2000字范文 > 航迹仪控制器 Navigation Course Plotter Controller英语短句 例句大全

航迹仪控制器 Navigation Course Plotter Controller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-20 19:39:09


航迹仪控制器 Navigation Course Plotter Controller英语短句 例句大全

航迹仪控制器,Navigation Course Plotter Controller

1)Navigation Course Plotter Controller航迹仪控制器


1.Design of a Course Plotter Controller Based on System on Programmable Chip基于片上可编程系统的航迹仪控制器设计

2.Research and Application of Trajectory Planning and Trajectory Control;飞行器航迹规划与航迹控制算法研究与实现

3.gyroscopic navigational instrument and automatic control陀螺导航仪器及自动控制

4.Special(i)ty of Gyroscopic Navigational Instrument and Automatic Control陀螺导航仪器及自动控制专业

5.Trajectory Planning and Control for Spacecraft Proximity Relative Motion航天器近距离相对运动轨迹规划与控制研究

6.Mission Trajectory Design and Control for Spacecraft Proximity Relative Motion航天器近距离相对运动轨迹设计与控制

7.The Control Module Design of Cruising Boat Track to Purify Water Polluction巡航式污水净化器的运动轨迹控制设计

8.monitoring the spacecraft"s instrumentation监控宇航器的检测仪表.

9.Research on the Main Controller of Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) Based on PXA270;基于PXA270的船载航行数据记录仪主控制器的研究

10.Research on Route Planning and Trajectory Control of Attack Helicopter;武装直升机航迹规划与轨迹控制研究

11.continuous path controlled robot连续轨迹控制机器人

12.automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls航向深度自动控制仪航向及深度自动控制

13.A Robust Design Based on the Passivity Theory for the Linear-Course Trajectory Control of Ships;基于无源性的船舶直线航迹控制设计

14.Research on the Neural Network Adaptive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle"s Horizontal Tracking ProblemAUV神经网络水平面航迹跟踪控制研究

15.Track-keeping method based on fuzzy self-tuning PID cascade control基于模糊PID串级控制的航迹保持方法

16.Research on Yawing Indication Method of Tracking Control in Hydrographic Sounding水深测量航迹控制的偏航指示算法研究

17.The Design and Development of Shaft Centerline Analyzer Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的轴心轨迹分析仪的研制

18.Aerodist is a useful equipment for secondary breakdown, but not for primary control.航空微波测距仪是测定二等补充网的有效仪器,但不能用于一等控制网测量。


flight tracking control航迹控制

1.The design of autonomousflight tracking control system for helicopter is an important issue.首先研究了自主式控制系统的关键问题,然后提出一种智能自主式航迹控制系统的结构,采用了模块化设计思想,对直升机对象的航迹控制系统进行设计。

3)track control航迹控制

1.The control of ship movement is characterized by its strong non-linear, uncertain, large inertia, large delay and slow time-varying, with additional hydrodynamic disturbances and noises, all of which make thetrack control more complicated.船舶运动控制具有较强的非线性、不确定性、大惯性、大滞后和慢时变特性,加上在航行过程中存在的干扰和噪声,使得航迹控制变得非常复杂,运用常规的PID算法难以达到期望的控制效果,不可能根据船舶动态特性和海况变化实现其参数的自动整定,总是偏离其最佳工作状态。

4)tracking control航迹控制

1.Adaptive backstepping designs fortracking control of underactuated ships with parameter uncertainty;模型参数不确定的不完全驱动船舶航迹控制自适应反演设计(英文)

2.This paper put forward thetracking control method which is valuable for wide application in marine surveying.航迹控制是海洋测量中非常重要的内容,航迹控制的好坏直接影响着测量成果的质量。

3.In this paper,based on analyzing operation Principle of yawing indication method,three methods which judge relative position of survey ship and scheduled survey line are advanced,and the calculation methods of course correction variable is completed,which provide the theory base fortracking control.本文在分析了航迹控制中偏航指示算法的作业原理的基础上,提出了三种判断测船与计划测线相对位置的方法,完善了航向修正量的计算方法,为航迹控制提供了有利的理论依据。

5)flight path control航迹控制

6)Trajectory Control航迹控制

1.Research and Application of Trajectory Planning andTrajectory Control;飞行器航迹规划与航迹控制算法研究与实现


航迹航迹trackhangji航迹(tr ack)航空器航行时在地面投影点移动的轨迹。亦称航迹线。航迹的方向,是从经线北端顺时针量到航迹的去向,这一角度叫航迹角,范围是0o一3600。在无风的情况下航行,航迹角同航向相等,航迹线与航向线重合。在有风情况下航行,航迹角同航向常不相等,航迹线与航向线常不重合。在实际工作中,需要判明航迹角同航向的关系,才能掌握航空器相对地面运动的方向。(王畏)
