2000字范文 > 居住区环境 residential environment英语短句 例句大全

居住区环境 residential environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-08 08:32:23


居住区环境 residential environment英语短句 例句大全

居住区环境,residential environment

1)residential environment居住区环境

1.The paper introduced the planning and design of Binhai-Suimuhuadu,and mainly discussed how to bring cultural context into landscape design of residential area to outstand special features ofresidential environment,to create a modernresidential environment with cultural context to match people s aesthetic taste.水木花都小区环境设计"为例,在居住区环境的景观设计中通过挖掘和表现地域文脉,营造具有传统文化特色、符合人们审美情趣的现代居住区环境。


1.To Design Inhabitation Environment Conforming To The Residents" Behavior And Psychology居住行为模式与居住区环境设计初探

2.Study on the Development of the Environment of Nanjing Residential Districts;南京居住区环境的演变(1978-)

3.In City 70 s Communities Environment Transformation Research;城市中70年代居住区环境改造研究

4.Research in the Design Concept of Residential Quarter Environment upon Inhabitants" Wishes基于居民意愿的居住区环境设计理念研究

5.Discussion on the residential district environment design of adapting residents" psychological demand试论适应居民心理需求的居住区环境设计

6.Research on Assessment Method and Management System for Residence Areas;居住区环境质量评价方法及管理系统研究

7.Human Settlement Quality Assessment of Residential Quarters in the West of Dalian大连西部居住小区人居环境质量评价

8.Research about the Living Environment Design of Two Generations of Family Life青老两代合居社区居住环境设计研究

9.Study on Residence Environment of Village Changing Era Residence in Guanzhong Region;关中地区乡村换代住宅居住环境研究

10.A Study on the Residential Outside Environment Based on Environmental-Behavior;以环境行为学观点探讨居住区户外环境

11.Behavior Psychology and Environment Design in Green Space of Residential District行为心理与居住区绿地空间环境设计

12.Design of Children s Playground in Community;居住区中儿童户外游戏环境设计探讨

13.Study on Outdoor Environment Design with Climate in Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang Area;京津石地区居住外环境气候设计研究

14.Integration Construction of Residential Community s Environment with Architecture;居住社区环境·建筑一体化营造初探

15.On Creating Outdoors Visual Environment for Humanized Residential Area;论人性化居住区户外视觉环境的营造

16.Research on the Assessment Index System for Community Human Settlements;住宅小区人居环境评价指标体系研究

17.Investigation on exterior Luminous Environment of Residential Area in the City城市居住区室外光环境现状调查研究

18.Research on Improving Living Environment of the Modern Housing in the Former Hankou s Concession District;汉口原租界区近代住宅居住环境改善研究


community environment居住区环境

1.On aging society andcommunity environment design;浅谈老龄化社会和居住区环境设计

3)residential area environment居住区环境

1.Analysis of residents evaluation ofresidential area environment in a small city;居民对小城市居住区环境的评价分析

2.Although it is the smallest part of the landscape architecture involved,residential area environment design is one of the most important contents of landscape design in recent China.居住区环境是景观建筑设计所涉及的最小一部分内容 ,但在我国却成为景观工程最重要的内容之一。

4)residential district environment居住区环境

1.Based on the investigation ofresidential district environment design problems,methods and suggestions on humanity design ofresidential district environment are presented.阐述了人性设计的“行为—空间”的理论基础,结合居住区环境设计存在的问题的调查结果,提出了关于居住区环境的人性设计的方法与建议。

2.The article tries to solve the problem by inproving theresidential district environment and public facilities.本文试图从完善居住区环境和公共服务设施两方面作出一定的探索。

5)Living Unit居住环境区

1.Theory ofLiving Unit in Road System Planning of Communities;住区道路交通规划中的“居住环境区”理论

6)environment system of the residential parts居住区环境系统

1.The paper analyzesenvironment system of the residential parts and its problems in Huhhot and puts forward the sustainable development"s countermeaures and ways.对呼和浩特市居住区环境系统及其存在问题进行分析并提出可持续发展的对策与途


