2000字范文 > 大规模定制营销 Mass Customization Marketing英语短句 例句大全

大规模定制营销 Mass Customization Marketing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-12 07:36:05


大规模定制营销 Mass Customization Marketing英语短句 例句大全

大规模定制营销,Mass Customization Marketing

1)Mass Customization Marketing大规模定制营销

1.A Discussion on AutomobileMass Customization Marketing;汽车大规模定制营销探讨

2.This paper introduces the concept of mass customization marketing;analyzes the strengths of mass customization marketing and difficulties of implementing mass customization marketing;finally, proposes the countermeasures of implementing mass customization marketing.经济的快速发展和消费水平的不断提高,使得消费者不再满足过去千篇一律的产品和服务,体现先进营销理念的大规模定制营销已成为21世纪营销发展的新趋势。


1.Develop Country Consumption by Large-scaled cosmical Customization;大规模定制营销 开拓农村消费市场

2.Constructing Analysis Based on Mass Customization Marketing Strategy of Jinan Steel济钢大规模定制营销战略的构建研究

3.An Study on Mobile Phone Mass Customization Marketing Mode for the Operator基于运营商的手机大规模定制营销模式研究

4.Research of Mass Customized Marketing Pattern in the Digital Age;数字化时代的大规模定制营销模式研究

5.Strategy Analysis Based on Mass Customization Marketing of Jinan Iron&Steel Group;济钢集团基于大规模定制营销的战略研究

6.Study on the Marketing Strategy for Mass Customization by Customer Needs Oriented;以客户需求为导向的大规模定制营销策略研究

7.Enterprise s Competitiveness Analysis Based on Mass Customization Marketing;基于大规模定制营销的企业竞争力研究

8.Study on Mass Customization Marketing Strategy at Dongfang Iron & Steel Group东方钢铁集团大规模定制营销策略研究

9.Research on the Mass Customized Marketing Pattern Based on the Core of Third-party E-commerce以第三方电子商务平台为核心的大规模定制营销模式研究

10.An Study on the Change of Marketing Mode Based on Mass Customization Theory;基于大规模定制理论的营销模式变革研究

11.On Flexibility Character of the Mode of Mass Customization Marketing;浅论大规模定制化营销模式的柔性化特征

12.Mass Customization Will be the Breaking Point of Network Marketing;大规模定制模式将成为网络营销的突破口

13.Study on the Re-Construction of Domestic Enterprise s Marketing Organization Based on the Mass Customization;基于大规模定制的国内企业营销组织重构研究

14.A Study on the Construction of New Marketing Mode and System Operation Based on Mass Customization Theory;基于大规模定制理论的新营销模式构建及系统运作研究

15.On Difference and Regulation of Insurance Marketing Service Department保险营销服务部功能定位差异及规制

16.Study of Fuzzy Qualitative Simulation on Optimizing Sales Force Sizes营销人员规模优化的模糊定性模拟方法研究

17.Research on Mass Customization Operation Management System Based on Chain Management基于链管理的大规模定制运营管理系统研究

18.Modularity Design in Customization Marketing of Third Party Logistics;第三方物流定制营销中的模块化设计


Mass Customized Marketing大规模定制营销

1.Research ofMass Customized Marketing Pattern in the Digital Age;数字化时代的大规模定制营销模式研究

2.Because the customers demands are quite discrete,mass customized marketing becomes a more complicated system;it pays more attention on speed and added value.大规模定制营销已经成为一种必要的营销模式。

3)Customized marketing pattern定制营销模式

4)custom marketing定制营销

1.Custom marketing is a new marketing-oriented mode based on costumer s needs, resulting from the development of economy marketing and creativity of marketing theory, providing two-win to enterprises and consumers.定制营销是一种以消费者需求为导向的新的营销模式,它的出现是市场经济的发展和营销理论 创新的成果,给企业和消费者带来了"双赢",虽然在实施过程中需要跨越许多的障碍,但可观的经济效益 和社会效益使企业看到了无限的商机和广阔的前景。

5)customized marketing定制营销

1.It is wisdom for transport enterprises adapting to the social developing and complying with the trend of the times to takecustomized marketing strategy.对于运输市场而言,消费者的逐渐成熟和多元化发展势必对其提出更高的要求,采用定制营销策略无疑是运输企业适应社会发展需要,顺应时代潮流的一项明智之举。

2.This paper, based on the analysis of the features and prospects of tailor-made tourism marketing, argues that the new concept ofcustomized marketing should be established.从定制营销的特征、定制营销在旅游业营销中的前景分析入手 ,认为旅游企业应树立全新营销理念 ,即定制营销 ,并提出相应的策略。

3.The fierce of the market competition and the multiple choice of the consumer compel corporations to carry outcustomized marketing.市场竞争的激烈和消费者选择的多样性促使企业开展定制营销,同时互联网络的迅速发展和普及为企业开展定制营销提供了一个很好的平台。


1.According to the representative shortages of China s construction market and the analysis of the market s characteristics,the conception of constructing the strategic supply chain of the construction market based oncustomerization was proposed to accommodate its development.针对我国建筑市场现存的一些突出问题以及建筑市场自身特点,为适应建筑市场发展的要求,提出用定制营销理念构建建筑业战略供应链,从而将以企业为中心的市场营销转变为以客户为中心的定制营销。

2.This paper explains the concept and rationale ofcustomerization,and analyzes it s meaning and feasibility.阐述了定制营销的概念及理论基础,分析了图书馆实施定制营销的意义及可行性,并提出了图书馆有效实施定制营销的五项措施。


定制1.拟定制度或法式。 2.确定的制度﹑规则。
