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个体化 individualization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 08:51:08


个体化 individualization英语短句 例句大全



1.Individualization of hyperbaric oxygen therapy;高压氧个体化治疗方案实施探讨

2.Determination method of CYP3A activity andindividualization dosage regimen of etoposide;CYP3A酶活性测定方法与依托泊苷个体化给药方案

3.Practical Control Methods for the Dose Individualization of Anticancer Drugs;抗肿瘤药物剂量个体化的实用控制方法


1.To form into a separate, distinct entity.个体化形成分离的、可区分的个体

2.Individual,Society and Rural Social Transformation--From Individualization Perspective个体、社会与乡村社会转型——以个体化为视角

3.Nursing observation on individual chrono-chemotherapy应用“个体化时辰化疗”的护理观察

4.Individualize advice on food/ meals to match needs, preferences, and culture.根据每个人的具体需要,代谢参数和文化来提供个体化的饮食建议。

5.The west people have the tradition of desultory individualism; many of their therapy method emphasize individual, personal right, individuation.欧美人有喜欢散漫的个人主义传统;许多咨询方法强调个体、个体权力和个体化的重要性。

6.Culture is superorganic and superindividual.文化是超机体和个人的。

7.On psychological model of writing subject individualization - widening - individualization;论写作主体“个性化-泛化-个性化”的心理模型

8.Some Problems in the Study of Individual Socialization in Network Era;网络时代个体社会化研究的几个问题

9.systematic killing of a racial or cultural group.整体杀害一个民族或文化群体。

10.Virtue means moral elements that have come into a person"s quality.德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。

11.Cesium chloride is an example of a bodycentered cubic crystal.氯化铯是体心立方晶体的一个例子。

12.People who share the same culture form a culture group.文化同根同源就组成一个文化群体。

13.Setting up an individual society subject--the worth target of modernization;社会主体个人化——现代化的价值选择

14.the absorbing of one cultural group into harmony with another.吸收某一文化团体与另一个文化团体协调。

15.Group Standard of National Culture and Individual Display of Western Culture;民族文化的群体本位与西方文化的个体张扬

16.(2) individual differences in masculinity, femininity, and androgyny;(2)考察男性化、女性化和双性化的个体差异;

17.Material Body, Cultural Body and Technological Body--A Brief Analysis of Don Ihde’s Theory of the “Three Bodies”;物质身体、文化身体与技术身体——唐·伊德的“三个身体”理论之简析

18.This media contains one or more backup sets. Do you want to initialize?该媒体包含一个或多个备份集,是否进行初始化?



1.Three-dimensional reconstruction and CAD of intramedullary stem of individual metacarpophalangeal joint prosthesis;个体化掌指关节假体三维建模及其髓内柄的计算机辅助设计

2.Effects of individual therapeutic strategy of congenital clubfoot on prognosis;先天性马蹄内翻足的个体化治疗方案对预后的影响

3.The Application ofIndividual Program of Cervical Pedicle Screw Internal Fixation in Cervical Disease颈椎椎弓根内固定技术在颈椎疾病个体化手术方案制订中的应用


1.Individualized treatment of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after liver transplantation;肝移植术后侵袭性肺曲霉病的个体化治疗

2.Effects ofindividualized nutrition therapy on patients with COPD;应用个体化营养方案对COPD患者病情影响的研究

3.Improved CT measurement method inindividualized pedicle screw placement;改良CT测量法用于椎弓根螺钉个体化植入的实验研究


1.With the guidance of the principle of individual and system theory,clinicians should choose individuation optional strategy from different clinical strategies on the treatment of depression in the elderly.在老年抑郁症的治疗决策中,运用个体化和系统论的原则,选择个体最优化综合治疗决策,改善老年抑郁症的不良预后,减轻本病带来的家庭社会负担。

2.The principles of individuation and integrity should be emphasized in the multimodality therapy of malignant tumors.从系统论的理论出发,指出对于肿瘤的综合治疗,应该强调整体性和个体化的原则,在进行恶性肿瘤的综合治疗中,必须考虑具体患者的具体病情。

3.The principles of individuation, integrity and dynamics should be considered in the pharmic therapy of depression.从系统论的角度出发,指出抑郁症的药物治疗应当个体化、考虑病情的整体性与动态性原则。


1.Personalized Treatment of Low,grade Astrocytoma in Sylvian Area;外侧裂区低级别星形细胞瘤个体化治疗探讨

2.Personally namagement of hemodialysis patients with diabetes nephrosis;5例老年糖尿病肾病患者的个体化血液透析管理

3.Idealist education promotes human development by helping those who receive the education to assimilate their personal ideals with the common ideals of the public.理想教育促进人的发展,通过促使受教育者完成从社会理想个体化到个体理想社会化的过程来实现。

6)Individual culture个体文化

1.From cultural perspective,the paper divide man s existence into three patterns including the instinct culture,community culture and individual culture,which is a tentative interpretation on Marx theory of the three stages of man s development,and it is also a research on the theoretical origin of man s development.从文化的视角入手,将人的存在依次分为三种样态:本能文化、群体文化、个体文化,这是对马克思关于人的发展三阶段理论的尝试性诠释,也是对人类发展脉络的理论渊源探索。

2.The city culture is three-dimensional structure consisting of group culture, individual culture and family culture.城市文化是一个由群体文化、个体文化、家庭文化组合而成的三元结构,在现实状态中,这是一个不平衡的结构。

3.These qualities of internet culture fully show that it is a new form of heterogeneous culture,a culture that differs from traditional culture and individual culture.网络文化的这些特质充分说明它是一种异质文化,一种与传统文化、民族文化以及个体文化都不尽相同的新型文化形态。


