2000字范文 > 规模定制 Mass Customization英语短句 例句大全

规模定制 Mass Customization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-27 15:18:59


规模定制 Mass Customization英语短句 例句大全

规模定制,Mass Customization

1)Mass Customization规模定制

1.This article discusses how to implement product configuration system design for mass customization,elaborates on the system modules and functions with the example of forklifts.本文以叉车产品为例,对如何实施有效的面向大规模定制的产品配置系统设计加以论述,详细阐述了产品配置系统的相应模块和功能。

2.Mass customization can not only meet customer"s these demands with lower customization cost and shorter delivery date and it has also offered a feasible way of solving this contradiction for manufacturing industry.制造业正面临着全球化竞争中客户多样化和个性化与成本和交货期之间的矛盾,规模定制生产能够在满足客户多样化和个性化需求的同时,保持较低的定制成本和较短的交货期,为制造业解决上述矛盾提供了一个可行途径。


1.Positioning of multi-customer order decoupling point in mass customization大规模定制下多CODP的定位模型及算法

2.A Model of Customizability Analysis for Modules of Mass Customized Product Family;大规模定制产品族模块定制属性分析模型

3.BOM Research for Modular Manufacturing Based on Large-scale Customization基于大规模定制的模块化制造BOM研究

4.Analysis on Increasing Efficiency of Production under Mass Customization Mode;大规模定制模式下定制效率优化的研究

5.The Optimization Analysis of Customization Degree under MC Paradigm;大规模定制模式下定制程度的优选分析

6.Mass Customization is the most advanced production mode.大规模定制是当前最先进的生产模式。

7.Supplies Strategy Study in the Mode of Mass Customization;大规模定制模式下物料供应策略研究

8.Study on the Customer Relationship Management of the Mass Customization;大规模定制模式的客户关系管理研究

9.A Study on Production Management Mode of Mass Customization;面向大规模定制的生产管理模式研究

10.Study on the Product Design Method for Mass Customization;大规模定制模式下产品设计方法研究

11.Product Logic BOM Model Research of Mass-customized Production;大规模定制产品逻辑BOM模型研究

12.Double wins mode between business and customers-mass customization;企业与用户的双赢模式——大规模定制

13.The Model of Product Platform Management for Mass Customization;面向大规模定制的产品平台管理模型

14.Research on CRM for mass customization;面向大规模定制模式的客户关系管理

15.The Enterprise Mass Customization Model and Practice Strategy;论企业大规模定制模型及其实施对策

16.Research on supply chain models for mass customization;面向大规模定制的供应链模型的研究

17.Research on the Cooperate Model of Modular Production Networks in Manufacturing Industry on the Basis of Mass Customization;大规模定制下制造业模块化网络合作模型研究

18.Product family size optimization method for on-line mass customization面向在线大规模定制的产品族规模优化方法


mass customization大规模定制

1.Operational mode of themass customization in the cluster supply chain——The case of Jinjiang shoemaking industrial cluster;集群式供应链大规模定制化运作模式分析——以晋江鞋业产业集群为例

2.Supply chain management for apparelmass customization;面向服装大规模定制的供应链管理

3.Analysis on the character ofmass customization of costume;服装大规模定制特性分析

3)MC[英][,em "si:][美]["?m "si]大规模定制

1.A Study and Application ofMC Market Segmentation;大规模定制的市场细分方法的研究与应用

2.The Research and Development ofMC Turbine Blades-Oriented Master Production Scheduling System;面向大规模定制叶片的主生产计划系统研究与开发

3.Analyzes the ideas and methods of Mass Customization(MC)production,and it discussed the mass customization of the key PLM system technologies,it put forward the basic characteristics and architecture of mass customization for PLM system,and it achieved a useful attempt on the mass customization PLM system of the automobile industry.分析大规模定制生产模式的思想和方法,讨论面向大规模定制的产品全生命周期(PLM)系统的关键技术,提出面向大规模定制的PLM系统的基本特征和体系架构,并对汽车业的大规模定制PLM系统实现进行了有益的尝试。

4)Mass customization(MC)大规模定制

1.Mass Customization(MC) and Customer Intelligence(CI) plays important role among the enterprise.大规模定制和客户智能越来越受到学术界和企业界的高度重视。

5)Scale Customization规模化定制

1.Key Points ofScale Customization in Manufacturing Industry and Solutions to Difficult Problems;浅谈制造业规模化定制要点及解决难题的方案



