2000字范文 > 刚度释放 stiffness release英语短句 例句大全

刚度释放 stiffness release英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 21:10:37


刚度释放 stiffness release英语短句 例句大全

刚度释放,stiffness release

1)stiffness release刚度释放

2)dissolution rate释放度

1.Determination ofdissolution rate of levodropropizine sustained-release tablets;左羟丙哌嗪缓释片体外释放度测定

2.The comparison ofdissolution rates of diclofenac sodium slow-released capsules;双氯芬酸钠缓释胶囊体外释放度考察

3.RESULTS Thedissolution rate is decreased as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose(HPMC) increasing;Lactose and dextrin is good for preparing nimodipine sustained-release tablets;CONCLUSION No great difference in dissolution behavior is observed between market nimodipine sustained-release tablets and trial-products.方法通过比较体外释放度筛选处方。


1.Dissolution of clarithromycin sustained release tablets in different media克拉霉素缓释片在不同释放介质中的释放度研究

2.On-line analysis with fiber-optical sensor on dissolution rate of glicalzide sustained-release tablets光纤传感在线监测格列齐特缓释片的释放度

3.Preparation and in-vitro release of glipizide sustained-release pellets格列吡嗪缓释微丸的制备及体外释放度考察

4.Influence of prescription and technique on the release of Leigongteng sustained-release pellets处方工艺对雷公藤缓释微丸释放度的影响

5.Determination of Drug Release from Bupropion Hydrochloride Sustained-release Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定盐酸安非他酮缓释片的释放度

6.Study on extracorporal dissolution of baicalin extended-release tablets黄芩苷缓释片的研制及其体外释放度研究

7.Preparation of Zhitong sustained-release tablet and its release property in vitro止痛缓释片的制备工艺及其体外释放度研究

8.Prescription screening of Nicardipine hydrochloride sustained-release tablet and determination of release rate盐酸尼卡地平缓释片的制备及释放度测定

9.Evaluation of Releasing Rates for New Types of Sustained-release Tablets of Yuyie Qihuo in Vitro新型玉叶清火缓释片的体外释放度评价

10.Determination of Release of Felodipine Extended-Release Tablets in Vitro by HPLCHPLC法测定非洛地平缓释片释放度的探讨

11.Preparation of Ambroxol hydrochloride sustained release tablet and determination of its dissolution rate盐酸氨溴索缓释片的制备及释放度研究

12.Study on preparation and in-vitro release of glipizide sustained release tablets格列吡嗪缓释片的制备及其体外释放度考察

13.Domestic and Original Sodium Valproate Sustained-release Tablet in Releasing Rate in Vitro国产与原研丙戊酸钠缓释片的体外释放度考察

14.Preparation and in vitro release of Breviscapine sustained-release tablets灯盏花素缓释片的制备及体外释放度研究

15.Research on Release Rate and Release Characteristics in vitro of the Compound Qufeng Sustained-release Tablets复方祛风缓释片释放度的测定及体外释药特性研究

16.Fiber-optic in situ dissolution testing method and conditions for ibuprofen sustained-release capsules光纤药物溶出度实时测定布洛芬缓释胶囊的释放度

17.Investigation of release of doxycycline hylcate modified-release pellets and in vivo-in vitro correlation盐酸多西环素调释胶囊释放度与体内血药浓度相关性考察

18.A Determination on Release in vitro and Bioavailability of Sinomenine Hydrochloride Sustained-released Capsules in Dogs盐酸青藤碱缓释胶囊在家犬体内生物利用度与体外释放度测定


dissolution rate释放度

1.Determination ofdissolution rate of levodropropizine sustained-release tablets;左羟丙哌嗪缓释片体外释放度测定

2.The comparison ofdissolution rates of diclofenac sodium slow-released capsules;双氯芬酸钠缓释胶囊体外释放度考察

3.RESULTS Thedissolution rate is decreased as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose(HPMC) increasing;Lactose and dextrin is good for preparing nimodipine sustained-release tablets;CONCLUSION No great difference in dissolution behavior is observed between market nimodipine sustained-release tablets and trial-products.方法通过比较体外释放度筛选处方。


parison of release characteristics between two mizolastine sustained release tablets in vitro;2种咪唑斯汀缓释片的体外释放度比较

2.Study on the ExternalRelease Characteristics of Tramadol Hydrochloride Sustained-Release Tablets;盐酸曲马多缓释片的体外释放度研究

3.Preparation andRelease of Compound Captopril Sustained-release Double Layer Tablets;复方卡托普利缓释双层片的研制及释放度影响因素

4)release depth释放深度

1.The beginning andrelease depth of mudstone overpressure in different evolution stages and its implication;泥岩超压不同演化阶段开始及释放深度规律及其研究意义

2.This method was utilized to study the factors that influence therelease depth and times of overpressure of mudstone by theoretical calculating;we found overpressure of mudstone is the periodical product in the compacting process which can only form when t.在泥岩超压形成机制和条件研究的基础上,通过泥岩超压形成与演化规律的研究,建立了一套泥岩超压释放深度和次数的研究方法,利用此方法通过理论计算对泥岩超压释放深度和次数的主要影响因素进行了研究,得到泥岩超压是其压实过程中的阶段产物,只有当压实成岩达到一定程度后方可形成,当超过泥岩破裂极限后便发生破裂超压释放,超压降低以致消失。

5)drug release释放度

1.Preparation of ribavrin sustained release tablets and itsdrug release;利巴韦林缓释片的制备及其释放度测定

2.Study on the preparation of trapidil sustained-release tablets and the in vitrodrug release;曲匹地尔缓释片的制备与体外释放度测定

3.Investigation on the preparation anddrug release in vitro of the captopril osmotic pump-controlled release tablets;卡托普利渗透泵控释片的制备及体外释放度考察


1.Preparation and Dissolution of Gliclazide Sustained Release Tablets in Vitro;格列齐特缓释片的研制及体外释放度考察

2.Investigation on thedissolution of Nimodipine sustained release capsules;市售尼莫地平缓释胶囊的释放度考察

3.Studies ondissolution of fluorouracil sustained-release implant in vitro and relation with drug concentration in vivo;植入用缓释氟尿嘧啶释放度检查及体内外相关性研究


