2000字范文 > 联系与区别 relation and difference英语短句 例句大全

联系与区别 relation and difference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-14 00:35:28


联系与区别 relation and difference英语短句 例句大全

联系与区别,relation and difference

1)relation and difference联系与区别


1.The Relations and Differences of Ownership and Joint Stock System简论所有制与股份制的联系与区别

2.Discussing the Relation and Differentiation between SA8000 and Social Responsibility Connotation;论SA8000与社会责任内涵的联系与区别

3.Academic Affiliations and Differences between Analects and Confucius on the book of Poetry;《论语》与《孔子诗论》的学术联系与区别

4.The Connection and Difference between ERP and ISO9000;浅谈ERP与ISO9000之间的联系与区别

5.Relationship and Difference Between Linguistics of Philosophy and Functional Linguistics语言哲学与功能语言学:联系与区别

6.The lnternal Relations and Differences between the Two Teaching Probation;两次教育见习之间的内在联系与区别

7.On the Relationship and Difference between Ethnic Autonomous Region and Ethnic Region试论民族自治地方与民族地区的联系与区别

8.On the Relation and Difference Between Law of Criticism and Law of Racialism Criticism论批判法学与批判种族主义法学之联系与区别

9.A Thesis about the Distinction and Relations between Jazz Chorus and Traditional Chorus;试论爵士和声与传统和声的联系与区别

10.Leisure agriculture and sightseeing agriculture,urban agriculture s relation and difference;休闲农业与观光农业、都市农业的联系与区别

11.On Connections and Differences between the Category of Aim and the Category of Causality in a Certain Language;谈语言中目的范畴与因果范畴的联系与区别

12.Similarities and Differences Between Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Blending Theory;概念隐喻理论与概念整合理论的联系与区别

13.The Connection and Differences between Zweig s Novels and Freud s Theory;茨威格小说与弗洛伊德学说的联系与区别

14.On Distinction and Connection between “urning Mountain Forest to Cause the Hidden Flood Dragon to Appear”and“urning the plants in the Fields and Using the Plant Ash as Fertilizer before sowing seeds”in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang R;论峡江地区“烧龙”与“烧畬”的区别和联系

15.Sport Statistics and Data Excavation: Difference,Relations and Combination;体育统计与数据挖掘:区别、联系与融合

16.On the Differences and the Similarities between the Financial Affairs and the Accounting Activities;论财务与会计工作的本质区别与联系

17.The Differentiation and Affiliation of H_4 and H_3 of High Jump;跳高中H_4与H_3的区别与联系

18.Difference and Relation Between "ISO/IEC17025" Standard and "ISO 9000"Standard;“ISO/IEC17025”与“ISO9000”标准的区别与联系


difference and connection区别与联系

3)difference and relationship区别联系

4)similarities a nd differences关联与区别

5)the relation and distinction of international private law and international economic law国际私法与国际经济法的联系和区别

6)connection between campus and community校区与社区联系


