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东西方 East and West英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-12 01:30:47


东西方 East and West英语短句 例句大全

东西方,East and West

1)East and West东西方

1.It discussed the sport culture gap of east and west embodied by China s Women Volleyball Team and analyzed the great impact of Chinese traditional culture on volleyball,aiming to offer theoretical guide and to increase self-knowledge.以中国女排为切入点,探讨了世界强队背后的东西方体育文化差异,分析了中国传统文化对我国排球运动的深刻影响,以期为我国排球运动更好地自我认识和发展提供理论依据。

2.In modern times, the objectiveness of the comparison between the east and west of China has been haunted by worries.近代以来,中国的东西方比较一直处于比较的客观性被焦虑情绪所纠缠的状态,这种状态有它过去的合理性,但现实和未来的比较研究应该突破这个"围城"。


1.COCOM (Committee Controlling East-West Trade)东西方贸易统筹委员会

2.Seminar on East-West accounting issues东西方会计问题讨论会

3.a thaw in East-West relations东西方关系的缓和.

4.East-West Detente and Foreign Policy Readjustments in the ASEAN Countries东西方缓和与东盟国家外交政策调整

5.North, south, east, west, east, west,北方,南方,东方,西方,东方,西方

6.East is East, and West is West.东方终究是东方,西方终究是西方。

7.North, south, east, west北方,南方,东方,西方

8.drive due east [ west ]向正东[西]方行驶

9.Greetings to the East from the West: A Study of West & Ouml: Stilcher Divan;“西方向东方发出的问候”——浅论《西东合集》

10.The Dissemination of Oriental Learning and Easternization;东学西渐与东化——为《东方论坛》“东学西渐”栏目而作

11.the points of the compass,ie N,NE, E,SE,S,SW,W,NW,etc罗经上的方位(北、东北、东、东南、南、西南、西、西北等).

12.within reach of the shops买东西很方便的地方

13.Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.西方观念逐渐传入东方。

14.The Analysis of Orient and Western Logistics;东方物流与西方Logistics

15.Carmen:The Oriental Woman in the West and the Occidental Woman in the East卡门:西方的“东方女人”与东方的“西方女人”

16.Orientalism and Occidentalism--On "Orientalism" by Edward W·Said“东方学”与“西方学”——读萨义德《东方学》

17.the location of something surrounded by other things.被其他东西包围的地方。

18.Something having the general shape of a cube具有立方体外形的东西


the East and the West东西方

1.Cultural Communication betweenthe East and the West in "A Passage to India";《印度之行》中的东西方“文化交往”

2.Dante in the Mid-century s Culture Communications betweenthe East and the West;中世纪东西方文化交流中的但丁

3.The modern shift of traditional moral is an important part of the modern process ofthe East and the West.传统道德的近现代转型,是东西方现代化过程的重要组成部分,它与整个现代化过程相互推动,对东西方现代化的实现起到了重要作用。

3)West and East东西方

1.Salt Culture of Lianghuai in Commercial Revolution inWest and East;东西方商业革命中的两淮盐业文化

4)Oriental and Western东西方

1.On the Differences & Similarities of Cultural Identities of Writers in Chinese withOriental and Western Background;论东西方华文作家文化身份之异同


6)East-West method东-西方法


东西方中心东西方中心East-West Center东西方中心(East一West Center,EWC)美国具有研究和发展能力的教育机构。协作单位有国家科学基金会;国际发展局;美国农业部;美国能源部;美国地质调查局;夏威夷大学。中心有学位研究人员90人,1986年度经费2200万美元。每年约有2000名来自亚太地区和美国的研究人员、大学毕业生、商业和政府工作人员到该中心学习和培训,并与中心的国际部人员合作进行学术研究和学术交流。主要研究领域是人口、资源和发展、环境、文化等。出版物有《亚太报告》(年刊);《中心展望》(双月刊);《中心主任报告》〔年度)。(王梦时)
