2000字范文 > 公交企业 public transport enterprise英语短句 例句大全

公交企业 public transport enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-09 14:24:50


公交企业 public transport enterprise英语短句 例句大全

公交企业,public transport enterprise

1)public transport enterprise公交企业

1.Discussion initially on how to conceive "psychology contact" betweenpublic transport enterprise and drivers;公交企业如何与驾驶员构建“心理契约”初探


1.To Construct a Harmonious Public Transportation System Based on the Xichang Enterprise Culture;以西长公交企业文化为核心构建和谐公交

2.Study of Calculating Informatization Level for Public Traffic Enterprises in Urban;城市公交企业信息化水平测算的研究

3.Research on Quality Measures of Service Reliability of Transit Bus Based on Agency Perspective基于公交企业观点的公交服务可靠性评价指标研究

4.The Application and Research of L-ERP System in C Bus Company of Shanghai;L-ERP系统在上海C公交企业的应用研究

5.Discussion initially on how to conceive "psychology contact" between public transport enterprise and drivers;公交企业如何与驾驶员构建“心理契约”初探

6.On government subsidiary in public utility’s cost rule--take SZ public enterprise as example试论财政对公共产品补贴机制中的成本规制——以深圳公交企业为例

7.Energy-saving and Ejection-decreasing is Significant for the Sustainable Development of Bus Enterprise;节能减排对公交企业的可持续发展具有重要意义

8.Corporate Communications Department [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited]企业传讯部〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

9.Study on the Human Resource Management of Urban Public Transportation Enterprises;城市公共交通企业人力资源管理研究

10.Information Technology--Enterprise Systems Department [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited]信息科技─企业系统部〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

11.Research on Technical Efficiency and Its Affecting Factors of Beijing Public Traffic Enterprises北京市公共交通企业效率及其影响因素研究

12.Research on Effect of Cross-shareholdings to Enterprise Value of Chinese Listed Companies我国上市公司交叉持股对企业价值影响研究

13.Foreign sports enterprises reorganize the resources,( promote) the enterprises" images and push the blending development of sports industry when carrying out strategic alliance.国外体育企业开展战略联盟整合了公司资源,提升了公司的企业形象,促进了产业的交融发展。

14.On Correlations between Internal Incentives within Enterprise and Firm Efficiency--Based on an empirical study on the nexus between information technology industry and transportation and warehousing industry企业内部激励与企业效率——基于信息行业与交通运输仓储行业上市公司数据的比较分析

15.Where the name of a branch changes due to the change of the name of the company, a duplicate of the company"s Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be submitted.因公司名称变更而变更分公司名称的,应当提交公司的《企业法人营业执照》复印件。

16.And an individual proprietor, by law, pays fewer taxes and at a lower rate than does a corporation.根据法律规定,个体企业比起公司来应交纳的税少,税率也低。

17.EXAMPLE: Shenzhen hopes eventually to widen the pool of companies on its new board to about50.例证:深圳证交所希望中小企业板最终能扩展到50家上市公司。

18.We have bought a piece of land from another enterprise. How shall I pay the deed tax?纳税人:我公司受让了其他企业的一块土地,请问如何交纳契税?


public traffic enterprises公共交通企业

3)Public Transport Enterprises公交服务企业

4)urban public transport enterprise城市公共交通企业

5)public transportation state-owned enterprise公交国企

1.For a long time, our country spublic transportation state-owned enterprise s reform process lagged in the economic development, it influenced public transportation enterprise and even the regional public transportation enterprise s overall achievements seriously and finally restricted the promotion of the city s competitive power.长期以来,我国的公交国企改革进程滞后于经济发展,严重影响了公交企业乃至区域性公交事业的整体绩效,最终制约了城市竞争力的提升。

6)corporate citizenship企业公民

1.The Survival Paradox of Corporate Citizenship and Its Solutions——From the View of Environmental Protection;企业公民的生存悖论及求解——从环境保护的视角

2.China s choice of path-buildingcorporate citizenship;我国企业公民建设的路径选择

3.With the development of medical trades,activities and management of the medical systems always neglect the consciousness ofcorporate citizenship and social responsibility.指出了医药行业对企业公民和企业社会责任的忽视,分析了企业公民和企业社会责任在医药行业发展中的对应要求,强调了医药行业在注重经济利益的同时,要充分重视对社会责任的承担,并从医药行业作为社会事业的角度,提出了树立企业公民意识对提升医药事业发展境界的必要性和重要性。


