2000字范文 > 最佳刚度 optimum stiffness英语短句 例句大全

最佳刚度 optimum stiffness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-05 05:23:46


最佳刚度 optimum stiffness英语短句 例句大全

最佳刚度,optimum stiffness

1)optimum stiffness最佳刚度

1.A base isolated rigid body system is assumed to be subjected to steady harmonic excitation and the response is to be analyzed, Theoptimum stiffness of the isolated layer of the multistory masonry building with different damping ratios is suggested.本文建立了具有复位能力的球支撑滚动隔震体系的计算模型和运动方程,对刚体隔震体系在简谐波激励下的反应进行了分析和研究,对一般剪切型结构,从理论上初步提出了隔震层的最佳刚度问题,给出了设置隔震层时单质点振子的反应谱曲线。

2.By using sidesway calculation formula for frame-tube structures with top horizontal outriggers,the optimization stiffness of outriggers in the frame-tube structures with strengthened story are analyzed the method to determine theoptimum stiffness of the horizontal outriggers magnitude and precise parameters base on reduced structure sidesway is presented.利用带水平伸臂的框架—筒体结构侧移公式,对带加强层的框架—筒体结构水平伸臂的最佳刚度进行了分析,明确给出了根据需要减少的结构侧移量,确定水平伸臂最佳刚度的方法,并给出了具体参数。


1.Research of the Optimum Stiffness of Outriggers in Frame-tube Structures带加强层框—筒结构中水平伸臂最佳刚度研究

2.An optimization design method for bending rigidity of main shaft for large wind turbines大型风力机主轴最佳抗弯刚度的设计方法

3.They gave Transformers their top award for best film.《变形金刚》荣获最高奖项最佳电影奖。

4.To investigate the best condition of the Rhizoma Smilax China extraction.探讨金刚藤皂苷提取的最佳条件。

5.Best Corporate License Of The Year年度最佳企业授权奖

6.Best Entertainment Brand License Of The Year年度最佳娱乐授权奖

7.Best Promotion Of The Year年度最佳促销活动奖

8.Best Art License Of The Year年度最佳艺术授权奖

9.Cruise travel is for everyone who wants to have the best possible vacation at the best possible price.邮轮旅游,大家是谁获得最佳度假的最佳价格.

10.Decision-making Algorithm for Goalkeeper Based on Best Position and Optimum Speed;基于最佳位置最佳速度的守门员决策算法

11.A New Study of the Best Record of Shot-putting and the Best Putting Angle;推铅球最佳成绩和铅球最佳投出角度问题新探

12.Contrast research of bearing characteristic for composite foundation with tapered piles and cylindrical piles楔形刚性桩复合地基中桩的最佳楔角范围研究

13.the highest level or degree attainable.可达到的最高水平或最佳程度。

14.Study on the Optimum Thickness of Gradient-Porous Metal Layer金属多孔材料梯度层最佳厚度的研究

15.synergic ascent最优上升(以最佳速度、最小燃料消耗量上升)

16.The machine body is a C-frame with the highest rigidity and the best possible access for the operator and automation.·主机床身采用C型框架保证了最佳的刚性,为操作维护等提供了最佳的可及性。

17.Artist of the year, Hot 100 singles artist of the year, Hot 100 singles Duo/group of the year and Duo/group of the year.年度最佳歌手奖,热门100单曲艺人奖,热门100单曲组合奖,最佳组合奖。

18.and was selected by some as the nation"s best high school running back in 1999)还被选为1999年度全国高中最佳后卫)


Optimum stiffness distribution最佳刚度分布

3)best rigidity characteristic value最佳刚度特征值

4)optimal temperature最佳温度

1.A mathematical model of expressing the relatinnship between theoptimal temperature (Tm) and the height of the catalyst bed(L ), the optimal CO conversion ratio (xCO,m)or the optimal CO composition (yco,m) and the height of the catalyst bed (L ) has been established.建立了一氧化碳变换反应催化剂床层中最佳温度(Tm)与床层高度(L)、最佳一氧化碳转化率(xco,m)或最佳一氧化碳浓度(yco,m)与床层高度(L)关系的数学模型,绘制了Tm-L、xco,m-L和yco。

5)the best concentration最佳浓度

1.The article discussed influences that common-ion effect and Complex effect act on deposition solubility on gravimetry,and deduced the calculating formula of controllingthe best concentration of precipitator to make precipitation complete during the concurrence of the mentioned two effects.对重量分析中既存在同离子效应又存在络合效应时沉淀剂对沉淀溶解度的影响进行了探讨,并推导出两种效应同时存在时要使沉淀反应完全,应控制沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算公式。

2.According to teaching practice of weight analysis of analysis chemistry,the influences that identical ionic effect and coordination effect on deposition solubility were discussed,and the calculating formula forthe best concentration of precipitator to make precipitation complete was deduced in the article.根据分析化学理论课重量分析一章的教学实践,讨论同离子效应和配位效应同时存在时对沉淀溶解度的影响,推导出要使沉淀反应完全,沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算公式。

6)optimum temperature最佳温度

1.The effect of Fe_2O_3 on medium temperature FGD characterization,optimum temperature in fixed bed and proportion of Fe_2O_3 and CaO were studied in the experiment.研究了加入氧化铁添加剂后,对中温烟气脱硫性能的影响和对固定床干法脱硫最佳温度的影响,氧化铁配比对氧化钙脱硫性能的影响等。

2.The optimum acidity andoptimum temperature of cellulose degradation by cellulase were obtained.用微量热法测定了不同酸度和不同温度下纤维素酶降解纤维素的热功率—时间曲线,应用热动力学理论和对比进度法解析出反应的米氏常数(Km)和最大速率(Vmax),并得出速率常数k2,建立速率常数与酸度和温度间的关系式,从而获得纤维素酶降解纤维素的最佳酸度和最佳温度。

3.The optimal mathematical models on the axialoptimum temperature and maximum synthetic rate for a continuous heat exchange ammonia converter were established.建立了连续换热式氨合成塔轴向最佳温度和最大合成率的优化模型,采用牛顿迭代法和龙格-库塔法对模型进行了数值解。


JPZ型三向等刚度橡胶减震器分子式:CAS号:性质:JPZ-type tridirective equal rigid rubber mounting 橡胶减震器的一种。具有x、y、z三个方向等刚度、等自震频率。按负荷大小可分为JPZ-1、JPZ-2两种型号。由中央金属芯柱、伞形金属罩及橡胶连接而成,模压法生产。可满足导弹控制仪等设备的隔震和抗冲击要求。
