2000字范文 > Korean culture is really popular right now. The Korean Wave(韩流) is sweeping Asian countrie

Korean culture is really popular right now. The Korean Wave(韩流) is sweeping Asian countrie

时间:2018-08-17 03:04:33


Korean culture is really popular right now. The Korean Wave(韩流) is sweeping Asian countrie


Korean culture is really popular right now. The Korean Wave(韩流) is sweeping Asian countries including(包括) 1 . Young people are 2in Korean TV plays, Korean pop songs and the Korean language.

The Korean Wave started 3 years ago with the TV series(电视系列剧) Winter Sonata(冬季恋歌). This love story is still popular now. People, especially girls, like the beautiful stories and handsome actors 4 Pei Yongjun ( 裴勇俊).

In the music world, Korean stars are making 5heard in China. You can often find big Korean names such as Baby Vox, SES and Finkle at the top of the Chinese 6charts(排行榜).

The Korean Wave 7 makes young people try the clothes and hairstyles of the Korean pop stars. Besides those, now some girls in China are having plastic surgery(整形手术) 8

their looks. It is said that many Korean stars look beautiful 9plastic surgery.

As you see, Korean culture has changed us a lot. Is it 10 for us to follow in every way? We each should think about it.

【小题1】A.ChinaB.CanadaC.AustraliaD.Egypt【小题2】A.excitedB.interestedC.surprisedD.worried【小题3】A.a littleB.littleC.a fewD.few【小题4】A.onB.atC.forD.like【小题5】A.themB.theyC.theirD.themselves【小题6】A.sportsB.healthC.musicD.clothes【小题7】A.tooB.alsoC.as wellD.else【小题8】A.changeB.changingC.changedD.to change【小题9】A.insteadB.instead ofC.becauseD.because of【小题10】A.necessaryB.seriousC.pleasantD.friendlyA





【小题2】interested in为固定搭配。

【小题3】a few用来修饰可数名词的复数形式。

【小题4】and表示两句并列,“People, especially girls, like the beautiful stories”中为like,此处也应为like。

【小题5】make sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”在此处sb.要用反身代词。




【小题9】考查连词,表示原因,piastic surgery为固定短语,故用because of。

