2000字范文 > 资助 financial aid英语短句 例句大全

资助 financial aid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-18 19:24:35


资助 financial aid英语短句 例句大全

资助,financial aid

1)financial aid资助

1.Tuition fee pricing andfinancial aid policy of graduate education;研究生学费定价与资助政策

2.The equity in tuition andfinancial aid policies of graduate education are of two subjects, the student and the taxpayer.从伦理学公正(公平)的角度对研究生教育的深入分析表明,研究生学费与资助政策中存在着两个主体的社会公正:研究生教育的享有者和纳税人。

3.This is the case study of tuition levels andfinancial aid policy of graduate education of Peking University according to Multifactor Market Deciding Theory and a new concept of Inner University Transfer Payment.本文依据多因素市场决定论 ,引入校内财政转移支付的概念 ,针对硕士、博士学习阶段以及学术性、职业性的不同学科特点完成北京大学研究生学费定价与资助政策个案 ,目的在于提供一种不同于成本补偿理论的参考政策模式。


1.supplementary-funded project补充资金资助的项目

2.capital assistance [Direct Subsidy Scheme]工程设备资助〔直接资助计划〕

3.Payment Unit [Student Financial Assistance Agency]资助发放组〔学生资助办事处〕

4.assisted homeward passage补助回国旅费;资助回国旅费;资助回程旅费

5.On combination of psychological and financial assistance to promote the poverty alleviation;心理资助与经济资助相结合创新助困工作

6.sponsor together with another sponsor.与另一个赞助者一起资助。

7.set up a business under the auspices of a government aid scheme在政府援助计划资助下创办公司.

8.I got my hearing-aid on the NHS.我的助听器是国民保健署资助的.

9.Financial assistance, in the form of a grant or a loan, is intended to cover tuition fees.助学金和贷款旨在资助学生支付学费。

10.The Aid Effect of Government-subsidized Student Loan’s Subsidies;论国家助学贷款补贴的教育资助效应

11."Aid" and "Cultivation": Inevitable Choices in Student Financial Assistance;“资助”与“育人”:助学指导工作的必然选择

12.A Study of the System of Student Loan and Financial Aid to College Students with Financial Difficulties;助学贷款制度与贫困生资助体系研究

13.Thoughts about State-subsidized Student Loan and Financial Support System对高校国家助学贷款资助体系的思考

14.endow a bed in a hospital资助医院的一个床位.

15.Volunteer information, advice, financial support自愿提供情况、意见、资助

16.government sponsored air travel政府资助的航空旅程

17.Option Form for Home Financing Scheme居所资助计划选择书

18.Union of Heads of Aided Primary Schools of Hong Kong香港资助小学校长协会



1.The discussion of poor student ssubsidy of the university;对高校贫困生资助的探讨

2.Thinking on thesubsidy problems of college poor students;高校贫困生资助问题的思考

3.Affection mechanism of the patent feessubsidy policy implemented by government upon technological innovation in China政府资助专利费用对我国技术创新的影响机理研究


1.On Thinking and Countermeasures About Poor College StudentsAid in Medical Higher School;关于医科院校贫困学生资助问题的思考及对策

2.This paper analyzes the status quo of the aid to the needy university students in China,probes into the existing problems,and puts forward some suggestions for future work: 1.分析了我国当前高校贫困生资助工作的现状并探究了其中存在的问题,提出今后工作的建议,即合理界定贫困生、树立正确的高校贫困生资助工作观念、加强高校贫困生资助工作的效益研究、加大勤工助学的市场化运作力度和增强国家助学贷款中银校的执行能力、加强贫困研究生的资助工作等,以促进我国高校贫困生资助工作发展。

3.A system for aiding poor college students has been set up in china.我国已经形成了一套对高校家庭经济困难学生资助的体系。


1.The thesis suggests that China government shouldsubsidize and support some excellent private higher institutions which have been evaluated scientifically with the rigid legislation from China government on the basis of carrying out a series of investigations and making a brief review of the subsidization and support by China government in the history.本论文通过对我国历史上政府资助民办高校的简要回顾和对现实中有学历教育资格的 37所民办高校政府资助的情况所做的调查 ,提出我国政府以立法的形式 ,在评估的基础上给予我国有学历教育资格的民办高校以适当的经费资助和政策扶持。

2.This paper has analysed the 6 kinds of phenomena of especially poor college students work, and puts forward in reinforced education and on the foundation of raising especially poor college students confirmation s scientificness, to establish the diversity mainly with statesubsidized educational loans policy system tosubsidize especially poor college students.本文分析了高校特困生工作的六种现象 ,并提出在加强教育和提高特困生确认科学性基础上 ,建立起以国家助学贷款为主渠道的多元化特困生资助政策体


1.The present situation and prospect onplant genome researchsupportedby National Science Foundation;美国国家科学基金会资助植物基因组研究现状及展望

2.The Research on Constructing and Perfecting Supporting System for Poor Students in Colleges and Universities of Our Country;构建与完善我国贫困大学生资助体系研究

3.The Applications and thesupport for projects of general program by NSFC in the fields of astronomy in are introduced,reviewed and briefly analyzed in this paper.介绍了度天文学科科学基金申请、资助的基本情况并对其结果进行了分析。

6)pecuniary aid资助

1.The research of poverty studentpecuniary aid is extremely urgent.因此,对民办高校学生资助提上日程。


