2000字范文 > 侦查工作 investigation英语短句 例句大全

侦查工作 investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 05:24:29


侦查工作 investigation英语短句 例句大全



1.The obstacles of Lie detecting technology use in public securityinvestigation work测谎技术在公安侦查工作中运用的障碍

2.The application of disjunctive syllogism is indispensable toinvestigation,which has been proved byinvestigation practice for a long time.侦查工作离不开选言推理的运用,这已为长期的侦查实践所证明。

3.Prerequisite presumption is dispensable to theinvestigation.侦查工作离不开必要条件假言推理的运用,正确地运用必要条件假言推理,有助于推断作案条件,否定作案人,揭露、驳斥犯罪嫌疑人的诡辩。


1.detection is hard on the feet.侦查工作有重大突破。

2.Investigating Countermeasures for the Introduction to Muteness System;侦查工作引入沉默权制度的分析研究

3.Evolving Course Of Investigation in China s Society Transitional Period;中国社会转型期侦查工作的演进轨迹

4.Cutting down the Dead Angle of Social Defense and Controlling Perfecting Spy Job;减少社会防控死角 完善侦查工作

5.Discuss the Influence of the Amendments to the Law of the People"s Republic of China on Lawyers on the Detection Work论《律师法》的修改对侦查工作的影响

6.On Applying the Way of Network "Renrou Scouting" to Investigative Practice论网络“人肉搜索”在侦查工作中的运用

7.Theory of Crime Consumption and Its Role in Investigation;犯罪耗费理论及其在侦查工作中的重要作用

8.Detection is not properly a function of the customs service.严格地说来,侦查工作不是海关的一项职责。

9.Talking about the Depending on the Masses in Investigating Work Policy in the New Situation;论新形势下侦查工作中的依靠群众方针

10.West construction under harmonious social field of vision duty crime detection work;构建西部和谐社会视野下的职务犯罪侦查工作

11.Train the informative consciousness of crime and improve the quality of investigation work;培养刑事犯罪情报意识提高侦查工作质量

12.The Influence of Establishing Right of Silence to Investigation Work and Its Countermeasure;确立沉默权对侦查工作的影响及应对方略

13.On Problems in the Investigation of Money-washing Crime and Its Countermeasures;试论我国洗钱犯罪侦查工作中的难点及对策

14.Insisting On Scientific Development View and Advancing the Sustainable Development of Criminal Investigation;坚持科学发展观 推进刑事侦查工作可持续发展

15.The Application of Prerequisite Presumption in Investigation;必要条件假言推理在侦查工作中的运用

16.Influence and Countermeasure of Silence Right on Work Investigation;试论沉默权对侦查工作的影响及实施对策

17.How to Apply Criminal Information Found in Spots to the Criminal Investigation;现场犯罪信息在刑事侦查工作中的运用

18.Basic Methods to Make Investigations under the New Lawsuit Conditions;新刑事诉讼条件下侦查工作的基本对策


criminal investigation侦查工作

1.In the practice ofcriminal investigation,the awareness of the expense on criminal cases should be increased,relevant policies should be .在侦查工作中,应树立犯罪耗费观念,增强侦查效益意识,制定和完善相应的刑事政策,健全侦查效益机制。

2.We should fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of transparentizingcriminal investigation.我们应该正确认识侦查工作“透明化”的利弊,既要顺应法治潮流,赋予公众对侦查工作的知情权,又要规定一些必要的限制,在保障公民合法权利实现的同时,保证侦查工作的顺利进行。

3)Detection work侦查工作

1.Based on the growth of network and in order to satisfy the requirements of the times and discharge its responsibilities,the work of detecting crime needs to make a paradigm shift in detection patterns,work methods,detection concepts and improving the level of detection work.随着计算机技术和现代通信技术的发展,信息网络延伸至社会生活的各个角落,作为社会副产品的犯罪也随之演变出多种新的犯罪表现,使传统侦查工作在证据获取和破案模式上面临挑战。

4)investigation work in the prison狱内侦查工作

1.Scientific description ofinvestigation work in the prison will be helpful to the jail practice work.狱内侦查工作的科学定位关系到监狱如何科学开展对狱内侦查工作进行模式化的描述,有助于监狱实践工作。

5)investigation workin china中国的侦查工作

6)an idea of investigative work侦查工作理念

1.The manifestation and value embodiment of investigative clues arean idea of investigative work.侦查线索的显现与价值体现是一种侦查工作理念。


