2000字范文 > 数字家庭网络 digital home network英语短句 例句大全

数字家庭网络 digital home network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 22:28:06


数字家庭网络 digital home network英语短句 例句大全

数字家庭网络,digital home network

1)digital home network数字家庭网络

1.Research and Implementation of IGRS and UPnP Dual Protocol Stack in Digital Home Network;数字家庭网络中IGRS和UPnP双协议栈研究与实现

2.With the widespread penetration of broadband access services and the electric products including intelligence appliance, and the increasing demand of users on the control of household electric products and resources sharing, the concept and application ofdigital home network gain the attention of telecom industry, IT and household eletric product industry.随着宽带接入业务、智能家电等电子产品的普及以及用户对家庭电子产品的监控和资源共享需求的上升,数字家庭网络的概念和应用受到电信运营业和IT、家电产业的关注。

3.Starting with the definition,application and composition of thedigital home network,the key device,home gateway of thedigital home network and its function is described.主要从数字家庭网络的定义、应用和组成入手,介绍了家庭网络的核心设备家庭网关及其作用,最后讨论了家庭网络组网技术及其与公共网络的GPON接入技术,从宏观上把握了数字家庭网络及其接入技术的未来发展趋势。


1.The Research on Plug-And-Play of the Network Household Appliance in the Home Network;数字家庭网络环境中网络家电即插即用的研究

2.Design of Digital Home Network Based on RC32434 Interprise基于RC32434的数字家庭网络设计

3.Research and Implementation of IGRS and UPnP Dual Protocol Stack in Digital Home Network;数字家庭网络中IGRS和UPnP双协议栈研究与实现

4.Research on Development and Trend of Digital Home Network数字家庭网络技术的发展现状研究与展望

5.The Development of the Gateway in Networked Digital Home;网络化数字家庭中的嵌入式网关开发

munication Protocol Research on Home Network of Digital Community;数字社区中家庭网络通信协议的研究

7.Numeric Family Application Research Based on Wireless Sensor Network;基于无线传感器网络的数字化家庭应用研究

8.The Analysis of Digital Convergence and its Impacts Based on Home Network;基于家庭网络的数字融合及其影响分析

9.Home Networks-oriented Digital Rights Management System一个面向家庭网络的数字版权管理系统

10.A home network is the best way to transfer large amounts of data.家庭网络是转移大量数据的最佳方法。


12.Family network Network family --Building family LAN by myself家庭网络 网上家庭——自己动手组建家庭局域网

13.Family network Network family --Building family LAN by myself;家庭网络 网上家庭——自己动手组建家庭局域网

14.Multi-parameter family monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks基于无线传感器网络的多参数家庭监护系统

15.Home PNA Home Private Network Adapter家庭私人网络适配器

16.The Home Networking wizard is configuring this computer to become a part of your home network.“家庭网络向导”将本机配置为家庭网络的一部分。

17.The Home Networking wizard detected new printers on your home network.“家庭网络”向导检测到家庭网络中的新打印机。

18.The Home Networking wizard found new printers on your home network.“家庭网络”向导搜索到家庭网络中的新打印机。


Digital family network数字家庭网络

1.Family network interconnection technology ,security technology,QoS technology and intelligent routing technology which are the the key technologies of digital family network are analysed and discussed.对家庭网络互联技术,安全技术,QoS技术以及智能路由等数字家庭网络关键技术进行了简要分析论述。

3)wireless digital home network无线数字家庭网络

1.How to establishwireless digital home networks is a research focus in the future.基于电信网络的数字家庭网络体系结构在中国已经标准化,但就接入方式而言,只是定义了可以使用无线方式,如何组建无线数字家庭网络是未来研究的重点。

4)the digital home network middleware technology数字家庭网络中间件技术

5)family network家庭网络

1.In view of our country actual situation,this paper gives an integrated scheme betweenfamily network which promoted by Guizhou Etech Company and Lonworks field-bus network.针对我国实际情况提出了将贵州以太公司推出的家庭网络和目前在楼宇中应用广泛的Lonworks总线网络相结合,讨论了通过协议转换器实现家庭网络和智能小区的互联。

2.Ad Hoc techniques allow quick construction of small scale networks that can effectively communicate between peer-to-peer nodes,so they are ideal for the construction of simple,flexible,and cheapfamily networks of relatively small scope.Ad Hoc技术具有小范围即兴组网特点,又适合对等节点间的通信,有利于组建一个操作简单、组网灵活、价格低廉且范围较小的家庭网络。

3.This article analyzes main aspects of safety infamily network,including digital media content management and copyright protection,security mechanisms offamily network devices and information appliances,and the realization of wholefamily network security mechanisms.分析了数字媒体的内容管理和版权保护、家庭中网络设备和信息家电本身的安全机制、以及实现整个家庭网络的安全机制等家庭网络中安全涉及的主要方面。

6)home networks家庭网络

1.Study of the MAC layer channel transport efficiency in wirelesshome networks;无线家庭网络MAC层信道传输效率分析

2.Research and Construct of the Platfrom of Home Networks;家庭网络平台研究与构造

3.Use Null-Earth Line Implement High Speed PLC Home Networks;利用零线—地线实现高速PLC家庭网络通信


“巨人”的数字当今世界上最大的动物要算鲸鱼。人类捕获到的最大的鲸,长有33米,体重达150吨,相当于30只大象或150头牛的重量。 陆地动物中,几亿年以前是恐龙称雄,这种巨大动物最大的身长14米,高5.5米。现代陆地动物以非洲象为大,但它体长4.5米,高约3.5米,重5吨,比起恐龙来逊色多了。除了大象,犀牛和河马也不失为巨大动物。最大的非洲犀,身长5米,高2米,重2吨以上,这种巨大的食草动物,头上生着双角,第一只角1米多长,第二只角却与一般牛角差不多。河马是一种外形硕壮而笨的野兽,白天长久地浸没在水中,只把眼和鼻孔露出水面,身长4米,肩高1.5米,体重3吨。 长颈鹿虽谈不上巨大,但却称得上是世界上最高的动物,它伸长脖子时,足有6米高,别看它高,但它不笨,它奔跑的速度甚至连快马都赶不上。 这些惊人的数字对于动物本身来讲并非好事。身体庞大,形象威武,固然可以在动物中称王称霸,但巨大的外形,给行动带来诸多不便,在捕猎食物时远不及那些小动物迅速、灵活,而且要维持其巨大的体力消耗,必须捕捉更多的猎物才能填满那巨大的胃,因此,巨大的动物背负着这些巨大的数字,在物种竞争中受到淘汰的威胁更大,恐龙就是例子。
