2000字范文 > 朝鲜语 Korean英语短句 例句大全

朝鲜语 Korean英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-31 11:02:24


朝鲜语 Korean英语短句 例句大全



1.A Study onKorean Knowledge Database Oriented to Language Information Processing;面向语言信息处理的朝鲜语知识库研究

2.An Experimental Analysis ofKorean Affricates;朝鲜语塞擦音的语音实验分析

3.Looking Back to the Typological Features of Causative Structure in Chinese Language from the Reflection ofKorean Language;从朝鲜语反观汉语致使结构的类型学特点


1.Juche Idea主体思想(朝鲜语)

2.There is no Korean text to do Hangul Hanja Conversion on.无朝鲜语文本可作朝鲜文字/朝鲜文汉字转换。

3.The language of the Koreans, possibly in the Altaic family.朝鲜语朝鲜人讲的语言,可能属于阿尔泰语系

4.The Studies of the Characteristics of Intonations of the Teachers Who Teach the Korean Language and Literature in Korean Chinese Elementary Schools in Yanbian Area延边朝鲜族小学朝鲜语文教师的语调特征研究

5.The Comparison among English,Chinese,Korean and Japanese Object;英语、汉语、朝鲜语、日语宾语的对比

6.Failed to Find Korean Hangul Hanja Converter DLL.未能找到朝鲜语“朝鲜文字/朝鲜文汉字转换器”动态链接库。

7.of or relating to or characteristic of Korea or its people or language.属于或关于朝鲜、朝鲜人、朝鲜语的,或具有其特征的。

8.Failed to Find Korean HHC DLL. @Asia未能查找到朝鲜语“朝鲜文字/朝鲜文汉字转换”动态链接库。

9.To enable the Hangul-Hanja converter library, please install the Korean Language Pack again.若要启用朝鲜文字/朝鲜文汉字转换程序库,请再次安装朝鲜语言包。

10.Contrastive Studies on Affirmation-Negation Transformation in English, Chinese and Korean英语、汉语、朝鲜语肯定——否定转换对比

parison on the Meaning and Grammar of Korean 《??》and Chinese 《吃》;朝鲜语《??》和汉语《吃》的语义、句法对比

12.“Verb+object of result” in the Han language and its counterpart in the Korean language;汉语“动词+结果宾语”在朝鲜语中的对应

13.An Analysis on Relationship between Korean Numeral and Altaic Family浅析朝鲜语数词与阿尔泰语系的关系

14."Vde" Causative Structures in Chinese from the Perspective Offerred by Korean;从朝鲜语反观汉语的“V得”致使结构

15.The Research of Correspondent Words between Some Chinese Words Written with the Characters Yi(邑) and Yan(猒) and those in Korean;汉语朝鲜语“邑”“默”声系对应词考证

16.On Culture-Regularization Mental of Korea Nationality Bilingual Teaching;论朝鲜语双语教学中的文化整合心理

17.The Study of Korean Language Grammar in the Secondary Education初级中学朝鲜语文语法教育现状研究

18.The Development of Sociolinguistic Studies of Korean since the Founding of PRC建国以来朝鲜语社会语言学研究概述


Korean language朝鲜语

1.Consequently,Chinese-character words account for 60%-70% of Korean vocabulary and have become an inevitable part ofKorean language.朝鲜民族深受汉民族文化的影响,长期以来借用汉字来记录自己民族的语言,因此在朝鲜语语汇中约有60%-70%的汉字词,而这些汉字词成为朝鲜语不可缺少的重要的组成部分。

2.This article tries to discover some features of "Vde" causative structures in modern Chinese language through the eyes ofKorean language.本文以朝鲜语视角,揭示现代汉语"V得"致使结构中存在的几个特点。

3.Korean language broadcast by Central Peoples Broadcasting Station is the sole state-leveledKorean language broadcast nationwide.中央人民广播电台朝鲜语广播是全国唯一国家级的朝鲜语广播,它所涉及到的受众是全国各地的朝鲜族,甚至在韩国、朝鲜、日本、俄罗斯等国也有不少的听众,因此对朝鲜族的语言生活起着很重要的引导和模范作用。

3)The Korean Department朝鲜语系


1.Chinese-Korean has considerable amount of differences from Korean as they went through different historical circumstances.中国朝鲜语与韩国语之间有很多相同点也有很多不同点。

5)Korean Translator朝鲜语翻译

6)Korean words朝鲜语词汇

1.This study is based on an existing article ( "Collection of Anti-Japan tales " published in 1992), systematically organized words and phrases on the tales, analyzed theKorean words which were used during the war time via static and inductive methods, speculates the life style and social issues in that period.在这部分中说明该论文的研究目的与研究意义;对中国朝鲜语词汇先行的研究成果及研究现况进行的全面的梳理与检讨;并提出了研究对象与研究方法。


