2000字范文 > 东西方贸易管制政策 East-West Trade Control Policy英语短句 例句大全

东西方贸易管制政策 East-West Trade Control Policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 21:20:07


东西方贸易管制政策 East-West Trade Control Policy英语短句 例句大全

东西方贸易管制政策,East-West Trade Control Policy

1)East-West Trade Control Policy东西方贸易管制政策

1.The United StatesEast-West Trade Control Policy in Johnson Administration;约翰逊政府时期美国的东西方贸易管制政策


1.The United States East-West Trade Control Policy in Johnson Administration;约翰逊政府时期美国的东西方贸易管制政策

2.The Influences Which the West New Trade Theories Made to the Chinese Ideology and Policy in Foreign Trade;西方新贸易理论与我国对外贸易的思想和政策

3.Relaxation of Restrictions on U.S. Trade with China during the Nixon Presidency尼克松政府对华贸易管制政策的缓和

4.COCOM (Committee Controlling East-West Trade)东西方贸易统筹委员会

5.Managed Trade Policy and Foreign Trade Management Problem Research of Chinese Local Government;管理贸易政策与我国地方政府外贸管理问题研究

6.policy of controlling foreign trade对外贸易的统制政策

7.The Generating Mechanism for the Trade Policy under the Political System of Separation of the Three Powers: A Theoretical Model and its Policy Implications西方三权分立制度约束下贸易政策的生成机理——一个理论模型及其政策含义

8.Trade Policy Review Mechanism [World Trade Organization]贸易政策评审机制〔世界贸易组织〕

ments on and Analysis of Trade Policy Review Mechanism of the World Trade Organization;世界贸易组织贸易政策评审机制评析

10.The Effect of WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism on the Member’s Trade Policy:a Framework of Theoretical Analysis;WTO贸易政策审议机制对成员贸易政策的效应

petition Policy and China s Trade Policy after the Accession to the WTO;竞争政策与多边贸易体制下的中国贸易政策

12.Economic Laissez-Faire and Regulation Policy in Liberliazation of Trade in Service福音还是诅咒?——管制政策在服务贸易中的两难

13.Readjusting the Policy of Foreign Languages Education in Guangxi to Cater to the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area;面对中国—东盟自由贸易区,微调广西外语教育政策

14.Development Of ASEAN International Trade & Tourism And Its Policies And Measures东盟国际旅游贸易发展及其政策措施

15.The inevitable choice for Chinese trade policy in the background of globalization--Managed trade;全球化背景下中国贸易政策的选择——管理贸易

16.A Study on the Border-Wall Trade Policy in the Places Inhabited by Miao People in Xiangxi in Qing Dynasty论清代湘西苗疆的“边墙贸易”政策

17.The Public and Decision-making of U.S. Trade Policy:A Case Study of America’s Trade Policy towards China公众与美国政府贸易政策制定——以美国对华贸易政策为例

18.Discussion of the U.S.A s Trade Policy-Institution System;美国贸易政策制定体制的特点与借鉴


East-West Containment of Trade东西方贸易管制

1.Yugoslavia Differentiation Policy which was carried out differently from other communist countries was adopted by the United States in order to split off Eastern Europe countries from USSR, under theEast-West Containment of Trade System during the early years of the Cold War.“南斯拉大差别”是冷战初期美国在东西方贸易管制体制下,为了分化瓦解苏东集团,对南斯拉夫和波兰等国家采取的不同于其它共产党国家的一种政策。

3)West-East trade东西方贸易

4)the U.S. Trade Control policy toward China and Japan中日贸易管制政策

1.policies toward China and Japan had seen a fundamental shift, which had brought along the adjustment of the U.杜鲁门政府时期,美国的对日政策、对华政策出现了根本性的转变,带动了美国对中日贸易管制政策的调整,即从允许中日进行易货贸易转向迫使日本对中国实施比巴统"中国委员会"其他成员国更为严厉的管制。

5)Trade management policy管理贸易政策

1.Trade management policy is adopted by a country in the pursuit of the present or potential maximum trading benefits when it participates in the international division of labor.管理贸易政策是各贸易主体参与国际分工中为追求最大化贸易利益而实施的政策。

2.The trade management policy emerges in the 70s’,Yet starting from the 90’s it displays the new characteristic.西方国家的管理贸易政策和措施将影响和改变世界资源配置的领域与方向,造成资源扭曲和低效率。

6)Trade Policy Mechanism贸易政策体制


