2000字范文 > 住宅居住环境 house environment英语短句 例句大全

住宅居住环境 house environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 00:53:51


住宅居住环境 house environment英语短句 例句大全

住宅居住环境,house environment

1)house environment住宅居住环境

1.The importance of universal design in senior citizens\"house environment is introduced in the hope of activating more people to reconsider senior citizens\" current life status,more importantly,take care of,love and respect them by universal design.本文主要针对无障碍设计在老年人住宅居住环境的重要性进行了探讨,希望更多的人能去多思考一些老年人目前的生活状态,能从生活最细微之处去关心他们、爱护他们、尊重他们。


1.Study on Residence Environment of Village Changing Era Residence in Guanzhong Region;关中地区乡村换代住宅居住环境研究

2.Research on Improving Living Environment of the Modern Housing in the Former Hankou s Concession District;汉口原租界区近代住宅居住环境改善研究

3.Study on the Planning and Design of Living Environment of Rural Residence in Shandong Peninsula Region;山东半岛地区乡村住宅居住环境设计研究

4.Investigation and Analysis to the High Residence Living Environment and Social Mental States of Cities;城市高层住宅居住环境与社会心理调查分析

5.The Research on Living Environment Comfort Design of High-rise Housing in Cold District寒冷地区高层住宅居住环境舒适性设计探索

6.A Brief Introduction on the Importance of Universal Design in Senior Citizens" House Environment浅谈无障碍设计在老年人住宅居住环境中的重要性

7.Research on the Assessment Index System for Community Human Settlements;住宅小区人居环境评价指标体系研究

8.Study on the Healthy Situation of Living Environment of "Healthy Houses" in Baotou City包头市“健康住宅”的居住环境健康性现状研究

9.The Research of Residential Outdoor Environment Design Based on "Health Housing";从“健康住宅”看居住区室外环境设计的研究

10.“Land-saving and suitable for living” residences as the optimal model of the construction of urban human settlement environment;“省地宜居型”住宅——城市人居环境建设的优选模式

11.Research on the Evaluation of Human Settlements in Commercial Residential Districts in Wuhan;武汉市商品住宅小区人居环境评价研究

12.Study on the Ecological Appraising and Optimization in Ningbo s Urban Residential Area;宁波市住宅小区人居环境生态评价与优化研究

13.The Malpractices in Human Settlements Environment Development and the Countermeasures浅谈城市住宅开发中的人居环境问题与策略

14.New Thoughts on the Environment Design for Residential Quarter Initiated by Family Endowment居家养老引发的住宅小区环境设计新思考

15.The development of the other islands, continues mainly to improve the living environment of existing residential districts.其他离岛的发展正继续进行,主要着重改善现有住宅区的居住环境。

16.Elementary Discussing on Humanistic Waterscape Design from the Development of Environment Direction in Residential District.;从杭州市住宅区环境改善趋势探居住小区水景观人性化设计方法

17.Exploration of Traditional Courtyard Evolution in Morden Residential Buildings and Habitable Environment of High Rate Volume;传统院落在现代高容积率住宅与居住环境中的沿革探索

18.The Research of Environment Facility in the Bai SiHe-Yuan House under the Modern Dwelling Mode;大理白族合院式住宅在现代居住模式下的环境设施研究


housing environment住宅环境

1.The application of geomantic theory in ecological healthyhousing environment;风水理论在生态健康住宅环境中的应用

2.The development of housing construction in China has brought new concept ofhousing environment and thehousing environmental technology has been further improved.我国住宅建设的发展,带来了新的住宅环境观念,住宅环境技术也得到进一步的完善。

3)residential environment住宅环境

1.The good and the bad ofresidential environment is directly related to the living quality of the people.住宅环境的优劣直接关系到人们的居住质量。

2.Greenresidential environment by integral design and construction repersents the progress of human being and reflects the people s demand for living space of higher quality.整体营造绿色住宅环境 ,是人类进步的表现 ,是当代人对自身生活空间更高质量的要求。

4)living environment居住环境

1.Discussion on non-technological factors to improve the quality ofliving environment;改善居住环境质量的非技术因素探讨

2.The discusson of theliving environment design for sustainable development;谈太原市旧区改造中的居住环境问题

3.Healthy Residence-Living Environment Reconstruction;健康住宅——居住环境再营造

5)residential environment居住环境

1.Water eco-treatment inresidential environments of the Jiangnan region, China;江南地域居住环境中的水生态处理

2.Discussion on urban ecology effect about theresidential environment of peasant workers;农民工居住环境的城市生态影响略论

3.Investigation and research on theresidential environment of Tibetans in Shangri-La;香格里拉藏民居住环境调研

6)residence environment居住环境

1.Simple talking about old people s physiological functionand design ofresidence environment;浅析老年人生理机能与居住环境设计

2.Study on Residence Environment of Village Changing Era Residence in Guanzhong Region;关中地区乡村换代住宅居住环境研究

3.Factors affecting theresidence environment are geographic and humanistic.影响居住环境的有地理和人文两大因素。


住宅住宅[住宅]亦称住房。住宅是固定占有一定土 地和空间,具有生存、享受和发展等多重消费 功能、为个人和家庭长期居住并为劳动力和人 口再生产提供物质空间场所的建筑物,在商品 经济条件下,它表现为商品。住宅的发展水平代表了人类社会的生产力水平,同时也是人类 为了满足自己的生存、享受和发展的需要而去适应自然、社会和改造自然、社会的产物。它是随着人类社会的进步而逐步发展起来的。住宅的建造与建筑材料、结构、施工技术、设备条件、设计思想、起居习惯、地理环境、民族风俗,以及社会经济条件等等,都有很密切关系。一幢住宅可以由一户或几户、几十户乃至上百户组成。而每户内部又包括若干不同的房 间具有不同的用途,如:卧室、厨房、卫生间、贮藏室以及户内过道、活动间或室外活动、空间,如庭院·阳台、露台、走廊等。综合地看,住宅有许多属性,诸如自然属性、物质技术属性、社会属性、消费属性、社利属性、商品属性等。住宅的不同属性有不同的专门学科进行研究。
