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个体权利 individual rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-19 11:26:32


个体权利 individual rights英语短句 例句大全

个体权利,individual rights

1)individual rights个体权利

1.In other words, the academic freedom should be confined byindividual rights, public interests and national interests.对学术自由的客观限制主要来自于某些法律价值,即学术自由应以个体权利、公共利益和国家利益为界。


1.From Civil Right,Competitive Instrument to National Strategy--from a 3-Dimensional Perspective of Intellectual Property;从个体权利、竞争工具到国家战略——关于知识产权的三维视角

2.The Value of Moral-Side-Constraints--The Perspective of Reviewing the Individual Rights and the Status of State“道德边际约束”的价值意蕴——考察个体权利与国家权力的另一种视角

3.From the notion of individualism right to the notion of collectivism right--Study on the right theory of Hegel;从个人主义权利观念到整体主义权利观念——黑格尔权利思想探微

4.An exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially a hereditary or official right.特权个人或群体拥有的独有的权利或特权,尤指世袭或正式的权力

5.News media often don"t respect the individual"s right to privacy.新闻媒体常常不尊重个人隐私的权利。

6.we will protect individual rights, but also must shoulder collective responsibilities.我们保障个人权利,但亦承担集体责任。

7.The state protects the lawful rights and interests of the individual economy.国家保护个体经济的合法的权利和利益。

8."Collective and individual human rights have to go hand in hand and their coordinated development should be pursued, so do economic, social and cultural rights on the one hand and civil and political rights on the other."集体人权与个人人权、经济社会文化权利与公民政治权利紧密结合和协调发展,

9.The body of laws of a state or nation dealing with the rights of private citizens.一个国家或地区处理私人权利的法律主体.

10.Study on Individual Economy Mainbody and Its Right Mechanism in Market Economy Society;市场经济社会个人经济主体及权利机制的探讨

11.A non-negligible issue about peasant workers--Deficiency of sports rights;一个不可忽视的农民工问题——体育权利的缺失

12.the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another.一个团体自愿地把某物(权利或财产)转让给另一个团体。

13.The property right subject is individual or organization implementing the right behavior, it is not specific;产权主体是对财产对象实施权利性行为的个人或组织,一项财产的产权主体是不特定的;

14.The Supreme Individual Rights-A Analysis of Nozick"s Conception of Rights至上的个人权利—诺奇克权利观探析

15.Rights of the Nature:Developing or Ending on Right?;自然体权利:权利的发展抑或终结?

16.The Theoretic System of the Principle of Patent Right Exhaust in China;我国专利权权利用尽原则的理论体系

17.The protection of property rights has two strata . The first stratumis the automatic pro-tection of market , whichis concretely embodied by the rights of equal value exchange and equal competi-tion.产权保护有两个层次:第一个层次是市场的自动保护,具体体现就是等价交换、平等竞争的权利。

18.The national government has specific, enumerated powers, and the fifty sovereign states retain substantial autonomy and authority over their respective citizens and residents.国家政府有列举的、具体的权利,而五十个自治州保留了对自己公民和居民的实质主权和职权。


individual right个体权利

1.People’sindividual right becomes a kind of false form and will be infringed unavoidably at this moment.个体权利是人类权利的惟一实存形式,一旦个体权利成了社会的权利,社会也就构成了权利的实在形式,这时人的个体权利就可能成为一种虚假的形式而遭受侵犯。

3)individual right view个体权利观

1.Moreover has also provided the rare historical opportunity in under the democratic government by law environment for the cultivationindividual right view.影响民主法治良性发展的因素有多个方面,其中具有现代意识的个体权利观念更加重要。

4)personal consciousness of rights个体权利意识

5)individual rights个人权利

1.Can public health intervention onindividual rights be justified ethically? Liberalism can prove the public health intervention on other-regarding behavior and paternalism can justify the public health intervention on self-regarding behavior,while communitarianism approves all public health intervention.公共健康实践中的政府干预在所难免,政府以公共健康之名对个人权利实施的干预能否得到伦理论证?自由主义可以支持对涉他行为的公共健康干预,家长主义可以证明对涉己行为的公共健康干预,而社群主义则赞成所有的公共健康干预,因此,在公共健康领域,伦理的钟摆摆向了社群主义者的观点。

2.Liberalism takesindividual rights prior to public health and take public health asindividual rights in the practice of public health.在公共健康实践中,自由主义将个人权利置于公共健康之前,并将公共健康视为个人的一项积极权利,从而得出以保护个人权利为促进公共健康的最佳途径这一结论。

3.New-Liberalism,represented by John Rawls and Robert Nozick,considers thatindividual rights is unique foundation of the political philosophy.以罗尔斯、诺齐克为代表的新自由主义主张权利基础论,把个人权利作为政治哲学的唯一基础。

6)individual right个人权利

1.The American due process system is the important measure of interfering the government power and action by judicial power of court, it"s purpose is to guarantee theindividual rights.正当程序的本质是一种对政府行为和权力的检验和审查,美国的正当程序制度是法院运用司法权力对政府行为和权力进行广泛干预的重要手段,其目的是保障个人权利,是一项重要的司法审查制度。

2.Public power is the collective force based on the purpose of protectingindividual rights and mediating the conflicts.个人权利是人的自由自觉活动本性所要求的资格,是个人不可让渡的内在属性;公共权力是基于保护个人权利、调节个人权利冲突而产生的集体性强制力量。

3.The relationship between the power of state and theindividual right - the key to the construction of rule by law constitutes the foundation of the relationship between the state and society.国家权力与个人权利的关系是国家与社会关系问题的根本,是民主、法治建设的关键。


