2000字范文 > 振兴中华 the reconstruction of Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

振兴中华 the reconstruction of Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-25 01:44:48


振兴中华 the reconstruction of Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

振兴中华,the reconstruction of Chinese nation

1)the reconstruction of Chinese nation振兴中华


1."Rejuvenating China"is the common wishes of the whole nation“振兴中华”是全国人民的共同心愿

2.realize the lofty ideal of national rejuvenation.实现振兴中华的伟大理想。

3.The Reform and Opening Policy is the only Way to Revitalize the Chinese Nation改革开放是振兴中华民族的必由之路

4.A Historical Analysis of the Sense of Mission among the Late Qing Dynasty Thinkers Aimed at Revival of China;晚清思想家“振兴中华”使命感的历史考察

5.This is important for China facing the new century and is the only road for the Chinese nation toward revitalization这对面向新世纪的中国有着重要意义,是振兴中华民族的必由之路。

6.After national reunification the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can pool their resources and make common cause in economic development and work towards China"s resurgence.中国实现统一后,两岸可携手合作,互补互助,发展经济,共同振兴中华。

7.Stability and unity would be out of the question, and the construction, reform and rejuvenation of China would become no more than empty words.就谈不上安定团结,什么建设改革、振兴中华,都将成为空话。

8.We will emphasize education in patriotism and promote the national spirit of rejuvenating China.突出抓好爱国主义教育,弘扬振兴中华的民族精神。

rades, each and everyone of us is responsible for the Strengthening of China. The burden of Opening-Up and Reform is on our shoulders, yours and mine and his.同志们,振兴中华,匹夫有责,开放改革,重担就落在你、我、他身上。

10."In the great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, there is no shirking the responsibility on the part of the CPAFFC, and the task before us is quite formidable"振兴中华民族的伟大事业,民间外交责无旁贷,任务艰巨

11.Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee, we have been concentrating on modernizing the country so as to revitalize the Chinese nation.党的十一届三中全会以后,我们集中力量搞四个现代化,着眼于振兴中华民族。

12.With the aim of promoting Chinese culture internationally, the China Traditional Martial Arts Imperial College and the China Traditional Literature Imperial College were established today in Beijing.旨在振兴中华文化于国际的中国武道太学和中国书道太学今天在北京成立。

13."In Wind of Shao Lin":the Model of China WuShu Boom and Prosperity;风中少林:中华武术振兴与繁荣的典范

14.China"s rejuvenation(revitalization) and the progress of mankind中华民族的振兴与民族进步

15.All out Efforts for Building a Well-off Society: New Objectives Set to Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation;全面小康——中华民族振兴的新亮点

16.That"s right. She has risen out of the ashes since then. We can discuss her revitalization some other time.对。文革后的中国如再生的凤凰。我们以后再探讨中华的振兴吧。

17.Century’s progress of China’s rejuvenation -On the three great Chinese historic changes in the 20th century;中华民族振兴的世纪历程——试论20世纪中国三次历史性巨变

18.The rise of the Chinese nation and the cause of“ One Country, Two Systems” are leading HK into yet another era of prosperity.中华民族奋发振兴的历史进程,“一国两制”的伟大事业,有一次将香港带到新希望的起点。


advancing China in an all-round way全面振兴中华

3)Strive to Rejuvenate China志在振兴中华


5)Huɑzhong Zhenxing Zhushi Huishe华中振兴株式会社

6)rejuvenation of the Chinese nation中华复兴

1.It is therejuvenation of the Chinese nation.和平崛起是中华复兴的内在逻辑,也是在新的历史条件下的必然选择。


