2000字范文 > 中华民族观 concept of the Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

中华民族观 concept of the Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-06 07:51:56


中华民族观 concept of the Chinese nation英语短句 例句大全

中华民族观,concept of the Chinese nation

1)concept of the Chinese nation中华民族观

1.The paper discusses the principles and implications of "state-oriented education" and the educationconcept of the Chinese nation.本文对国家观、中华民族观教育的原则、方式等进行了探讨。


1.The Chinese Intellectual Stratum s Ethnologic Views on Chinese Nation During the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期中国知识阶层的中华民族观

2.The Nationalist Outlook of the Constitution:A Concurrent Study on Writing "The Chinese Nation" into the Constitution宪法的民族观——兼论“中华民族”入宪

3.Scientific View on Nationality and the Construction of Chinese Nationality科学民族观与中华民族建设——民族主义的反思与中华主义的弘扬

4.Promotion of Culture of the Chinese Nation弘扬中华民族文化──台湾观画随感

5.Viewing Collective Concept of the Chinese Nation from Traditional Culture从传统文化透视中华民族的群体观念

6.On Theory Construction of Chinese Multi-ethnic Literature History View;关于中华多民族文学史观的理论建设

7."Harmony" Is the General Order of Ancient Ethic in Chinese Nation;“和”——中华民族古代伦理观的总念

8.A Historical Study of the Idea of "Chinese Nation s Revival";民国时期“中华民族复兴”观念之历史考察

9.The Structure of Chinese Literature History under Chinese Multi-ethnic Literature History View;中华多民族文学史观下中国文学史之结构

10.A Survey of the Historical Development:Great Merger of Chinese Nationalities from Huaxia to Han;融合与演变:华夏族·汉族·中华民族

11.Investigation into the Status Quo of the Education of the Chinese Nation-Conception of History and the Countermeasures加强中华民族历史观教育的现状考察与对策

12.On Socialist Conception of Honor or Disgrace and the Cohesive Affinity of Chinese Nation;浅谈社会主义荣辱观与中华民族凝聚力

13.Adopting the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and Improving the Chinese Nation s Quality;树立社会主义荣辱观 提高中华民族整体素质

14.The Subject Spirit and Modern Revelation of China Nation s Traditional View of Honors and Disgrace;中华民族传统荣辱观的主体精神及现代启示

15.The Scientific Concept of Development and The Promotion and Cultivation of the Spirits of Chinese Nation;科学发展观与当代中华民族精神的弘扬和培育

16.The Innovation of Marx"s Historicism through Chinese Nation"s Self-Consciosness马克思历史观创新的中华民族自我意识

17.The Limitation and Rethinking of the Discussion on "Chinese Multi-ethnic Literature History View"“中华多民族文学史观”研讨的局限及反思

18.From the Ethno-Nationalism of the Han Nationality to the Nationalism of the Chinese Nation: The Transition of the Concept of Frontier Ethnic Groups by Kuomintang and Its Predecessorin Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic Period;从汉族主义到中华民族主义——清末民初国民党及其前身组织的边疆民族观转型


Ethnologic concept of the Chinese nation中华民族观念

3)the Chinese nation-conception of history中华民族历史观

1.The acceptance of the option of Chinese nation is the core ofthe Chinese nation-conception of history,which is concerned with the unification and stability of China,the unity and prosperity of Chinese nationalities.对中华民族的认同是中华民族历史观的核心 ,既关系中国国家的统一和稳定 ,又决定中国民族的团结和繁荣。

4)Chinese nation中华民族

1.Mao Ze-dong and the great rejuvenation of Chinese Nation;毛泽东与中华民族的伟大复兴

2.The revelation of the ideas of peace and love to the development ofChinese national P.E.culture;和合思想对中华民族体育文化发展的启示

3.Structure and Process:Unity of Pluralistic Society & Pluralism to an Organic Whole of Chinese Nation;结构与过程:中华民族多元一体格局与从多元走向一体

5)the Chinese nation中华民族

1.Frontier and Central:Unified Diversity of the Chinese Nation;边疆与中央:中华民族从多元走向一体

2.On the spiritual culture ofthe Chinese nation under the globalization impact;浅谈全球化冲击下的中华民族精神文化

3.The Communist Party of China is the firm leading nucleus to realize the revival ofthe Chinese nation;中国共产党是实现中华民族伟大复兴的坚强领导核心

6)Chinese nationality中华民族

1.On the Humanity in the Cultural Meta of the Chinese Nationality;试论中华民族文化元典中的人文精神

2.The writer analyses the legend of Yan Emperor s spirit of innovation in science culture,system culture and spirit culture,and argues that all legends about Yan Emperor s spirit of innovation are essence of practice and wisdom for Yan Emperor group,all these suggest thatChinese nationality is good at innovation.本文认为,深入研究中华民族先辈的创新精神,继承和发扬创新传统是复兴中华民族的重要一环。

3.The eighty years changes after the founding of the CPC have suggested that the theory of "Three Represents" is of vital importance both to the Party and theChinese nationality.江泽民“三个代表”重要思想 ,既是我们党着眼于现实需要和未来发展提出的最新理论成果 ,也是在中华民族复兴历史进程的总体把握中对我们党的理论和实践的科学总结。


中华1.古代华夏族多建都于黄河南北,以其在四方之中,因称之为中华。后各朝疆土渐广,凡所统辖,皆称中华,亦称中国。 2.指中原。 3.古时对华夏族﹑汉族的称谓。
