats;中风胶囊对实验性缺血脑损伤的影响

7.Evidence-Based Medicine Study on the Therapeutic Effect of Ischemic Stroke Patients by Acupuncture针刺治疗缺血性中风的循证医学研究

8.The Study and Observation about Ocular Acupuncture on Cerebral Infarction with Cerebral Blood Flow Perfusion Imaging眼针治疗缺血性中风SPECT-rCBF的临床研究

9.Preliminary study on pathogenesis changes of acute ischemic stroke缺血性中风病急性期的病机演变初探

10.Distinction and Correlation Between Transient Ischemic Attack and Diseases in TCM Including Stroke Precursor Slight Stroke短暂性脑缺血与微风 小中风等疾病的关系

11.Effect of Blood fat Level on Ischemic Wind stroke Treated by Electr acu puncture电针对缺血性中风患者血脂水平的影响

12.Clinical Study on Application of Yiqi-Huoxue-Huatan Tang for Treatment on Cerebral Ischaemic Stroke;益气活血化痰汤治疗缺血性中风的临床研究

13.Experimental Studies on the Treatment of Ischemia Cerebral Vascular Disease by Benefiting Vital Energy, Nourishing Yin and Activating Blood Circulation;益气养阴活血法治疗缺血性中风的实验研究

14.Clinical Observation of Chinese Medicine Xueshuantong Treatment in Patients with Stroke of Ischemic Type注射用血栓通治疗缺血性中风临床研究

15.Revised Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction Treat Ischemia Stroke 25 Cases血府逐瘀汤加减治疗缺血性中风25例临床观察

16.Study on MTHFR C677T Polymorphism in Ischemic Stroke with Blood Stasis Syndrome缺血性中风血瘀证患者MTHFR基因多态性研究

17.Effect of the Method of Reinforcing Qi and Activating Blood on the Functions of Vascular Endothelial Cells in Acute Ischemic Stroke with Qi-deficiency and Blood-stasis Syndrome益气活血对急性缺血性中风气虚血瘀证血管内皮细胞功能的影响

18.Empirical Study on the Pharmacodynamics of Zhongfeng Ⅰ Hao Treat for Deficiency of Qi and Blood Stasis in Ischemic Apoplexy;中风Ⅰ号治疗气虚血瘀型缺血性中风的药效学实验研究


cerebral ischemic stroke缺血中风

1.Clinical and Experimental Study on the Effect of Ruanjianyiqihuoxue Decoction in Treating Cerebral Ischemic Stroke;软坚益气活血方治疗缺血中风的临床与实验研究

2.Backgroud: @As China gradually into an ageing society,thecerebral ischemic stroke is becoming the health hazards of life of older persons.大量的临床研究提示缺血中风患者大多为中老年人,临床以气虚、血瘀、痰阻症候多见,所以在实施康复治疗时缺乏足够的运动能力,影响了功能的恢复。

3.Backgroud:As China gradually into an ageing society, thecerebral ischemic stroke is becoming the health hazards of life of older persons.传统的西医西药治疗对病人生命的挽救及病情的稳定、缺血中风的二级预防方面确实起到积极的作用,但对患者运动功能的改善却不能尽善尽美,近年来兴起的现代康复疗法已大大减少了中风的致残率,回归家庭、社会率也随之大大提高。

3)ischemic apoplexy缺血中风

1.Objectives:To discuss the correlation between the TCM syndrome of the acuteischemic apoplexy and the blood flow velocity in intracranial arteries.目的:探讨急性缺血中风患者发病后中医证候与脑动脉血流速度之间的相关性。

2.BackgroudTheischemic apoplexy of TCM equals cerebral infarction.近年来对缺血中风的研究基本上是从宏观和微观两方面入手,中医以宏观的辨证论治为主,西医以微观的辨病治疗为主,二者各有优势,而把二者结合起来使着眼于整体宏观的中医辨证进一步深入走向微观化、客观化和定量化,使侧重局部和微观的西医辨病走向整体化和综合化是对中医辨证论治认识上的飞跃。

3.Objective:To explore the therapeutical effects onischemic apoplexy at acute stage with scheme consisting of Puerarin injection and Edaravone injection.目的:探讨中药葛根素注射液结合依达拉奉注射液对缺血中风急性期的治疗作用。

4)ischemic stroke缺血性中风

1.Multiple factors analysis on prognosis correlation factors of acuteischemic stroke;缺血性中风急性期预后相关因素的多因素分析

2.48 Cases of Ischemic stroke with Invigorating Qi,Promoting Blood Flow and Removing Blood Stasis;益气活血化瘀法治疗缺血性中风48例

3.Effect of different needle-retaining time in acupuncture forischemic stroke patient s cerebral blood flow velocity;针刺留针时间对缺血性中风患者脑血流速度的影响

5)ischemia stroke缺血性中风

1.Investigation on Helicobacter pyulory infection in patients withischemia stroke;缺血性中风患者幽门螺旋杆菌感染状况调查

2.Ischemia stroke consists 55%-80% of the total stroke, That s why it s very important to prevent and cure it in our country.而缺血性中风约占中风总数的55%~80%。

3.[Objective] To observe the clinical effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction onischemia stroke.[目的]观察血府逐瘀汤治疗缺血性中风病的临床疗效。

6)ischemic apoplexy缺血性中风

1.Use of Circular Statistical Analysis for Investigating on Solar Term of the Peak Phase of Incidence in 1597 Patients with Acute Ischemic Apoplexy;1597例急性缺血性中风发病节气高峰期的圆形统计分析

2.Clinical effect of Honghuahuangsesu injection onischemic apoplexy;红花黄色素注射液治疗缺血性中风60例临床疗效观察

3.The therapeutic action and effect on GMP-140 of patients with Ischemic apoplexy treated by acupuncture according to staging and differentiation of symptoms and signs choicing point分期辨证取穴针刺法对缺血性中风患者治疗作用及对GMP-140的影响


心中风心中风 心中风 病名。又名心脏中风。心受风邪侵袭所致的病症,症见发热,不能起,或但偃卧不可倾侧等。《金匮要略·五脏风寒积聚病脉证治》:“心中风者,翕翕发热,不能起,心中饥,食即呕吐。”《诸病源候论·风病诸候》:“心中风,但得偃卧,不得倾侧,汗出。”参见心脏中风条。
