2000字范文 > 侦查活动 investigation英语短句 例句大全

侦查活动 investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-16 10:41:56


侦查活动 investigation英语短句 例句大全



1.On Principles of Investigation benefits;实现其最大效益的要素应为:一是合理确定侦查资源与案件侦破难度之间的比例;二是侦查活动应持续进行;三是禁止拖延诉讼期间,超期羁押现象;四是强制性侦查行为的实施以必要为限;五是侦查机关不得阻碍或剥夺当事人及其他诉讼参与人的合法诉讼权利的行使。


1.We are spies in the enemy"s country.我们是在敌人的领土里进行侦查活动。

2.How to treat the rule by law--Taking the criminal investigation for example;怎样看待法治——以刑事侦查活动为视角

3.On the Limits and Supervision of Criminal Investigation by the Media媒体对刑事侦查活动的监督及其限度

4.Protection of the Right of Privacy in Investigative Procedure;刑事侦查活动中对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权的保护

5.On Procuratorate s Investigation and Supervision of Public Security Organs;论人民检察院对公安机关侦查活动的监督

6.Procuratorial organs should strictly supervise law enforcement in the investigating activities of public security organs.检察机关严格监督公安机关侦查活动中的执法情况。

7.Discuss the Basic Rule & Basic Principle of Our Country’s Economic Crime Investigation Activities论我国经济犯罪侦查活动的基本规律与基本原则

8.It is a natural trend of the criminal investigation reform to make the investigative practice, litigantism and the aims of criminal and judicial reform centering around trial reach unanimity.使侦查活动与当事人主义、判为中心的刑事司法改革的目标趋于一致,是刑事侦查改革的必然趋势。

9.Investigation thinking is the thinking activity that investigators use in solving the case, the most creative thinking activity.侦查思维是侦查人员在侦查办案中的思维活动,是最富有创造性的一种思维活动。

10.The police prevent and detect crime.警察的职责是防止和侦查犯罪活动.

11.A Logical Inquiry into Testification of Investigational Practice关于侦查实践中证明活动的逻辑探讨

12.* to detect and investigate the increasingly complex financial aspects of corruption cases.*侦察和调查涉及复杂金融活动的贪污案件。

13.The Thought Form of Questioning;讯问活动的思维形式——侦查讯问中的“问题”研究

14.On the Change of Anti-Investigation Ways in Drug Trafficking;试析当前贩毒活动反侦查手段的发展变化

15.On the Proof-collection in the Investigation Process from the Requirements of the Public Prosecution;从公诉活动的需要看侦查阶段的证据收集

16.Promote the Reform of the Investigation Mode with Science and Technology;以科技侦查推动侦查模式的根本变革

17.exercising supervision over the legality of the investigatory and judicial activities of the internal security organs and the military courts.对保卫部门、军事法院的侦查和审判活动是否合法实行监督。

18.Their formation indicates that it seems to be a reconnaissance unit sent to investigate our movements.信息显示那好像是来侦查我们行动的侦查编队。


criminal investigation activities刑事侦查活动

1.It’s very important value of publicitycriminal investigation activities in democracy countries.刑事侦查活动中信息公开是一国司法文明重要的价值所在,不仅可以有效地监督侦查权的行使而且可以提升民众对司法的信心,但媒体不当报道也会侵害到犯罪嫌疑人人格权与公正受审权。

3)supervision over investigating activities侦查活动监督

1.So starting from the concept and meaning ofsupervision over investigating activities,this essay analysizes and expounds its logal foundation,acture,characteristics,principles as well as its subject and object,and then puts forward the purpose to carry out supervision ov.侦查活动监督是检察机关的一项重要诉讼监督职责。

4)On the supervision of investigating activities论侦查活动的监督


1.On the Three Relationships inDetectivism——Chepter 8 of Criminal Investigation Dialectics;试论侦查运动中的三元关系(上)——刑事侦查辩证法研究之八

6)initiating crminal investigation侦查启动


