2000字范文 > 侦查行为 investigation英语短句 例句大全

侦查行为 investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-01 18:19:44


侦查行为 investigation英语短句 例句大全



1.Supervision is the effective force to guarantee theinvestigation to run on the legal track.侦查行为是保证国家刑事目的实现的活动,也是使公民权利容易受到伤害的行为。

2.Because the use of it ininvestigation embodies the principle of fitness,the principle of necessity,the principle of suitability,the principle of economy and the principle of justice,it has been the king principle ofinvestigation.同时,由于比例原则在侦查行为运行中体现了适合性原则、必要性原则、相称性原则、经济性原则、公正性原则,因此它成为侦查行为的帝王原则。

3.Investigating action is the core of theinvestigation process.侦查行为是侦查机关行使侦查权的主要形式,是侦查程序的核心内容。


1.On the Classification of Anti-investigation Behaviors (Ⅲ);反侦查行为的类型初探(三)——隐蔽型反侦查行为与公开型反侦查行为

2.On the Classification of Anti-investigation Behaviors;反侦查行为的类型初探(二)——消极性反侦查行为与积极性反侦查行为

3.On Rule-by-Law Principle of Investigation Act论侦查行为法治原则——兼谈我国侦查程序改革

4.On Problem Solution of Case Investigation and Tactical Selection of Investigation Behavior;论案件侦查的问题解决与侦查行为策略选择

5.The Construction of the Mechanism of Judicial Review in the Criminal Investigation Procedure;论侦查程序中司法审查机制的构建——以强制侦查行为为视角

6.Classifing Research About The Behavior Of Criminal Investigation--example of criminal investigation in drug guilty;刑事侦查行为分类研究——以毒品犯罪的侦查为范例

7.The Restrictive Factors of Investigation Action s Legalization and Overcoming;侦查行为法治化的制约因素及其克服

8.Establishing the Concept of Governing the Country in Accordance with the Law Carrying on the Investigation According to the Law;树立依法治国理念依法实施侦查行为

9.Influence on Investigative Conduct Resulted from Procedural Defend and Its Regulation;程序性辩护对侦查行为的影响与规制

10.Game Encoding and Game Decoding: on the Principles of Reasonably Opening the Acts of Investigation;设局与破解:论侦查行为合理公开原则

11.How to mark off the criminal investigative action or administrative action of public security organ;公安机关刑事侦查行为和行政管理行为的界定

12.ON the Social Supervision of Investigation--from the Point of Specialty;论侦查行为的社会监督——以专门化为视角

13.Analysis on Anti-detection Behaviors--Take the case fact constitution as the angle of view;反侦查行为方式分析——以案件事实构成为视角

14.On the Developing Trend and Countermeasures of the Counter Investigation Act at New Situation新形势下反侦查行为的发展趋势及对策

15.Evaluation of Ethics and Systematic Construction in Conducting Investigation;侦查行为伦理评价标准及其体系的构建

16.Efficiency Analysis of Investigational Act under the System Theory;系统论视野下的侦查行为经济效益分析

17.The Leagal Nature of Underground Criminal Investigation and the Protection of Underground Policemen s Rights;卧底侦查行为法律定性与警察权益保护

18.On Administration of Justice Control to Public Security Organ s Criminal Investigation Behavior;论对公安机关刑事侦查行为的司法控制


investigation action侦查行为

1.Theinvestigation action s legalization which is the basic requirement and important sign of investigation legalization is restricted by aseries of subjective and objective factors.侦查行为法治化,是侦查法治化的基本要求和重要标志。

2.Especially in a state ruled by law,investigation action usually involves conflicts between the state power and individual rights, which is increasingly attracting people s attention.侦查行为作为侦查程序中最核心的理论范畴之一,研究它的意义重大。

3)detective behavior侦查行为

1.In the society ruled by the law,detective behaviors often involve the conflicts between the country s power and the individual s right.侦查行为作为侦查程序中最核心的理论范畴之一,它的价值无可估量。

4)anti-investigation behaviors反侦查行为

1.It is essential to study the classification ofanti-investigation behaviors for deepening the research on the Science of Criminal Investigation.根据反侦查行为是否为侦查人员或群众知晓 ,可将其划分为隐蔽型反侦查行为与公开型反侦查行为。

5)investigation behavior tactics侦查行为策略

6)investigative actions of using Informers线人侦查行为


