2000字范文 > 个人人权 individual Human Rights英语短句 例句大全

个人人权 individual Human Rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-23 15:42:07


个人人权 individual Human Rights英语短句 例句大全

个人人权,individual Human Rights

1)individual Human Rights个人人权

1.According to the nature of public law of criminal procedure law and social nature of men, we should protect social human rights and take individual human rights into consider.刑事诉讼法所保障的人权应包括个人人权与社会人权两个方面,但是由于司法能力的局限性和价值目标多向性导致个人人权与社会人权难以均衡保护,依据刑事诉讼法的公法性质和人的社会性本质,应在社会人权优先保障的前提下兼顾个人人权。


1.Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who Are Not Nationals of the Country in Which They Live非居住国国民个人人权宣言

2.An investigation that violates the privacy or rights of individuals.侵犯或践踏个人隐私权和人权的调查

3.This access directive grants read access to everyone.这个权限指令赋予每个人有读的权限。

4.exclusive individual ownership.独自享有的个人占有权。

5.Congress has no right to interfere with a fellow"s personal liberty.国会无权干扰个人自由。

6.This impinges on my rights as an individual.这侵害了我个人的权利。

7.ownership of personal property by citizen公民个人财产所有权

8.infringe on [upon] the rights of another侵害另一个人的权利

9.Transfer of title to property from one person to another.产权转让产权由一个人转让到另一个人

10.Everyone has the right of access to data which has been collected concerning him or her, and the right to have it rectified.人人均有权了解其个人资讯,并有权要求销毁其个人资讯。

11.Liberal - a power worshipper without power.开明派——一个无权而崇尚权力的人。

12.The Supreme Individual Rights-A Analysis of Nozick"s Conception of Rights至上的个人权利—诺奇克权利观探析

13.People who value human rights should not forget the rights of the state.人们支持人权,但不要忘记还有一个国权。

14.The Substantial Feeling of Human Rights From "Three Represents";"三个代表"的人权质感——也说人权的普遍性

15.The Two Human Rights Conventions and Integration of China s Systems ofConstitutionalism of Human Rights;“两个人权公约”与我国人权宪政体制的整合

16.someone subject to the authority or control of another.一个服从权威或受别人支配的人。

17.a person who has general authority over others.一个对其它人有全面支配权力的人。

18.You cannot give a man power over other men.你不能给一个人控制他人的权力。


individual rights个人权利

1.Can public health intervention onindividual rights be justified ethically? Liberalism can prove the public health intervention on other-regarding behavior and paternalism can justify the public health intervention on self-regarding behavior,while communitarianism approves all public health intervention.公共健康实践中的政府干预在所难免,政府以公共健康之名对个人权利实施的干预能否得到伦理论证?自由主义可以支持对涉他行为的公共健康干预,家长主义可以证明对涉己行为的公共健康干预,而社群主义则赞成所有的公共健康干预,因此,在公共健康领域,伦理的钟摆摆向了社群主义者的观点。

2.Liberalism takesindividual rights prior to public health and take public health asindividual rights in the practice of public health.在公共健康实践中,自由主义将个人权利置于公共健康之前,并将公共健康视为个人的一项积极权利,从而得出以保护个人权利为促进公共健康的最佳途径这一结论。

3.New-Liberalism,represented by John Rawls and Robert Nozick,considers thatindividual rights is unique foundation of the political philosophy.以罗尔斯、诺齐克为代表的新自由主义主张权利基础论,把个人权利作为政治哲学的唯一基础。

3)individual liberal right个人主权

1.The paper is a study ofindividual liberal rights in social choice.研究了社会选择中的个人主权问题。

2.Theindividual liberal right in social choice is studied.研究了社会选择中的个人主权问题 。

4)individual right个人权利

1.The American due process system is the important measure of interfering the government power and action by judicial power of court, it"s purpose is to guarantee theindividual rights.正当程序的本质是一种对政府行为和权力的检验和审查,美国的正当程序制度是法院运用司法权力对政府行为和权力进行广泛干预的重要手段,其目的是保障个人权利,是一项重要的司法审查制度。

2.Public power is the collective force based on the purpose of protectingindividual rights and mediating the conflicts.个人权利是人的自由自觉活动本性所要求的资格,是个人不可让渡的内在属性;公共权力是基于保护个人权利、调节个人权利冲突而产生的集体性强制力量。

3.The relationship between the power of state and theindividual right - the key to the construction of rule by law constitutes the foundation of the relationship between the state and society.国家权力与个人权利的关系是国家与社会关系问题的根本,是民主、法治建设的关键。

5)personal right个人权利

1.As the social-controling tool,the national power andpersonal right together form legal entity.法律作为社会控制的工具,其国家权力代表着国家利益,个人权利代表着个人利益,二者共同构成法律的统一体。

2.Marriage condition,one of the important composing parts in marriage system,stresses more on the realization of social benefit rather than sufficient protection ofpersonal right in the marriage law of our country.在我国婚姻法中结婚条件更多地强调了社会利益的实现,个人权利保护不够充分。

3.so only when we protectpersonal right well,can we restrain the expend of state power.而宪政的合理化与合法化不仅应从国家权力角度考虑,更应该从个人权利出发,古典自然法思想家认为国家是由人们将其部分个人权利以契约的形式转让给部分专门人员形成的,这种契约相当于宪法。

6)personal authority个人权威

1.Institutional authority andpersonal authority are the fundamental forms of the relationship among different social authorities.制度权威和个人权威是社会权威关系的两种基本形式。


人人1.每个人;所有的人。 2.用以称亲昵者。
