2000字范文 > 隔行扫描 interlaced scanning英语短句 例句大全

隔行扫描 interlaced scanning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 18:21:49


隔行扫描 interlaced scanning英语短句 例句大全

隔行扫描,interlaced scanning

1)interlaced scanning隔行扫描

1.When non-linear editing system is applied to processinginterlaced scanning vision, the existence of the field often results in blinking or dithering of the images.由于“场”的存在,非线性编辑系统在处理隔行扫描视频时经常会出现画面闪烁、抖动等现象,从非线性编辑和隔行扫描的原理出发,通过分析非线性编辑系统处理隔行扫描视频的原理,来了解以上问题产生的原因,并通过实例提出具体的解决方法,其中通过一段程序来说明如何通过软件来实现去隔行技术。

2.According to the theory ofinterlaced scanning, this paper presents a new method to test the performance ofinterlaced scanning in theinterlaced scanning TV system.根据隔行扫描的原理,提出了一种定量测定隔行扫描电视系统隔行扫描性能的原理和方法,设计了相应测试信号,能直观地测定并行方向和程度。

3.According to theinterlaced scanning of TV,a frame of image taken by ordinary TV camera can be divided to two fields one after another,through which a good transient flow map is obtained by using image processing method of minimum error matching to tracing particles.利用电视图像技术的隔行扫描原理 ,把摄像机拍摄的一幅图像拆分为前后两场 ,经过最小误差示踪粒子匹配方法的图像处理 ,获得了较好的瞬时流矢图 。


1.Interlaces the odd and even scanlines of a video clip.隔行扫描奇数和偶数视频片段的扫描行.

2.The selected video codec does not support interlaced processing.所选的视频编解码器不支持隔行扫描处理。

3.The different information is implemented to clear and steadily display by using of time-shared display with line by line scanning and interlaced scanning in a raster picture.一幅光栅图形中的逐行扫描与隔行扫描分时完成并使不同信息获得清晰稳定的显示效果。

4.On Removing the Coruscation of the Large Bright Areas Produced by Every - Other - Line Scan & Practical Circuit Analyses;论消除隔行扫描产生的大面积亮区闪烁与实用电路分析

5.Dynamic 3-D shape measurement using the two fields′ images of an interleaved camera基于隔行扫描奇偶场图像的动态物体三维面形测量

6.To enable this feature, click Edit on the Compression tab, and then select the Allow interlaced processing check box.要启用该功能,请单击“压缩”选项卡中的“编辑”,然后选中“允许隔行扫描处理”复选框。

7.laser-camera line-scanning system激光行扫描摄影系统

8.fiber optic linescan recorder纤维光学行扫描记录器

9.Multi-scan KeyGraph implement model多遍扫描KeyGraph执行模型

10.Total number of separate files put into quarantine by virus scanner.病毒扫描程序放入隔离区的独立文件总数。

11.In twelve patients with suspicion of pulmonary sequestration, enhanced contrast helical CT was performed.方法 :12例疑肺隔离症病人接受了螺旋CT扫描。

12.In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame.电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。

13.By standard dose schemes,the slice thickness,reconstruction interval,pitch,nodule size and position all influence the defection of the lung nodules.常规剂量扫描条件下 ,扫描层厚、重建间隔、螺距、结节大小、结节位置均可影响结节的检出。

14.Analog sweep模拟式扫描(连续式扫描)

15.Digital sweep数字式扫描(量化式扫描)

16."Unable to access scanner device. Make sure scanner drivers are installed correctly, and no other scanning applications are running."无法访问扫描仪设备。请确定扫描仪驱动器安装正确,并且没有运行其它扫描应用程序。

17.The scan failed because of a scanner hardware error. Feeder may be jammed. Please correct the error and scan again.因为扫描仪硬件错误导致扫描失败。送纸器可能已被堵塞。请先排除此故障再进行扫描。

18.Number of probe scans. A probe scan is used to directly look up rows in an index or base table.探测扫描的数目。探测扫描用于直接在索引或基表中查找行。


interlacing scanning隔行扫描

1.Based on the multithreads technology, the projection algorithm andinterlacing scanning technique, the aim point in every image can be calculated with fast speed and high accuracy.该系统实时采集射击运动员在训练过程中的连续瞄准点变换图像 ,基于多线程技术 ,采用投影法并辅助于运动估计和隔行扫描技术的方法 ,可以准确、快速、并行地确定每帧图像的瞄准点位置。

2.In conventional TV sets,the image quality of reviewing is greatly interfered due to luminance and chrominance interaction,wide area flicker and flicker among lines caused by the interlacing spetrum technique andinterlacing scanning.在目前的电视接收机中,由于采用频谱交错和隔行扫描技术,导致亮色互相串扰、大面积闪烁、行间闪烁等,影响了图象的重现质量。


4)480i component scan480i隔行扫描

5)interlaced field隔行扫描场

6)interleaved CCD隔行扫描CCD

1.On the dynamic 3-D shape measurement based on Fourier transform profilometry(FTP),if aninterleaved CCD cameras is used to record the dynamic fringe patterns,two fields of one frame image are grabbed at two different times and compose a full-field interleaving and blurring image,which increases measure errors and even causes mistake.在基于傅里叶变换轮廓术(FTP)的动态物体三维面形测量中,选用隔行扫描CCD相机记录动态图像,由于其一帧中两场图像时间上的分离性,导致帧图像错位模糊,使测量误差增大甚至产生错误。


