2000字范文 > 中华民族自我意识 self-consciosness of Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

中华民族自我意识 self-consciosness of Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-16 16:41:38


中华民族自我意识 self-consciosness of Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

中华民族自我意识,self-consciosness of Chinese nation

1)self-consciosness of Chinese nation中华民族自我意识


1.The Innovation of Marx"s Historicism through Chinese Nation"s Self-Consciosness马克思历史观创新的中华民族自我意识

2.Researches of the Chinese Nation National Consciousness in the Era of Globalization;全球化时代的中华民族民族意识研究

3.Reshaping of Negros Self-Awareness and National Identity in The Beloved;论《宠儿》中黑人自我意识及民族意识的重塑问题

4.On the National Consciousness of Chinese in 21st Century;面向二十一世纪的中华民族民族意识刍议

5.On the Anti-Japanese War and the formation of the modern national consciousness of the Chinese people;论抗日战争与中华民族意识的现代化

6.The Chinese, Malays and Indians all have their own traditional festivals from which they derive "a sense of belonging to a particular community".华人、马来人、印族人过各自的传统节日,他们就有了“我是这个民族的成员”的自我意识。

7.Investigation on the Relation of Chinese Group Awareness and Chinese National Cohesion;中国国民群体意识与中华民族凝聚力关系考察

8.China Identification Sense of the Chinese Nation and Influential Factors on It;中华民族的中国认同意识及其影响因素

9.On the Chinese Nation s Ideology and the Victory of Anti-Japanese War;中华民族意识与抗日战争胜利的历史思考

10.Thai"s female worship dated back to the en of matriarchy.泰民族对女性的崇拜源自母系社会时期人们的本能意识的升华。

11.5. The great division of the Chinese nation. The fall of the feudal dynasty and the ideological stalemate that followed resulted in the Chinese nation being divided for more than half a century.五,中华民族大分裂——封建王朝的覆灭与意识形态的僵持,让中华民族出现超过半个世纪的对峙。

12.He was worried about the future of China and its people and hoped to awaken the Chinese people.他怀有一种忧国忧民的意识,以图唤起中华民族的觉醒。

pared with Chinese traditional dance and ballet, modern dance puts more emphasis on self-expression.现代舞比民族舞、芭蕾舞更强调自我意识,

14.The Consciousness of Self-development among Female Minority Talents in Xinjiang;新疆少数民族女性人才的自我发展意识

15.On the National Consciousness of Minority Nationalities in the Process of Urbanization;城市化进程中少数民族民族意识探析

16.Exploring initially of Chinese Korean Ethnic and National Consciousness Forming;中国朝鲜族民族、国民意识形成初探

17.National affairs , national consciousness and nationalism emotion民族问题中的民族意识和民族主义情绪

18.The Chinese Intellectual Stratum s Ethnologic Views on Chinese Nation During the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期中国知识阶层的中华民族观


the Chinese nation"s ideology中华民族意识

3)national self awareness民族自我意识

1.Put simply, nationalism is the true embodiment ofnational self awareness--a nation s emotions and opinions about itself.更简明地说 ,民族主义就是民族自我意识的现实表现。

4)chinese nationality consciousness华夏民族意识

5)national introspective consciousness民族自省意识

6)consciousness of Chinese nation中华民族自觉

1.Nationalism is one of the theories that promote theconsciousness of Chinese nation.国家主义是促进中华民族自觉的理论之一。


中华1.古代华夏族多建都于黄河南北,以其在四方之中,因称之为中华。后各朝疆土渐广,凡所统辖,皆称中华,亦称中国。 2.指中原。 3.古时对华夏族﹑汉族的称谓。
