2000字范文 > 数字水系 digital drainage network英语短句 例句大全

数字水系 digital drainage network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-25 13:46:00


数字水系 digital drainage network英语短句 例句大全

数字水系,digital drainage network

1)digital drainage network数字水系

1.A traversal algorithm based on multi-subtrees is suggested for topological relationship,which simplifies grids or sub-watersheds of thedigital drainage network as a tree-structured nodded graph and uses recursive post-order traversal algorithm to establish topological relationship of grids or sub-watersheds.数字水系中各网格或子流域之间的拓扑关系是正确反映洪水演算顺序的重要环节。

2)digital drainage network model数字水系模型

3)digital drainage network数字河网水系

1.Thedigital drainage network extraction method provides a basic technique for the establishment of basin-scale hydrological model.基于栅格型DEM数据的数字河网水系提取技术为分布式水文模型的建立并应用提供了保障和基础。


1.Trend Analysis of Digital Drainage Network Extraction Affected by DEM ResolutionDEM分辨率对数字河网水系提取的影响趋势分析

2.Study on Key Technology of Satellite Positioning System in Digitizing Water Supply Network;给水管网数字化卫星定位系统关键技术研究

3.Design of Webpage Protection System Based on Digital Watermarking Technique;基于数字水印技术的网页保护系统设计

4.Study and Application of Non-point Source Pollution Model of River Network Area Based on Digital Basin System;基于数字流域系统的平原河网区非点源污染模型研究与应用

5.Applying and debugging of ADPSS in Hebei electric power grid电力系统全数字仿真装置在河北电网的应用调试

6.Research on the Algorithms of the Digital Channel Network Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model基于DEM的流域数字河网提取算法研究

7.The Research on Fine Water Quality Numerical Simulation for Tidal-effect River Network in Fuzhou River networks福州内河河网精细水流水质数学模型研究

8.Hydraulics and Water Quality Model for Tidal River Network and Numerical Simulation感潮河网水量水质模型及其数值模拟

9.The Research and Development of Digital River Information Management System;数字河道信息管理系统的研究与开发

10.The Design of Digital Campus of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Implementation of the Pipeline Information s Publication;江西中医学院数字化校园的设计及水管网信息发布子系统的实现

11.Satellite Positioning System to the Water Supply Network Digital Research and Application;卫星定位系统在实现给水管网数字化中研究与应用

12.Numerical Simulation Method for the Effect of Sand Excavation on Water Quality in the River Network of Pearl River Delta;河道采砂对珠江三角洲河网水质影响数值模拟

13.The Research of Digital Watermarking System and Robust Digital Watermark of Still Image;数字水印系统和图像的鲁棒性数字水印研究

14.The implementation of embedded dual-net digital fax network system嵌入式双网数字传真机网络系统实现

15.Float Coefficient Test and Analysis of Yanghe River in Xiangshuipu Hydrological Station洋河响水堡水文站浮标系数试验分析

16.A Comparative Study on Different Schemes of Automatic River System Extraction Based on DEM and Vector Channels基于DEM与数字化河道提取流域河网的不同方案比较研究

17.The Application of Neural Network and Binary Operation to Image Watermarking;神经网络与二值运算的数字水印算法

18.Application Study of Digital Watermark Technique in VOD;网络视频点播中的数字水印技术研究


digital drainage network model数字水系模型

3)digital drainage network数字河网水系

1.Thedigital drainage network extraction method provides a basic technique for the establishment of basin-scale hydrological model.基于栅格型DEM数据的数字河网水系提取技术为分布式水文模型的建立并应用提供了保障和基础。

4)relational database digital watermark关系数据库数字水印

5)numerical coefficient数字系数

6)digital picture watermarks system数字图像水印系统

1.Thedigital picture watermarks system software was developed through research of information hiding,digital watermarks,and cryptology.通过对信息隐藏、数字水印技术、密码技术、软件开发技术的研究,开发“数字图像水印系统”软件,设计了通用的数字图像水印系统信息模型,对系统进行深入的分析研究和设计,提出开发跨平台数字图像水印系统思路,以将数字图像水印技术更好地应用到印刷包装企业,不断提高企业生产办公自动化程度。

2.In the process of the network popularization of the industry of Packaging and Printing, it’s inevitable to deal with the problem of developing the DPWS (digital picture watermarks system).在印刷包装企业网络化发展过程中,不可避免地要涉及到数字图像水印系统的开发等问题。


长江水系水能资源长江水系水能资源hydropower resources of Changjiang (Yangtze) river systemChongJ一ong sh一Jlx一sh口一ne,、g:一yL;o)、长江水系水能资源[hydropower resourees ofChangjiang(Yangtze)river System]据1950年《中华人民共和国水力资源普查成果》统计,长江水系水能资源理论蕴藏量为23478.2亿kw·h/a,其中技术可开发资源10275.2亿kw·h/a。长江水系可能开发的水能资源占中国比重为53%.主要分布于长江干流和雅碧江、大渡河、乌江、沉江、汉江和赣江等干流,以上河流可能开发资源年发电量占全水系的75%。水系内水能资源分布见表。
