2000字范文 > 仁义仁政 benevolence conduct and government英语短句 例句大全

仁义仁政 benevolence conduct and government英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-13 05:40:32


仁义仁政 benevolence conduct and government英语短句 例句大全

仁义仁政,benevolence conduct and government

1)benevolence conduct and government仁义仁政

2)policy of benevolence仁政

1.Mencius "Policy of Benevolence" and Its Modern Meaning;浅议孟子的“仁政”思想及其当代意义

2.Mencius administration thought—policy of benevolence—was developed while approaching social administration means to reassure the public.“仁政”是孟子从管理伦理层面探讨安人的社会管理问题时形成的一种管理思想。

3.And in the meantime, based on this thought, Zhou put forward the administrative politics of "policy of benevolence".为缓和社会矛盾,维护封建末世统治,周太谷针对现实,提出了具有进步意义的民本主义思想,并以此为出发点,提出"仁政"的施政主张。


1.To make allowance for the policy of lesser benevolence at the expense of the policy of greater benevolence is to go off the right track.照顾小仁政,妨碍大仁政,这是施仁政的偏向。

2.The first is a policy of lesser benevolence and the second a policy of greater benevolence.前一种是小仁政,后一种是大仁政。

3.benevolent despotism施仁政的专制政体.

4.On the policy of greater benevolence.重点应当放在大仁政上。

5.Justice is an important element of good government.公正是仁政的要素.

6.The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life.匾额上的字“寿协仁符”意思是施仁政者能长寿。

7.To resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea was to implement the policy of benevolence, and to carry on industrial construction today is likewise to implement this policy.抗美援朝是施仁政,现在发展工业建设也是施仁政。

8.Benevolent Government, Wise Government, Moral Rule;仁政·善政·德政——从政府施政深化对共产党执政规律的认识

9.We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries.我们对反动派决不施仁政。

10.But what was the policy of maximum benevolence?但是,什么是最大的仁政呢?

11.What was the policy of maximum benevolence at that time?当时最大的仁政是什么呢?

12.Confucian people-oriented thoughts was the practice of Confucian ideal of "Benevolent Governance".儒家民本思想是儒家“仁政”理想的实践。

13.Human Government, Virtuous, Not-Martial, Restore Peace: Research of MenZi s Principle of Saving;仁政尚德、非武安民:孟子救世理念研究

14.Benevolent Rule and Good Instruction of Mencius--An Interpretation of Mencius;亚圣的“仁政”与“善教”——解读《孟子》

15.On the Status of People in Mencius "Policy of Benevolence";浅论孟子“仁政”理想中“民”的地位

16.Mencius "Policy of Benevolence" and Its Modern Meaning;浅议孟子的“仁政”思想及其当代意义

17.On the Mencius Government of Virtues;人与人的实现——试论孟子的“仁政”思想

18.Benevolent Government Philosophy and its Revelation;《孟子》的民本、仁政思想及其启示


policy of benevolence仁政

1.Mencius "Policy of Benevolence" and Its Modern Meaning;浅议孟子的“仁政”思想及其当代意义

2.Mencius administration thought—policy of benevolence—was developed while approaching social administration means to reassure the public.“仁政”是孟子从管理伦理层面探讨安人的社会管理问题时形成的一种管理思想。

3.And in the meantime, based on this thought, Zhou put forward the administrative politics of "policy of benevolence".为缓和社会矛盾,维护封建末世统治,周太谷针对现实,提出了具有进步意义的民本主义思想,并以此为出发点,提出"仁政"的施政主张。

3)benevolent rule仁政

1.Dong Zhong-shu inherited and developed the Pre-Qin Confucian tradition of serving the community andbenevolent rule,and raised unique views on benefiting the People.董仲舒继承和发展了先秦儒家的民本和仁政传统,在惠民问题上提出了自己独到的见解。

2.Mencius straightforwardness and his emphasis on instruction can be seen from his advocacy ofbenevolent rule,his belief in the original goodness of human nature and his ideas of education.孟子的仁政主张、性善论和教育观,表现出孟子率直的个性和重教思想,这跟孔子开创的儒家学说是一脉相承的,并对后世产生了深远的影响。

3.This article set forth concretely the psychology expectation of the writers in yuan period whose drama were about trying cases frombenevolent rule and sage governing of Confucianists policy thought and the angle of the ethics and moral standards.本文从“法正天心顺,伦清世俗淳”中所反映的儒家“仁政”、“人治”的政治思想和伦理道德规范的角度,来阐释剧作家在公案剧创作中的心理期待。

4)benevolent government仁政

1.Benevolent Government Philosophy and its Revelation;《孟子》的民本、仁政思想及其启示

2.Mencius thought of "benevolent government" occupies an important position in his ideological system.孟子的"仁政"思想在其思想体系中占有重要地位,其形成有着独特的历史渊源。


1.Having the greatest esteem for Mencius,Hanyu puts up important demonstrations on Mencius theory of Qinshou,virtue and ethics besides the famous theory of DAOTONG,which is helpful in understanding Menciusian.韩愈对孟子的推崇是明显的,除了著名的“道统论”以外,韩愈还对孟子的“禽兽”、“仁义”、“道德”进行了重要的证明和展开,它对于全面而深刻地把握孟子思想是十分有帮助的。

2.This paper aims to expound on Han’s and Meng’s views onvirtue, humanity and their Yangqi theory as well as their ideology.文章通过韩、孟的仁义观、人性观和养气说对韩、孟的思想观念作了一些探讨,认为韩、孟在仁义观上的一致性体现的不仅是做人的道德原则,而且是政治理想。


1.The character of the heroine,Na Renyi(meaning "benevolence"),in the novel How Long Is Forever is severely criticized by some female critics,but is warmly praised by other male critics.《永远有多远》中的女性主人公那"仁义"的性格受到了一些女性评论家的激烈批判,却受到一些男性评论家的热情颂扬。

2.Through identity change of Bai Jiaxuan, the protagonist in The Village of Bailu, from a native peasant to a "spiritual leader" of the village, this paper concludes that the final possession of the cultural identity as a Confucian reflects Bai s early admiration and expectation towards Confucian "benevolence" and thus compl.从身份意识的路径进行解读,《白鹿原》中的主要人物白嘉轩从一个本色农民过渡到白鹿原民众"精神领袖"的过程,是他从对儒家"仁义"的企慕叹赏到对自己儒家文化身份的寻找、确认与建构的过程。

3.Governing the country with virtue is the content of virtue ofbenevolence, duty, mercy, honesty and modesty.而仁义、敬恕、诚信、勤谦则是德所主要涵盖的内容。


