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仁义 benevolence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-20 22:22:18


仁义 benevolence英语短句 例句大全



1.The character of the heroine,Na Renyi(meaning "benevolence"),in the novel How Long Is Forever is severely criticized by some female critics,but is warmly praised by other male critics.《永远有多远》中的女性主人公那"仁义"的性格受到了一些女性评论家的激烈批判,却受到一些男性评论家的热情颂扬。

2.Through identity change of Bai Jiaxuan, the protagonist in The Village of Bailu, from a native peasant to a "spiritual leader" of the village, this paper concludes that the final possession of the cultural identity as a Confucian reflects Bai s early admiration and expectation towards Confucian "benevolence" and thus compl.从身份意识的路径进行解读,《白鹿原》中的主要人物白嘉轩从一个本色农民过渡到白鹿原民众"精神领袖"的过程,是他从对儒家"仁义"的企慕叹赏到对自己儒家文化身份的寻找、确认与建构的过程。

3.Governing the country with virtue is the content of virtue ofbenevolence, duty, mercy, honesty and modesty.而仁义、敬恕、诚信、勤谦则是德所主要涵盖的内容。


1.Expound Little Village Bao--Between the Benevolence;解读《小鲍庄》——在“仁义”与“仁义”之间

2.On the Taoist View of "Kind and Justice;论道家的仁义观——兼论道儒仁义观的区别

3.The Modern Ethical Significance of the Confucian Contention of "Ren and Yi are Inner or Outer"儒家“仁义内外之辨”的现代伦理意义

4.all his talk is of humanity, justice, and morality, while in his heart there is nothing but greed and lust.他满嘴仁义道德,满肚子男盗女娼。

5.I hate your virtuous people.我痛恨你们这种仁义道德的一班人!

6.Fien words dress ill deeds.(谚语)口里仁义道德,心中男盗女娼。

7.Fine words dress ill deeds.〔谚语〕口里仁义道德,心中男盗女娼。

8.F - words dress ill deeds.[谚]满嘴仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼。

9.To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.行仁义公平,比献祭更蒙耶和华悦纳。

10.The friar preached against stealing and had a pudding in his sleeve.〔谚语〕口里仁义道德,心里男盗女娼。

11."Then you will have knowledge of righteousness and right acting, and upright behaviour, even of every good way."你也必明白仁义,公平,正直,一切的善道。

12.Outlook on Morality --"Humanity,Justice,Etiquette,Wisdom and Faith" and Its Value;“仁义礼智信”道德观及其实现价值

13.A Study of Management Practice in China From the Perspective of Benevolent Conception;从“仁义”的视角对我国管理实践的审视

14.On Confucian Theory of "Ren" and Its Modern Significance;由“仁”而至和谐——论孔子的“仁”学及其现代意义

15.Banlancing justice with mercy and fairness with commonsense.以仁慈评判正义,以常理评判公正。

16.a sanctimonious smile, remark, person, letter of protest假仁假义的微笑、 言词、 人、 抗议信.

17.We have really shown the utmost tolerance and patience towards these people.我们对这些人,真可谓做到仁至义

18.He thought it is unjust.他想,这是不仁不义的事儿。



1.Analysis on its Utilitarian Content of "Renyi" Thought of Mohist School;墨家“仁义”论功利特性的再分析

2.The Formation and Significance of Confucian Theories of RenYi;儒家“仁义”思想的形成及其意义

3.This dissertation mainly discuss Mencius theory by RenYi, thought the theory of RenYi is not firstly put forward by Mencius, Mencius paying attention on RenYi surpasses predecessors and influents later.本文主要从仁义的角度对孟子思想进行了一定的梳理,仁义不是孟子最早提出来的,但是孟子对仁义的重视和阐述显然超过前人,也深刻影响了后人。

3)justice and humanity仁义

1.As the political thinker in the Qin and Han Dynasty,Lu Jia proposed the idea of governing of thejustice and humanity and ruling a state with the inactivity,his ideology was established through reconsidering the tyranny of Qin dynasty,manifested his close attention to common people,and displayed the people-oriented principle.陆贾作为秦汉之际的政治思想家提出了仁义之治与无为之治的治国理念,其思想体系是通过对秦王朝暴政的反思建立起来的,体现出了对于黎民百姓的关注,表现出一定的民本主义色彩。

2.Mencius\" national ideology, which mainly focus on "to rule the world withjustice and humanity", of which "to change Xia to be Yi" is the key point, inherited the open factors of Confucius\" national ideology.虽然他们区分"夷"、"夏"的标准都是以"文化"为价值判断,但三人强调的侧重点是不同的,孔子的民族观念是对西周以来民族思想的继承,主张以"仁"、"德"为区分民族差别的标准,讲究"和为贵";孟子的民族观念继承了孔子民族思想的开放性因素,其核心是"以夏变夷",其指向是以仁义治天下;荀子的民族观念则是以"礼乐"为中心构建起来的,也具备开放性特征,但其着眼点在"严夷夏之防",终极目的是通过"礼乐"之教而使天下一统,直接为巩固君主集权体制服务。

4)Benevolence and Righteousness仁义

1.Interpretation of the parallel Mention of "Benevolence and Righteousness" and the "Five Internal Organs" in the Article Entitled Extra Toe in Zhuang Zi《庄子·骈拇篇》并提“仁义”、“五藏”辨

5)kindheartedness and justice仁义


1.Having the greatest esteem for Mencius,Hanyu puts up important demonstrations on Mencius theory of Qinshou,virtue and ethics besides the famous theory of DAOTONG,which is helpful in understanding Menciusian.韩愈对孟子的推崇是明显的,除了著名的“道统论”以外,韩愈还对孟子的“禽兽”、“仁义”、“道德”进行了重要的证明和展开,它对于全面而深刻地把握孟子思想是十分有帮助的。

2.This paper aims to expound on Han’s and Meng’s views onvirtue, humanity and their Yangqi theory as well as their ideology.文章通过韩、孟的仁义观、人性观和养气说对韩、孟的思想观念作了一些探讨,认为韩、孟在仁义观上的一致性体现的不仅是做人的道德原则,而且是政治理想。




白山湖仁义砬子距靖宇县城45公里,1.5 公里长的自然景区令游人叹为观止,大自然的神奇造化将一江之隔的南北两岸辟为迥然不同的景观。南岸崖壁陡峭,高耸入云,临壁而观,有“黄鹤欲渡不得过,猿猱欲渡愁攀援”之感。乘船游弋在夹江两岸之间,大有画中行,仙境游之感。加之“一线天”、“子母峰”、“天梯峰”等自然景观错落其间,身入其境,浑然超脱尘世间。
