2000字范文 > 止汗 deter sweat英语短句 例句大全

止汗 deter sweat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-28 22:13:17


止汗 deter sweat英语短句 例句大全

止汗,deter sweat

1)deter sweat止汗


1.Sufferers from night sweat are advised to take granulated infusion of Os Draconis (Bone fossils), which is exceptionally effective against this illness.盗汗患者请用龙骨冲剂,止汗有特效。

2.An astringent preparation applied to the skin to decrease perspiration.止汗剂一种收敛性药物,涂在皮肤表面减少出汗

3.I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.虽然我在大热天体臭如水牛﹐但我都不敢再用那些会导癌的止汗剂。

4.Afghan President Hamid Karzai blamed the world Sunday for not doing more to end years of suffering in Afghanistan.阿富汗总统汉米德?札伊礼拜天指责世人没有做更多的事来中止阿富汗多年来的痛苦。

5.US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence.美军日前进军阿富汗山区阻止塔利班组织的一次暴动。

6.The red pigment in the sweat stops the growth of two types of disease-causing bacteria.犀牛汗水中的红色素能够抑止两种致病细菌的生长。

7.any physical or psychological disturbance (as sweating or depression) experienced by a drug addict when deprived of the drug.吸毒者停止吸毒后经验到的身体或心理上的干扰(如流汗或沮丧)。

8.sweating heavily, profusely, etc流很多汗、 出大汗

9.Two meals of congee and one of rice, twelve hours of work in that din, dust and humidity -- so the ceaseless grind goes on till the last drop of sweat and blood has been wrung from her emaciated body.两粥一饭,十二小时噪音、尘埃和湿气中的工作,直到被榨完残留在皮骨里的最后的一滴血汗为止。

10.Elimination cream-Regulating and controlling intercellular space of vein wall of large sweat gland and effectively preventing the pervasion of macromolecule of lipid so as to eliminate body odor.收狐霜--调控大汗腺管壁细胞间隙,有效阻止脂质大分子的渗透,从而彻底消除狐臭的发生。

11.General David Richards, the British commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, says the operations have been a military and political success, so far.驻阿富汗北约军队的英国总司令,理查兹将军说,目前为止,行动在军事和政治上都是成功的。

12.Until now the First Lady"s has had a more serious public persona, an advocate for education and women"s rights in Afghanistan.直到目前为止,第一夫人劳拉·什一直保持着比较严肃的公众形像,倡导教育和阿富汗妇女的权益。

13.The committee report also expresses concern about the slow progress in curbing opium poppy production in Afghanistan.外交事务委员会的报告还对阿富汗制止鸦片生产的缓慢进程感到担忧。

14.The dried fruiting body of certain fungal species in the genus Fomes, formerly used in medicine, especially to inhibit the production of sweat.层孔菌某些属于层孔菌属的真菌属类的干的子实体,以前用作药物,特别用于防止出汗

15.The formation and excretion of sweat.出汗汗的形成和排出

16.The position of a khan.可汗职位可汗的位置

17.Producing or increasing perspiration.发汗的发汗的或具有增加出汗能力的

18.To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin.出汗,流汗通过皮肤上的毛孔排泄汗液



1.A Review on Aluminum Zirconium Glycine SaltsAntiperspirant Active;止汗剂活性组分甘氨酸铝锆盐的研究进展

2.The type and mechanism of antiperspirant action were given.阐明了止汗剂的种类及其作用机理。


1.And naturalantiperspirants have broad foreground.本文讨论了人体排汗和体味产生的机理以及抑制气味的方法,阐明止汗剂的种类和作用机理。



6)consolidating exterior for arresting sweating固表止汗


