2000字范文 > 居住环境 residential environment英语短句 例句大全

居住环境 residential environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-19 23:47:13


居住环境 residential environment英语短句 例句大全

居住环境,residential environment

1)residential environment居住环境

1.Water eco-treatment inresidential environments of the Jiangnan region, China;江南地域居住环境中的水生态处理

2.Discussion on urban ecology effect about theresidential environment of peasant workers;农民工居住环境的城市生态影响略论

3.Investigation and research on theresidential environment of Tibetans in Shangri-La;香格里拉藏民居住环境调研


1.The Unity of Heaven and Humans in Human Inhabitation--A Probing of Human Environment Ideas in Early Ming Dynasty居住环境中的天人融和——明初人居环境思想探微

2.Research about the Living Environment Design of Two Generations of Family Life青老两代合居社区居住环境设计研究

3.Study on Residence Environment of Village Changing Era Residence in Guanzhong Region;关中地区乡村换代住宅居住环境研究

4.Enlightment of Singapore to China resides environment constrution;新加坡居住环境建设对中国居住环境建设的启示

5.Residential environment can be improved by improving the quality of acoustic environment.居住环境的改善需要提高其声环境品质。

pany of air-condition, proposing a more natural living condition.空调伴侣,倡导更自然的居住环境。

7.RI: What are living conditions like in Missionvale?国际扶輪:布道谷的居住环境如何?

8.Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖

9.On the Effect of Peasant Workers Housing Conditions on Crimes by Their Children;农民工居住环境对其子女犯罪的影响

prehensive appraisal on the basis of AHP algorithmof urban living environment;基于AHP法的城市居住环境综合评价

11.Legal Discussion on Constructing Nihil Obstat Inhabited Environment;构建物质无障碍居住环境的法律探讨

12.To Design Inhabitation Environment Conforming To The Residents" Behavior And Psychology居住行为模式与居住区环境设计初探

13.Human Settlement Quality Assessment of Residential Quarters in the West of Dalian大连西部居住小区人居环境质量评价

14.Reading Humanism Inhabitation--The Culture Of Beijing Siheyuan;人居环境“阅读”——北京四合院居住文化

15.A Study on the Residential Outside Environment Based on Environmental-Behavior;以环境行为学观点探讨居住区户外环境

16.Behavior Psychology and Environment Design in Green Space of Residential District行为心理与居住区绿地空间环境设计

17.a hospitable environment for wild birds适合野生鸟类居住的环境

18.an environment hospitable to wild life适合野生动物居住的环境


living environment居住环境

1.Discussion on non-technological factors to improve the quality ofliving environment;改善居住环境质量的非技术因素探讨

2.The discusson of theliving environment design for sustainable development;谈太原市旧区改造中的居住环境问题

3.Healthy Residence-Living Environment Reconstruction;健康住宅——居住环境再营造

3)dwelling environment居住环境

1.Spatial design ofdwelling environment for the aged in Xi an;西安市老年人居住环境空间设计初探

4)residence environment居住环境

1.Simple talking about old people s physiological functionand design ofresidence environment;浅析老年人生理机能与居住环境设计

2.Study on Residence Environment of Village Changing Era Residence in Guanzhong Region;关中地区乡村换代住宅居住环境研究

3.Factors affecting theresidence environment are geographic and humanistic.影响居住环境的有地理和人文两大因素。

5)residential environment居住区环境

1.The paper introduced the planning and design of Binhai-Suimuhuadu,and mainly discussed how to bring cultural context into landscape design of residential area to outstand special features ofresidential environment,to create a modernresidential environment with cultural context to match people s aesthetic taste.水木花都小区环境设计"为例,在居住区环境的景观设计中通过挖掘和表现地域文脉,营造具有传统文化特色、符合人们审美情趣的现代居住区环境。

6)new residential environment新居住环境

1.Through an analysis of the aging society,this article studies the architectural design of residence for old citizens,proposes an idea ofnew residential environment, discusses the impact of intelligent residential system on the aging society and analyzes the architectural design mode that meets the transformation of social situations.通过对老龄化社会的分析,研究老年住宅的针对性建筑设计,提出新居住环境的构想,设想智能化的住宅体系对老龄社会的影响,分析适应社会形势转化的建筑设计方式。


海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environmenthaiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。
