2000字范文 > Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 说课稿

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 说课稿

时间:2019-06-13 02:36:20


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 说课稿

江桥中心学校 王秀岩


本节是九年级Unit11单元Section B的教学内容。本单元围绕“Sad movies make me cry. ”为中心话题学习和运用make作为使役动词的语言结构,SectionB 是Section A内容的继续和延伸。在话题上,从 Section A事物对人情感产生影响的简单叙述,转向描述人们对某种情感所持有的观念;在语言上,除了进一步综合训练、巩固单元重点语言内容外,正确、得体地运用相关的形容词描绘情感,表达情感变化成为本部分的重点;在语言技能上,则从单项技能训练转向侧重听、说、读、写的综合训练。语篇讲述的是小男孩Peter 输球后非常沮丧,但是爸爸的鼓励和团队的理解帮助他走出阴影、重树信心的故事。通过对本节课内容的学习,不仅有利于培养学习基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力,也有利于培养学生的开放和包容的性格,培养学生善于交际和善于同他人合作的精神,树立勇敢面对挫折的积极态度。充分体现了义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。





2.能力目标:运用阅读技能(Skimming andScanning)了解故事情节,通过mind-map分析故事细节,并且能够根据事情发生的先后顺序,简要复述个人经历。

3. 情感目标:通过本课学习,让学生理解团队精神,正确看待“失败或令你失意的事情”,保持良好的心态,树立用于面对挫折的积极态度。









Show students a short video(miss scoring a goal). Let students predict the result of the game.



Task 1.Read the story and number the events in thecorrect order.

____ Peter got home and went into his room.

____ Peter talked to his teammates.

____ Peter missed a goal.

____ Peter’s father gave him advice.

____ Peter realized that he was worried for no reason.


Task 2. Read the passage and divide(分段) the story into 3 parts according to the main idea ofeach part.

Part 1(Para________) A. Father’sadvice.

Part 2(Para____to ____) B. Teammate’s support.

Part 3(Para____to ____) C. Peter’s trouble.


Task3. Read Part.1(Para.1) and answer thequestions.

1.What’s Peter trouble?

2.What happened to Peter’s team?

3. How did he feel?

4.Why did Peter feel angry and worried?


Task4. Read Part.2(Para.2-6)and fill in the blanks.

Q:What kind of advice did Peter’s father offer him?


Task 5. Movie Dubbing.

Show a video about Peter and his father. Students tryto imitate their intonation. Then role play the conversation.


Task 6. Read Part.3 (Para.7-11) and fill in theblanks.


1.went to soccer practice with courage ___________ fear.

2.said _______to his teammates.

3.thought if they continued to _____________, they were going to win the next one

his teammates

1. nodded ______________.

2.It was never one person’s ____.

3. should think about how they could __________ the next time.


Task 7. What’s the result?

A. The team won the game. Peter felt happy.

B. The team lost the game. But Peter felt lucky atlast.


Step III. Post-reading.

Task 8. Exercise

Just an hour ago, Peter missed (score)a goal. He had let his whole team d . His stupidmistake made him (anger). Histeam had lost the game because of him. He was really worried that his coachmight kick him o the team. His father advisedhim (not be) too hard on himself butto learn how to communicate with his teammates and learn from his m. It made Peter think .carefully.

The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with crather than fear in the heart. He said sorry to his teammates. Histeammates nodded in (agree).They asked him not to worry about what had happened as it wasn’t just oneperson’s fault. They agreed that they should p togetherto think about how they could do better the next time.

Peter smiled. It made him (feel)lucky to know that he was on a winning team.


Task 9. Discussand summary

Why was he on a winning team? What is team spirit?


Task10. Homework

1. Read the story again. Tell your friends how tosolve problems.

2. Review the idioms and verb phrases.

