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仁德 benevolence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-04 07:51:42


仁德 benevolence英语短句 例句大全



1.This article passes traditional Confucianist culture:benevolence,justice,ritual,faith,and cleaness.传统的儒家文化:仁、义、礼、信、廉的论述,建立博爱、平等的思想观,树立仁德思想,以德服人,达到天人合一的理想境界,对促进图书馆的和谐发展有积极的指导意义。


1.On Reading Books by Tides of Xiepu River;厚德载道 挚爱辅仁——记王玉润的仁德才艺

2.Analysis of Liubei s Image of Benevolence Virtue from "Yielding Three Cities";从"让三城"看刘备的仁德形象特征

3.Confucianism s “upholding morality and attaching importance to benevolence" and the Moral Education in the 21st Century;儒家“崇德重仁”与21世纪德育建设

4.all his talk is of humanity, justice, and morality, while in his heart there is nothing but greed and lust.他满嘴仁义道德,满肚子男盗女娼。

5.I hate your virtuous people.我痛恨你们这种仁义道德的一班人!

6.Fien words dress ill deeds.(谚语)口里仁义道德,心中男盗女娼。

7.Fine words dress ill deeds.〔谚语〕口里仁义道德,心中男盗女娼。

8.F - words dress ill deeds.[谚]满嘴仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼。

9.affectedly or smugly good or self-righteous.做作的仁慈或者自以为有道德,伪善。

10.The friar preached against stealing and had a pudding in his sleeve.〔谚语〕口里仁义道德,心里男盗女娼。

11.Human Government, Virtuous, Not-Martial, Restore Peace: Research of MenZi s Principle of Saving;仁政尚德、非武安民:孟子救世理念研究

12.Enlightenment of Confucius Theory of Benevolence to Our Moral Culture;孔子仁学思想对我国当代德育的启示

13.Outlook on Morality --"Humanity,Justice,Etiquette,Wisdom and Faith" and Its Value;“仁义礼智信”道德观及其实现价值

14.The Kind and the Wise--Starting from the relationship between morality and wisdom;仁者与智者——从道德与智慧的关系谈起

15.Confucius "Ren" and Socrates "Virtue;孔子的“仁”和苏格拉底的“德性”

16.On the Humanity and the Righteousness of the Virtue in Wushu from the Chinese Knight-Errant and Confucian"s Angle从侠与儒的视角解读武德之“仁”与“义”

17.On the Relationship between Contingency Awarencess & Mercifulness,Wise and Brave权变意识与“仁、智、勇”三达德关系探析

18.Piety and Benevolence:Two Foundations of Moral论道德的基础——从仁与孝的角度出发


Morality of the humanity仁义之德

3)kind emperor仁德之君

1.Reviewing the whole book Chuang Tzu,we can see Yao is not regarded as akind emperor,and the character Xuyou is not only an explanation of "Saint is nameless".联系整部《庄子》,可以看出在书中尧并不是作为仁德之君来刻画,许由的形象也不仅是"圣人无名"的注解。

4)to exercise the benevolent rule through virtue以德行仁

5)injustice and immorality不仁不德

6)Dao comes first and then the benevolence and righteousness道德仁义


