2000字范文 > 盗汗 Night sweat英语短句 例句大全

盗汗 Night sweat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-06 10:32:05


盗汗 Night sweat英语短句 例句大全

盗汗,Night sweat

1)Night sweat盗汗

1.Clinical study on effects of Buqiyangyinlianhan decoction on night sweat;补气养阴敛汗汤治疗盗汗的临床观察

2.This article identifies spontaneous sweat from night sweat.对临床常见症状自汗和盗汗进行辨析。

3.Radix Astragali is used,as the leading medicine,together with other medicines to treat night sweat,recurrent respiratory infection,asthma,nephrotic syndrome and Kawasaki disease in children.例举以黄芪为君药 ,配伍其他药物佐使组方 ,治疗小儿盗汗、反复呼吸道感染、哮喘症、肾病综合征、川崎病等验案 ,阐述诊疗要领 ,分析药用功效。


1.Sufferers from night sweat are advised to take granulated infusion of Os Draconis (Bone fossils), which is exceptionally effective against this illness.盗汗患者请用龙骨冲剂,止汗有特效。

2.Her cough did not leave her, and she had sweats on her back.咳嗽病没有离开她,并且她还盗汗。

3.withdrawal symptomsph.1. 戒毒过程中产生的病症(诸如盗汗、恶心等等)

4.C. Psychological factors. Anxiety, nightmares, and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals.精神因素。焦虑、梦及兴奋剂可导致健康个体盗汗。

5.Systemic symptom basically is calorific, fatigue and unwell, night sweat, inappetence, gradually angular wait.全身症状主要是发热、疲惫不适、盗汗、食欲不振、逐渐消瘦等。

6.She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever, adenopathy, weight loss or night sweats. A CT scan showed thickening of her parotid gland.她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、病、重下降和盗汗。CT扫描显示腮腺增厚。

7.The police are in even worse shape, regarded by most Afghans as little better than robbers in uniform.警察的状态更糟,大多数阿富汗人将其视为与着制服的强盗无异。

8.sweating heavily, profusely, etc流很多汗、 出大汗

9.The formation and excretion of sweat.出汗汗的形成和排出

10.The position of a khan.可汗职位可汗的位置

11.Producing or increasing perspiration.发汗的发汗的或具有增加出汗能力的

12.To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin.出汗,流汗通过皮肤上的毛孔排泄汗液

13.Perspiration, especially when copious and medically induced.出汗排汗,尤指过多的出汗

14."diaphoresis:Perspiration, especially when copious and medically induced.""出汗:排汗,尤指过多的出汗."

15.A thief passes for a gentleman, when stealing has maken him rich .偷盗而致富,盗贼当绅士。

16.that was no excuse for their conducting this thing in an unpiratical way.按偷盗的惯例来盗船。

17.To embezzle(funds)or engage in embezzlement.侵吞,盗用盗用(公款)或参与盗用

18.Of or relating to burglary.夜盗的夜盗的,有关夜盗的


night sweating盗汗

1.[Objective]To explore the curative effect of Tang-Kuai Liuhuang Tang onnight sweating after operation due to mixed hemorrhoid.[目的]探讨当归六黄汤加减对混合痔术后盗汗的疗效。

3)night sweat due to deficiency of yin阴虚盗汗

4)night sweating[disease]盗汗[病]

5)sweat at night出盗汗

6)spontaneous sweating and night sweating after childbirth产后自汗、盗汗


