2000字范文 > 汽化冷却 evaporation cooling英语短句 例句大全

汽化冷却 evaporation cooling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-04 17:06:15


汽化冷却 evaporation cooling英语短句 例句大全

汽化冷却,evaporation cooling

1)evaporation cooling汽化冷却

1.Analysis of the malfunction ofevaporation cooling system and its reformation;汽化冷却故障分析及改造

2.An analysis of the water cooling,evaporation cooling and air cooling;水冷却和汽化冷却以及空气冷却探析

3.Based on energy saving and safety operation,the advantages ofevaporation cooling used in a walking-beam furnace are expounded.从节能和安全生产两方面出发,阐述了步进梁式加热炉采用汽化冷却的优势。


1.Practice of power generation technology using the recovery steam of converter steam cooling system转炉汽化冷却回收蒸汽用于发电技术的实践

2.Research on Problems of Steam Drum Liquid Level Control of Evaporative Cooler for Heating Furnace加热炉汽化冷却装置汽包液位控制问题研究

3.Optimization of Evaporated Cooling Self-control System for 25 t Converter in Jinan Iron & Steel Group Corp.济钢25吨转炉汽化冷却自控系统的优化

4.Unattended Automation Reforming of the Evaporated Cooling System of Heating Furnace加热炉汽化冷却系统无人值守自动化改造

5.Application and Study on New Vaporization Cooling Device in Pelletizing Shaft Furnace at Nangang南钢球团竖炉新型汽化冷却装置的研究与应用


7.Energy-saving Reformation of Vaporization Cooling System in Walking-beam Reheating Furnace汽化冷却系统在步进梁式加热炉上的节能改造

8.Application of Regenerative Burning Technology and Evaporative Cooling Technology in Walking Beam Type Reheating Furnace蓄热式燃烧和汽化冷却技术在步进炉上的应用

9.Application on TIG-Hotwire welding process of converter evaporated flue热丝TIG焊在转炉汽化冷却烟道制造中的应用

10.Application and Practice of Evaporation Cooling Pusher Type Continuous Heating Furnace汽化冷却连续推钢式单蓄热加热炉的应用与实践

11.steam cooled heavy water moderated reactor蒸汽冷却重水慢化反应堆

12.The Application of Frequency Converter and PLC in High Building Water Supply;200MW汽轮机组快速冷却优化研究

13.Structural Optimization for Rotor Ventilation Cooling System of Turbo Generator with Air-cooling空冷汽轮发电机转子通风冷却系统的结构优化

14.condenser steam, air-cooled蒸汽、空气冷却冷凝器

15.CFD Design and Optimization of the Cooling Fan for Turbo-Generator汽轮发电机通风冷却风扇CFD设计与优化

16.CFD Analysis and Optimization Design for Engine Cooling Fan Performance of Heavy-duty Truck重型汽车发动机冷却风扇性能的CFD分析与优化

17.Optimization Design of Cooling System of Turbogenerator in Tang Steel唐钢25MW汽轮发电机组冷却系统的设计优化

18.Research on chemical-ultrasonic uniting cleaning of automotive cooling system汽车冷却系统超声波-化学联合法清洗研究


vaporization cooling汽化冷却

1.The main characteristics and running effect of thevaporization cooling circulating system are described in detail.介绍了安庆铜矿8m2竖炉球团工程中竖炉主要设计参数、工艺流程,重点介绍了汽化冷却循环系统的主要工艺技术特点和运行效果。

2.1 rolling mill of our company,the steam of heating furnacevaporization cooling system never be used before we recovery and make use of it in 1996, and got good effect.太钢一轧厂加热炉汽化冷却所产生的蒸汽长年放散,1996年对此蒸汽进行回收利用,取得良好效果。

3.From the viewpoint of energy effective utilization,water consumption, safety and economy, comparison and analysis ofvaporization cooling and circulated water cooling for industrial furnace have been made.从能量利用、耗水量、安全性与经济性等多个方面对工业炉炉体冷却方式(汽化冷却与循环冷却)进行了分析与比较,指出汽化冷却比水冷却更加节能降耗。

3)evaporative cooling汽化冷却

1.Analysis of failure causes ofevaporative cooling of heating furnace and its preventive measures;加热炉汽化冷却失效原因分析及改进措施

2.The failure cause was analyzed which isevaporative cooling failure.介绍了华菱集团涟源钢铁公司型材厂蓄热式加热炉的事故现象,分析了事故发生的原因是汽化冷却循环不正常。

3.Based onthe summary ofthe skids andposts arrangement in the reheating furnace,the paper introduces the principle andcomponents ofevaporative cooling system with forced recirculation and its" advantage,and give an example of successful reference for this cooling system and achieved result.简要介绍了步进梁式加热炉炉内水梁结构布置,在此基础上论述了步进梁式加热炉强制循环汽化冷却系统的基本原理及其组成,并给出了强制循环汽化冷却在某钢厂的成功应用范例及其应用效果。

4)evapouration cooling汽化冷却


1.The article introducessteam-cooling technology application of heating furnace.介绍了加热炉汽化冷却技术及其应用。

2.Introducing the necessary of medium-plate-rolling -plant heating-furnace remaking from water-cooling tosteam-cooling and obvious economy benefit.介绍了中板厂加热炉由水冷却改造为汽化冷却的必要性和明显的经济效益。

6)evaporated cooling汽化冷却

1.Theevaporated cooling system with soft water closed loop system was switched over successfully in the normal production condition of the BF.并在高炉正常生产状态下 ,成功实施了汽化冷却与软水密闭循环系统的安全切换。

2.How to successfully put anevaporated cooling system of a converter flue in operation and establish the relative stable operation were important contents when blowing in of a converter.如何使转炉汽化冷却系统顺利投产,建立一个相对稳定的工况,是转炉开炉时的一个重要内容,介绍了马钢一炼钢95t转炉汽化冷却系统首次开炉工艺。

3.In eliminating the weakness ofevaporated cooling self-control system for 25 t Converter,the system has been reconstructedwhich offers correct information and reliable control.针对济钢 2 5Τ转炉汽化冷却自控系统存在的薄弱环节 ,利用新技术全面改造完善 ,为生产提供准确的信息和可靠的控制 ,确保了设备的正常运行。


