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演化 evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-30 03:48:31


演化 evolution英语短句 例句大全



1.A Quantitative Study Method of Vertical Sealing Evolution of Fault and Its Application;断裂垂向封闭性演化定量研究方法及其应用

2.Diagenetic reservoir facies and reservoir spaceevolution of the Quantou Formation of Lower Cretaceous in Xinli Oilfield,Jilin Province;吉林新立油田下白垩统泉头组成岩储集相及储集空间演化

3.Restoration andevolution calculation of reservoir porosity in member H3 of Yanglou Oilfield;杨楼油田核三段储层孔隙恢复与孔隙演化测算


1.An integrated study on technology evolution and its new research focus--evolution of emerging technology;技术演化的集成研究及新兴技术演化

2.A Comparative Research between Artificial Nature Evolution and Ecosystem Evolution;人工自然演化与生态演化的对比研究

3.An Ontology Evolution Method for Reducing Cost of Evolution一种可减少演化代价的本体演化方法

4.A Stand-alone Evolvable System Based on DSP基于DSP的演化硬件独立演化系统设计

5.Self-organization Evolution and Evolutionary Chaos of Industrial System and Innovation;技术创新与产业系统的自组织演化及演化混沌

6.A review on the technology system evolution theories and the relevant knowledge evolution theories;技术系统演化与相应的知识演化理论综述

7.The Evolutionary Mechanisms of Custom Proto-institution: A Perspective of Evolutionary Economics;习俗元制度的演化机制:一个演化经济学的视角

8.Chinese Ancient Evolution Thought And the Development of Evolution Economics in China;中国古代演化思想与中国演化经济学的发展

9.The Evolution of Institution by Non-government and by Government;民间自发的制度演化与政府主持的制度演化

10.A Research on Evolution Characteristics and Self-organization Evolution Process of Technology Innovation Diffusion System;技术创新扩散系统演化特征与自组织演化过程

11.Research on the Evolution Mechanism and Process of Regional Industry Cluster区域产业集聚演化机理及演化过程研究

12.A review of influences of seawater chemical evolution on biomineralization海水化学演化对生物矿化的影响综述

13.Because of acting the leading role in Cai Wen-Ji, he was awarded Performance Prize by Culture Ministry.他主演的《蔡文姬》荣获文化部表演奖。

14.Historical Romance and Historical Novels--Modernization of Historical Romance;演义与历史小说——传统演义的现代转化

15.The Diverse Performance of an Actor in Different Movies with Different Directors演员在不同导演作品中的差异化表现

16.deductive operation on structured object结构化事物的演绎运算

17.Auditoria Building [Hong Kong Cultural Centre]演艺大楼〔香港文化中心〕

18.A mime performing in whiteface.化妆成白脸表演的小丑



1.Stepwise inherited model of landslide evolvement;滑坡演化的逐代遗传模型

2.Analysis on the evolvement of urban spatial configuration in Yangquan;阳泉市城市空间形态演化分析

3.Lifecycle data model & its evolvement for product family;产品族生命周期数据模型及其演化研究


1.AdaBoostevolutionary algorithm based on template match;基于模板匹配的AdaBoost演化算法

parison of technology policy in equilibrium andevolutionary framework;均衡与演化框架下的技术政策比较

3.On the Evolutionary Character of North s Idea of Institutional Change;论诺斯制度变迁思想的演化特征


1.The Lunan Stone Forest has experienced four stages ofdevelopment under favorable geological,climatic,and hydrological conditions,forming the most diversified stone forest karst landscape in the world.石林喀斯特是喀斯特发育演化的一种极端形式,是以高大石柱和深切溶沟相组合为特征的一种特殊地貌类形。

2.This paper discusses operation of the latest innovation of the ideological and political course system in Chinese universities based on a review of its historicaldevelopment in the past 20 years.本文从近来我国高校思想政治理论课程体系演化的视角,对新一轮思想政治理论课程的实施作出一些新的探索。

3.We analyze thedevelopment and establishment, layers of education and distribution of Chinese logistics.本文就我国物流专业教育的演化及确立、教育层次及分布作了一些梳理和分析,同时也提出了存在的问题,以期各位同仁共同探究。


1.Research on EEG Classification withEvolving Cascade Neural Networks;演化级联神经网络对脑电信号分类的研究

2.By of the principles of the dissipative theory, synergetics and information theory, the way of self-organization , its influencing factors and dentropy changes during the evolving process of manufacturing system are disscussed.制造系统(ManufacturingSystems)演化的动力主要来自系统自身的内营力、外营力、以及技术创新与扩散作用。

3.On the basis of the accessing method, the most proper evolving strategy can be determined.为保护企业的IT投资,必须对遗留系统进行演化。

6)chemical evolution化学演化

1.Hydrochemistry characteristics andchemical evolution of oilfield brines of the Paleogene and Neogene in western Qaidam Basin;柴达木盆地西部古近系和新近系油田卤水资源水化学特征及化学演化

2.Calculating thechemical evolution of galactic halo with Miller-Scalo initial mass function;利用Miller-Scalo初始质量函数计算银晕的化学演化

3.The formation and evolution of the Galaxy has long been a basic and important branch andone of the most active frontiers in the field of astrophysics, among which is thechemical evolutionof the Galaxy showing its exceeding importance.银河系的形成与演化是天体物理学研究的重大前沿课题,银河系的化学演化在其中更具有极其重要的地位。


