2000字范文 > 东西方文明 civilizations of the East and the West英语短句 例句大全

东西方文明 civilizations of the East and the West英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-26 17:44:59


东西方文明 civilizations of the East and the West英语短句 例句大全

东西方文明,civilizations of the East and the West

1)civilizations of the East and the West东西方文明


1.Reflections on Eastern and Western Civilizations from "Conscious" and "Awakening" Perspective;从“觉”与“醒”的视角反思东西方文明

2.The Collision, Fusion and Creation Between the Western and EasternCivilizations in Africa;东西方文明在非洲的碰撞、融合与创生

3.Greek-Roman Philosophy and Convergence of Oriental and Western Civilizations;古代希腊罗马哲学和东西方文明的融汇

4.A Study of the Western and Eastern Culture Through Comparing betweenthe Actions of Great Geographical Discoveries and Zhenghe Western Navigation;从地理大发现与郑和下西洋看东西方文明的差异

5.Western Civilization s First Close Contact with the Eastern--Analysis of Salamis Naval Battle s Effect;东西方文明的“第一次亲密接触”——浅议萨拉米斯海战的影响

6.Intersection,Collision and Accommodation of Eastern and Western Civilizations in the Early 20th Century: Cultural Context of Mao Zedong"s Educational Thought20世纪初东西方文明的交汇、碰撞与融通——毛泽东教育思想产生的文化语境

7.Civilization Comes from the East:On the Influence of Eastern Culture to the Western Culture文明来自东方——就宗教和神话谈近东文明对西方文明的影响

8.Tagore s Views on Civilization and Its Repercussions in the East and the West;泰戈尔的文明观及其在东西方的反响

9.Exporting Chinese Culture to the World in the Age of Cultural Globalization _to Seek Equal Dialogue with the Western World;文化全球化背景下的“东学西渐”——寻求与西方文明的平等对话

10.Lacquer Painting and Oil Painting are the representations of contribution to the oriental and western civilization.以我国为代表的东方漆文化和西方油画艺术被公认为东西方对人类文明的两大贡献。

11.The westernsociety"s, was several ancient times civilizations inheriting, oncecontinuously coordinated with each other across a great distance withEast"s China.西方社会,是几古代文明的继承者,曾一直和东方的中国遥相呼应。

12.Perhaps people in the East think it"s barbarous or uncivilized of the Westerners to eat with knives and forks.格可能东方人认为西方人用刀叉吃饭野蛮或者不文明。

13.Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long-standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.东方主义乃是西方文明中一个根深蒂固的悠久的思想与话语传统。

14.Marxist Theory on Oriental Backward Countries Absorbing Western Civilization;马克思主义关于东方落后国家吸收西方文明成果的理论

15.The Features Shown in the Development Of Chinese and Western Cultures --Westernizing of Chinese Literature; Oriental Tendency of Western Literature;中西文化之衍变——东方文学西方化、西方文学东方化

16.Ai khanum Site and the Interaction between Western and Eastern Civilizations in Hellenistic Period阿伊·哈努姆遗址与“希腊化”时期东西方诸文明的互动

17.In Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of Zheng He s Voyages to the Western Seas;郑和:传播东方文明的远航使者——纪念郑和下西洋600周年

18.Greek was the cradle of Western culture.希腊是西方文明的摇篮。


the civilized compromise between west and east countries东西方文明之调和

3)Near-Middle Eastern origination of the Western civilization西方文明的中近东源流

1.The thesis tries to inquiry the Egyptian background of Jewish people and theNear-Middle Eastern origination of the Western civilization.本文尝试从这一角度探讨犹太民族的埃及背景和西方文明的中近东源流。

4)eastern civilization东方文明

5)Oriental civilization东方文明

1.Oriental Civilization showed on Maugham"s novels毛姆小说中所呈现的的东方文明

6)western civilization西方文明

1.Contradiction between sports concept and sports practice inwestern civilization;论当代西方文明体育理念与实践的矛盾

2.Mourning the Spiritual Death of Western Civilization——A Thematic Exploration of Saul Bellow s Seize the Day;哀悼西方文明的精神死亡——索尔·贝娄《只争朝夕》主题探析

3.Exploration on the relationship between Greek philosophical spirit and Western civilization;希腊哲学精神与西方文明关系初探


