2000字范文 > 韩流 Korean Wave英语短句 例句大全

韩流 Korean Wave英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 03:06:21


韩流 Korean Wave英语短句 例句大全

韩流,Korean Wave

1)Korean Wave韩流

1.A Cross-cultural Interpretation of "Korean Wave";“韩流”现象的跨文化解读

2.Korean Wave and Korean Education in Chinese Universities;韩流热潮与中国大学的韩国语教育

3.Through the phenomenon, this paper expounded the overall features of theKorean Wave, focusing on the fashion elements in Korean dramas, and explained the underlying causes of the Korean drama\"s popular from the angle of feminine words in depth, as well as confirming its thrusting role of fashion.自20世纪90年代开始,以韩剧热播为开端的“韩流”汹涌袭来。


1.The Chinese college students and the "fashionable current from Korea"--An analytical report on the fashionable current from Korea;中国大学生与“韩流”——关于“韩流”的调查分析报告

2.Hot South Korean TV Plays;“韩流”不寒——多角度解读韩国电视剧成功的原因

3.“Korea Tide" and "China Trend"--On the Rapid Development of Cultural Exchange Between China and Korea;“韩流”与“汉潮”——漫谈近年来迅猛发展的中韩文化交流

4.Hallyu star SSH announced the re-start of his acting activities.韩流明星宋承宪宣言表演活动再开始.

5.The Cultural Cause and Marketable Operating of Korean Tide;“韩流”涌动的文化成因与市场运作

6.Cognition " Korean Trend ": A Successful Culture Transform;解读“韩流”:一次成功的文化转型

7.Influence of "acculturation from Korea" on the consumption culture identity of the Korean minority;“韩流”现象与朝鲜族消费文化认同

ment on the Cultural Exchange Between Qingdao and Korea after the Establishment of Sino-Korea Diplomatic Relations;中韩建交以来青岛与韩国的文化交流

9.The Spreading of Shanghan Lun and Its Influence on Korean Medicine in Korea;《伤寒论》在韩国的流传及对韩医学的影响

10.The Popularity of Korea s Cultural Products and the Development of Korea s Cultural Competitiveness;韩国文化产品的流行与韩国文化竞争力的发展

11.Ancient Korean Women"s Role and Function in the Cultural Communication Between China and Korea古代韩国女性在中韩文化交流中的地位与作用

12.Hansen says if the Gulf stream were to weaken it could affect marine life.韩森说,如果湾流太弱,会影响海洋生命。

13.Back in Korea, Chung exudes confidence.回到韩国郑流露出充分自信。

14.The Impact of Contemporary Culture Exchanges between China and South Korea on Sino-ROK Relations;当代中韩文化交流对两国关系的影响

15.Analyzing the Reality of Exchange and Cooperation in Education between China and Korea;中韩两国教育交流与合作的实态分析

16.Summary of Cultural and Educational Communication after Diplomatic Ties between China and ROK;中韩建交以来两国文化教育交流综述

17.Discuss the Motivation of the Cultural Exchange and Development between China and Korea after Establishing their Diplomatic Relations;刍议建交后中韩文化交流发展的动因

18.New Viewpoint on the Cause of Crocodile’s Extinction in Han River Valley;历史时期韩江流域鳄鱼灭绝原因新探


Korean trend韩流

1."Korean trend " is a general term about Korean culture in sociology."韩流"是社会学家对韩国文化风靡、流行的一种统称。

2."Korean trend",which has double effect on college culture construction,is affecting thought of the college student,and their behavior.以"韩流"为代表的时尚文化影响着大学生的思维、行为,对大学校园文化具有双重作用。

3)Hanjiang River Basin韩江流域

1.Guideline and Emphasis ofHanjiang River Basin Water Quantity Allocation Study;韩江流域水量分配方案的研究思路与研究重点

2.Grey Relational Analysis of Soil Fertility of Main Forest Soils in Typical District ofHanjiang River Basin韩江流域典型区主要森林类型土壤肥力的灰色关联度分析

putation of Probable Maximal Precipitation and Flood with Rainstorm Displacing inHanjiang River Basin韩江流域可能最大暴雨洪水移置计算

4)Korean Wave Chinese Wave"韩流""汉风"

5)Sino-South Korea exchange中韩交流

6)Interpretation of the Korean Wave解读"韩流"


