2000字范文 > 公交模式 Public Transport Mode英语短句 例句大全

公交模式 Public Transport Mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-25 07:22:56


公交模式 Public Transport Mode英语短句 例句大全

公交模式,Public Transport Mode

1)Public Transport Mode公交模式

2)Multi-modal public transport多模式公交


1.Research on Travel Mode Choice Behavior Under Integrated Multi-modal Transit Information Service多模式公交信息服务条件下的出行方式选择行为研究

2.Effectiveness of Travel Information in Multimodal Public Transport Systems多模式公共交通系统的出行信息有效性研究

3.Applied research of the multi-modal & multi-class model for traffic assignment in the network of turnpike road多方式多类型交通分配模型(MMA)在收费型公路网中的应用研究

4.Disaster Diplomacy:Crisis Response Model of Public Diplomacy;灾难外交:公共外交的危机反应模式

5.The Commercial Bank Manage System for the Stockjobber to Balance the Financing of the Client Through the Third-party Depository Based upon the Multi-bank Model基于多银行模式证券公司客户交易结算第三方存管模式银行端管理系统设计

6.The Study on the Sustainable Urban Transportation Mode;可持续发展的城市公共交通模式研究

7.The Research of Concentrated Trade Implementation Mode in SW Securities Company;SW证券公司集中交易实施模式研究

8.Initial Research on Applying the Multi-Routes Model for Bus Operations in China;公交区域运营模式在我国的应用研究

9.Establishing the talent training mode ofmajor of traffic management;公安交通管理专业人才培养模式简论

10.Bus Rapid Transit Operation Mode Analysis and Adaptability Research快速公交运营模式分析及适应性研究

11.Innovation in Rural Passenger Transport:A Regionalized Bus Operation Mode农村客运改革:公交化及区域模式?

12.Exploring Transit-Oriented mode of Metropolis Development面向公共交通的大城市发展模式探析

13.Optimization Model and Algorithm Research of Multi-objective Public Transportation Network多目标公交线网优化模型及算法研究

14.Study of Public Transit-oriented Urban Traffic Development Mode以公共交通为主导的城市交通发展模式的研究

15.1. Large-Scale, Multi-Form and Wide-Range Cooperation and Exchange1、合作交流规模大、形式多、领域广。

16.Study on the Combined Multi-Mode Split and Trip Assignment Model;联合多方式划分/交通分配模型的研究

17.Research of "2 VS.2" Multi-phase Normative Combating Pattern;“2对2”多阶段规范交战模式研究

18.On Audience in Written Communication--Toward a Model of Multiple Audiences;论书面交际中多元化读者模式的建构


Multi-modal public transport多模式公交

3)rapid public traffic mode快速公交模式

1.So the three-dimensionalrapid public traffic mode is introduced and hopes it can provide a reference to enhance the public tr.公共交通要想真正提高竞争力,有效替代私家车,缓解城市交通问题,关键就是要确保在居民出行的全过程中乘坐时的快速性和换乘时的便利性,然而这需要整个公交系统的相互协调,并非哪一种模式能够完全解决,故引入立体式的快速公交模式,应该能为提高城市公交运行效率提供参考。

4)bus reform models公交改革模式

5)three-hierarchy public transportation modal三级公交模式

6)bus operation modes公交运营模式


